J |
Name | Schema Table | Database | Description | Type | Length | Unit | Default Value | Unified Content Descriptor |
j_1AperMag3 |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Default point source J_1 aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1AperMag3 |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Default point source J_1 aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) If in doubt use this flux estimator |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1AperMag3Err |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in default point source J_1 mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1AperMag4 |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source J_1 aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1AperMag4Err |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in point source J_1 mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1AperMag6 |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source J_1 aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1AperMag6Err |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in point source J_1 mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1Class |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
discrete image classification flag in J_1 |
smallint |
2 |
-9999 |
j_1ClassStat |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in J_1 |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1Deblend |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in J_1 |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
j_1Deblend |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in J_1 |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
This CASU pipeline processing source extraction flag is a placeholder only, and is always set to zero in all passbands in the merged source lists. If you need to know when a particular image detection is a component of a deblend or not, test bit 4 of attribute ppErrBits (see corresponding glossary entry) which is set by WFAU's post-processing software based on testing the areal profiles aprof2-8 (these are set by CASU to -1 for deblended components, or positive values for non-deblended detections). We encode this in an information bit of ppErrBits for convenience when querying the merged source tables. |
j_1Ell |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in J_1 |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1eNum |
[nspid]MergeLog, [nspid]YJHKmergeLog |
WSA NonSurvey |
the extension number of this J_1 frame |
tinyint |
1 |
j_1ErrBits |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
processing warning/error bitwise flags in J_1 |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
j_1ErrBits |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
processing warning/error bitwise flags in J_1 |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture. |
j_1Eta |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset of J_1 detection from master position (+north/-south) |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1Eta |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset of J_1 detection from master position (+north/-south) |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands. |
j_1Gausig |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
RMS of axes of ellipse fit in J_1 |
real |
4 |
pixels |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1HallMag |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Total point source J_1 mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1HallMagErr |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in total point source J_1 mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1mfID |
[nspid]MergeLog, [nspid]YJHKmergeLog |
WSA NonSurvey |
the UID of the relevant J_1 multiframe |
bigint |
8 |
j_1mhExt |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_1-H (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1mhExt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_1-H (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mhExtErr |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_1-H |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1mhExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_1-H |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mhPnt |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_1-H (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1mhPnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_1-H (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mhPntErr |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_1-H |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1mhPntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_1-H |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mj_1Ext |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_1-J_1 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mj_1ExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_1-J_1 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mj_1Pnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_1-J_1 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mj_1PntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_1-J_1 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mk_1Ext |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_1-K_1 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mk_1ExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_1-K_1 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mk_1Pnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_1-K_1 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mk_1PntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_1-K_1 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mk_2Ext |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_1-K_2 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mk_2ExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_1-K_2 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mk_2Pnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_1-K_2 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mk_2PntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_1-K_2 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mkExt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_1-K (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mkExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_1-K |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mkPnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_1-K (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1mkPntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_1-K |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_1PA |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
ellipse fit celestial orientation in J_1 |
real |
4 |
Degrees |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1PetroMag |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source J_1 mag (Petrosian) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1PetroMagErr |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in extended source J_1 mag (Petrosian) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1ppErrBits |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
additional WFAU post-processing error bits in J_1 |
int |
4 |
0 |
j_1ppErrBits |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
additional WFAU post-processing error bits in J_1 |
int |
4 |
0 |
Post-processing error quality bit flags assigned (NB: from UKIDSS DR2 release onwards) in the WSA curation procedure for survey data. From least to most significant byte in the 4-byte integer attribute byte 0 (bits 0 to 7) corresponds to information on generally innocuous conditions that are nonetheless potentially significant as regards the integrity of that detection; byte 1 (bits 8 to 15) corresponds to warnings; byte 2 (bits 16 to 23) corresponds to important warnings; and finally byte 3 (bits 24 to 31) corresponds to severe warnings: Byte | Bit | Detection quality issue | Threshold or bit mask | Applies to | | | | Decimal | Hexadecimal | | 0 | 4 | Deblended | 16 | 0x00000010 | All VDFS catalogues | 0 | 6 | Bad pixel(s) in default aperture | 64 | 0x00000040 | All VDFS catalogues | 1 | 15 | Source in poor flat field region | 32768 | 0x00008000 | All but mosaics | 2 | 16 | Close to saturated | 65536 | 0x00010000 | All VDFS catalogues (though deeps excluded prior to DR8) | 2 | 17 | Photometric calibration probably subject to systematic error | 131072 | 0x00020000 | GPS only | 2 | 19 | Possible crosstalk artefact/contamination | 524288 | 0x00080000 | All but GPS | 2 | 22 | Lies within a dither offset of the stacked frame boundary | 4194304 | 0x00400000 | All but mosaics | In this way, the higher the error quality bit flag value, the more likely it is that the detection is spurious. The decimal threshold (column 4) gives the minimum value of the quality flag for a detection having the given condition (since other bits in the flag may be set also; the corresponding hexadecimal value, where each digit corresponds to 4 bits in the flag, can be easier to compute when writing SQL queries to test for a given condition). For example, to exclude all K band sources in the LAS having any error quality condition other than informational ones, include a predicate ... AND kppErrBits ≤ 255. See the SQL Cookbook and other online pages for further information. |
j_1PsfMag |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source profile-fitted J_1 mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1PsfMagErr |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in point source profile-fitted J_1 mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1SeqNum |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
the running number of the J_1 detection |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
j_1SerMag2D |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source J_1 mag (profile-fitted) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1SerMag2DErr |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in extended source J_1 mag (profile-fitted) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1Xi |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset of J_1 detection from master position (+east/-west) |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_1Xi |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset of J_1 detection from master position (+east/-west) |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands. |
j_2AperMag3 |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Default point source J_2 aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2AperMag3 |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Default point source J_2 aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) If in doubt use this flux estimator |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2AperMag3Err |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in default point source J_2 mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2AperMag4 |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source J_2 aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2AperMag4Err |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in point source J_2 mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2AperMag6 |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source J_2 aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2AperMag6Err |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in point source J_2 mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2Class |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
discrete image classification flag in J_2 |
smallint |
2 |
-9999 |
j_2ClassStat |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in J_2 |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2Deblend |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in J_2 |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
j_2Deblend |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in J_2 |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
This CASU pipeline processing source extraction flag is a placeholder only, and is always set to zero in all passbands in the merged source lists. If you need to know when a particular image detection is a component of a deblend or not, test bit 4 of attribute ppErrBits (see corresponding glossary entry) which is set by WFAU's post-processing software based on testing the areal profiles aprof2-8 (these are set by CASU to -1 for deblended components, or positive values for non-deblended detections). We encode this in an information bit of ppErrBits for convenience when querying the merged source tables. |
j_2Ell |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in J_2 |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2eNum |
[nspid]MergeLog, [nspid]YJHKmergeLog |
WSA NonSurvey |
the extension number of this J_2 frame |
tinyint |
1 |
j_2ErrBits |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
processing warning/error bitwise flags in J_2 |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
j_2ErrBits |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
processing warning/error bitwise flags in J_2 |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture. |
j_2Eta |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset of J_2 detection from master position (+north/-south) |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2Eta |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset of J_2 detection from master position (+north/-south) |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands. |
j_2Gausig |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
RMS of axes of ellipse fit in J_2 |
real |
4 |
pixels |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2HallMag |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Total point source J_2 mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2HallMagErr |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in total point source J_2 mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2mfID |
[nspid]MergeLog, [nspid]YJHKmergeLog |
WSA NonSurvey |
the UID of the relevant J_2 multiframe |
bigint |
8 |
j_2mhExt |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_2-H (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2mhExt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_2-H (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mhExtErr |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_2-H |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2mhExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_2-H |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mhPnt |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_2-H (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2mhPnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_2-H (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mhPntErr |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_2-H |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2mhPntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_2-H |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mj_2Ext |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_2-J_2 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mj_2ExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_2-J_2 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mj_2Pnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_2-J_2 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mj_2PntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_2-J_2 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mk_1Ext |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_2-K_1 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mk_1ExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_2-K_1 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mk_1Pnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_2-K_1 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mk_1PntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_2-K_1 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mk_2Ext |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_2-K_2 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mk_2ExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_2-K_2 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mk_2Pnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_2-K_2 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mk_2PntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_2-K_2 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mkExt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_2-K (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mkExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_2-K |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mkPnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_2-K (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2mkPntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_2-K |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_2PA |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
ellipse fit celestial orientation in J_2 |
real |
4 |
Degrees |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2PetroMag |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source J_2 mag (Petrosian) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2PetroMagErr |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in extended source J_2 mag (Petrosian) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2ppErrBits |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
additional WFAU post-processing error bits in J_2 |
int |
4 |
0 |
j_2ppErrBits |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
additional WFAU post-processing error bits in J_2 |
int |
4 |
0 |
Post-processing error quality bit flags assigned (NB: from UKIDSS DR2 release onwards) in the WSA curation procedure for survey data. From least to most significant byte in the 4-byte integer attribute byte 0 (bits 0 to 7) corresponds to information on generally innocuous conditions that are nonetheless potentially significant as regards the integrity of that detection; byte 1 (bits 8 to 15) corresponds to warnings; byte 2 (bits 16 to 23) corresponds to important warnings; and finally byte 3 (bits 24 to 31) corresponds to severe warnings: Byte | Bit | Detection quality issue | Threshold or bit mask | Applies to | | | | Decimal | Hexadecimal | | 0 | 4 | Deblended | 16 | 0x00000010 | All VDFS catalogues | 0 | 6 | Bad pixel(s) in default aperture | 64 | 0x00000040 | All VDFS catalogues | 1 | 15 | Source in poor flat field region | 32768 | 0x00008000 | All but mosaics | 2 | 16 | Close to saturated | 65536 | 0x00010000 | All VDFS catalogues (though deeps excluded prior to DR8) | 2 | 17 | Photometric calibration probably subject to systematic error | 131072 | 0x00020000 | GPS only | 2 | 19 | Possible crosstalk artefact/contamination | 524288 | 0x00080000 | All but GPS | 2 | 22 | Lies within a dither offset of the stacked frame boundary | 4194304 | 0x00400000 | All but mosaics | In this way, the higher the error quality bit flag value, the more likely it is that the detection is spurious. The decimal threshold (column 4) gives the minimum value of the quality flag for a detection having the given condition (since other bits in the flag may be set also; the corresponding hexadecimal value, where each digit corresponds to 4 bits in the flag, can be easier to compute when writing SQL queries to test for a given condition). For example, to exclude all K band sources in the LAS having any error quality condition other than informational ones, include a predicate ... AND kppErrBits ≤ 255. See the SQL Cookbook and other online pages for further information. |
j_2PsfMag |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source profile-fitted J_2 mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2PsfMagErr |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in point source profile-fitted J_2 mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2SeqNum |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
the running number of the J_2 detection |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
j_2SerMag2D |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source J_2 mag (profile-fitted) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2SerMag2DErr |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in extended source J_2 mag (profile-fitted) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2Xi |
[nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset of J_2 detection from master position (+east/-west) |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_2Xi |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset of J_2 detection from master position (+east/-west) |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands. |
j_3AperMag3 |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Default point source J_3 aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) If in doubt use this flux estimator |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3AperMag3Err |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in default point source J_3 mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3AperMag4 |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source J_3 aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3AperMag4Err |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in point source J_3 mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3AperMag6 |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source J_3 aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3AperMag6Err |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in point source J_3 mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3Class |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
discrete image classification flag in J_3 |
smallint |
2 |
-9999 |
j_3ClassStat |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in J_3 |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3Deblend |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in J_3 |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
This CASU pipeline processing source extraction flag is a placeholder only, and is always set to zero in all passbands in the merged source lists. If you need to know when a particular image detection is a component of a deblend or not, test bit 4 of attribute ppErrBits (see corresponding glossary entry) which is set by WFAU's post-processing software based on testing the areal profiles aprof2-8 (these are set by CASU to -1 for deblended components, or positive values for non-deblended detections). We encode this in an information bit of ppErrBits for convenience when querying the merged source tables. |
j_3Ell |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in J_3 |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3eNum |
[nspid]MergeLog |
WSA NonSurvey |
the extension number of this J_3 frame |
tinyint |
1 |
j_3ErrBits |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
processing warning/error bitwise flags in J_3 |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture. |
j_3Eta |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset of J_3 detection from master position (+north/-south) |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands. |
j_3Gausig |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
RMS of axes of ellipse fit in J_3 |
real |
4 |
pixels |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3HallMag |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Total point source J_3 mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3HallMagErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in total point source J_3 mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3mfID |
[nspid]MergeLog |
WSA NonSurvey |
the UID of the relevant J_3 multiframe |
bigint |
8 |
j_3mk_1Ext |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_3-K_1 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_3mk_1ExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_3-K_1 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_3mk_1Pnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_3-K_1 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_3mk_1PntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_3-K_1 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_3mk_2Ext |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_3-K_2 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_3mk_2ExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_3-K_2 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_3mk_2Pnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_3-K_2 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_3mk_2PntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_3-K_2 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_3mkExt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_3-K (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_3mkExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_3-K |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_3mkPnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_3-K (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_3mkPntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_3-K |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_3PA |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
ellipse fit celestial orientation in J_3 |
real |
4 |
Degrees |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3PetroMag |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source J_3 mag (Petrosian) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3PetroMagErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in extended source J_3 mag (Petrosian) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3ppErrBits |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
additional WFAU post-processing error bits in J_3 |
int |
4 |
0 |
Post-processing error quality bit flags assigned (NB: from UKIDSS DR2 release onwards) in the WSA curation procedure for survey data. From least to most significant byte in the 4-byte integer attribute byte 0 (bits 0 to 7) corresponds to information on generally innocuous conditions that are nonetheless potentially significant as regards the integrity of that detection; byte 1 (bits 8 to 15) corresponds to warnings; byte 2 (bits 16 to 23) corresponds to important warnings; and finally byte 3 (bits 24 to 31) corresponds to severe warnings: Byte | Bit | Detection quality issue | Threshold or bit mask | Applies to | | | | Decimal | Hexadecimal | | 0 | 4 | Deblended | 16 | 0x00000010 | All VDFS catalogues | 0 | 6 | Bad pixel(s) in default aperture | 64 | 0x00000040 | All VDFS catalogues | 1 | 15 | Source in poor flat field region | 32768 | 0x00008000 | All but mosaics | 2 | 16 | Close to saturated | 65536 | 0x00010000 | All VDFS catalogues (though deeps excluded prior to DR8) | 2 | 17 | Photometric calibration probably subject to systematic error | 131072 | 0x00020000 | GPS only | 2 | 19 | Possible crosstalk artefact/contamination | 524288 | 0x00080000 | All but GPS | 2 | 22 | Lies within a dither offset of the stacked frame boundary | 4194304 | 0x00400000 | All but mosaics | In this way, the higher the error quality bit flag value, the more likely it is that the detection is spurious. The decimal threshold (column 4) gives the minimum value of the quality flag for a detection having the given condition (since other bits in the flag may be set also; the corresponding hexadecimal value, where each digit corresponds to 4 bits in the flag, can be easier to compute when writing SQL queries to test for a given condition). For example, to exclude all K band sources in the LAS having any error quality condition other than informational ones, include a predicate ... AND kppErrBits ≤ 255. See the SQL Cookbook and other online pages for further information. |
j_3PsfMag |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source profile-fitted J_3 mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3PsfMagErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in point source profile-fitted J_3 mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3SeqNum |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
the running number of the J_3 detection |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
j_3SerMag2D |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source J_3 mag (profile-fitted) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3SerMag2DErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in extended source J_3 mag (profile-fitted) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_3Xi |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset of J_3 detection from master position (+east/-west) |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands. |
j_4AperMag3 |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Default point source J_4 aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) If in doubt use this flux estimator |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4AperMag3Err |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in default point source J_4 mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4AperMag4 |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source J_4 aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4AperMag4Err |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in point source J_4 mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4AperMag6 |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source J_4 aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4AperMag6Err |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in point source J_4 mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4Class |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
discrete image classification flag in J_4 |
smallint |
2 |
-9999 |
j_4ClassStat |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in J_4 |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4Deblend |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in J_4 |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
This CASU pipeline processing source extraction flag is a placeholder only, and is always set to zero in all passbands in the merged source lists. If you need to know when a particular image detection is a component of a deblend or not, test bit 4 of attribute ppErrBits (see corresponding glossary entry) which is set by WFAU's post-processing software based on testing the areal profiles aprof2-8 (these are set by CASU to -1 for deblended components, or positive values for non-deblended detections). We encode this in an information bit of ppErrBits for convenience when querying the merged source tables. |
j_4Ell |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in J_4 |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4eNum |
[nspid]MergeLog |
WSA NonSurvey |
the extension number of this J_4 frame |
tinyint |
1 |
j_4ErrBits |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
processing warning/error bitwise flags in J_4 |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture. |
j_4Eta |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset of J_4 detection from master position (+north/-south) |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands. |
j_4Gausig |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
RMS of axes of ellipse fit in J_4 |
real |
4 |
pixels |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4HallMag |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Total point source J_4 mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4HallMagErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in total point source J_4 mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4mfID |
[nspid]MergeLog |
WSA NonSurvey |
the UID of the relevant J_4 multiframe |
bigint |
8 |
j_4mk_1Ext |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_4-K_1 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_4mk_1ExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_4-K_1 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_4mk_1Pnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_4-K_1 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_4mk_1PntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_4-K_1 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_4mk_2Ext |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_4-K_2 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_4mk_2ExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_4-K_2 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_4mk_2Pnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_4-K_2 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_4mk_2PntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_4-K_2 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_4mkExt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J_4-K (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_4mkExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J_4-K |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_4mkPnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J_4-K (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_4mkPntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J_4-K |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
j_4PA |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
ellipse fit celestial orientation in J_4 |
real |
4 |
Degrees |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4PetroMag |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source J_4 mag (Petrosian) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4PetroMagErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in extended source J_4 mag (Petrosian) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4ppErrBits |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
additional WFAU post-processing error bits in J_4 |
int |
4 |
0 |
Post-processing error quality bit flags assigned (NB: from UKIDSS DR2 release onwards) in the WSA curation procedure for survey data. From least to most significant byte in the 4-byte integer attribute byte 0 (bits 0 to 7) corresponds to information on generally innocuous conditions that are nonetheless potentially significant as regards the integrity of that detection; byte 1 (bits 8 to 15) corresponds to warnings; byte 2 (bits 16 to 23) corresponds to important warnings; and finally byte 3 (bits 24 to 31) corresponds to severe warnings: Byte | Bit | Detection quality issue | Threshold or bit mask | Applies to | | | | Decimal | Hexadecimal | | 0 | 4 | Deblended | 16 | 0x00000010 | All VDFS catalogues | 0 | 6 | Bad pixel(s) in default aperture | 64 | 0x00000040 | All VDFS catalogues | 1 | 15 | Source in poor flat field region | 32768 | 0x00008000 | All but mosaics | 2 | 16 | Close to saturated | 65536 | 0x00010000 | All VDFS catalogues (though deeps excluded prior to DR8) | 2 | 17 | Photometric calibration probably subject to systematic error | 131072 | 0x00020000 | GPS only | 2 | 19 | Possible crosstalk artefact/contamination | 524288 | 0x00080000 | All but GPS | 2 | 22 | Lies within a dither offset of the stacked frame boundary | 4194304 | 0x00400000 | All but mosaics | In this way, the higher the error quality bit flag value, the more likely it is that the detection is spurious. The decimal threshold (column 4) gives the minimum value of the quality flag for a detection having the given condition (since other bits in the flag may be set also; the corresponding hexadecimal value, where each digit corresponds to 4 bits in the flag, can be easier to compute when writing SQL queries to test for a given condition). For example, to exclude all K band sources in the LAS having any error quality condition other than informational ones, include a predicate ... AND kppErrBits ≤ 255. See the SQL Cookbook and other online pages for further information. |
j_4PsfMag |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source profile-fitted J_4 mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4PsfMagErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in point source profile-fitted J_4 mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4SeqNum |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
the running number of the J_4 detection |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
j_4SerMag2D |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source J_4 mag (profile-fitted) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4SerMag2DErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in extended source J_4 mag (profile-fitted) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
j_4Xi |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset of J_4 detection from master position (+east/-west) |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands. |
jAperMag1 |
[nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]PointSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Default point source J aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag1 |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Default point source J aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) If in doubt use this flux estimator |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag1 |
[nspid]SynopticSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source J aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag1Err |
[nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in point source J mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag1Err |
[nspid]SynopticSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in extended source J mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag2 |
[nspid]SynopticSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source J aperture corrected mag (1.4 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag2Err |
[nspid]SynopticSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in extended source J mag (1.4 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag3 |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Default point source J aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag3 |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Default point/extended source J mag, no aperture correction applied If in doubt use this flux estimator |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag3 |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Default point source J aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) If in doubt use this flux estimator |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag3 |
[nspid]SynopticSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Default point/extended source J aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag3 |
[nspid]UdsSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Default point/extended source J mag, no aperture correction applied |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag3Err |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in default point source J mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag3Err |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]SynopticSource, [nspid]UdsSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in default point/extended source J mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag4 |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source J aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag4 |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]UdsSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source J mag, no aperture correction applied |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag4 |
[nspid]SynopticSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source J aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag4Err |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in point source J mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag4Err |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]SynopticSource, [nspid]UdsSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in extended source J mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag5 |
[nspid]SynopticSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source J aperture corrected mag (4.0 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag5Err |
[nspid]SynopticSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in extended source J mag (4.0 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag6 |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source J aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag6 |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]UdsSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source J mag, no aperture correction applied |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag6Err |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in point source J mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jAperMag6Err |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]UdsSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in extended source J mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jaStratAst |
[nspid]VarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Strateva parameter, a, in fit to astrometric rms vs magnitude in J band, see Sesar et al. 2007. |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
The best fit solution to the expected RMS position around the mean for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. |
jaStratPht |
[nspid]QsoMapVarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Strateva parameter, a, in fit to photometric rms vs magnitude in J band, see Sesar et al. 2007. |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
stat.fit.param;em.IR.J |
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. |
jaStratPht |
[nspid]VarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Strateva parameter, a, in fit to photometric rms vs magnitude in J band, see Sesar et al. 2007. |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. |
jbestAper |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Best aperture (1-3) for photometric statistics in the J band |
int |
4 |
-9999 |
Aperture magnitude (1-6) which gives the lowest RMS for the object. All apertures have the appropriate aperture correction. This can give better values in crowded regions than aperMag3 (see Irwin et al. 2007, MNRAS, 375, 1449) |
jbestAper |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Best aperture (1-6) for photometric statistics in the J band |
int |
4 |
-9999 |
Aperture magnitude (1-6) which gives the lowest RMS for the object. All apertures have the appropriate aperture correction. This can give better values in crowded regions than aperMag3 (see Irwin et al. 2007, MNRAS, 375, 1449) |
jbStratAst |
[nspid]VarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Strateva parameter, b, in fit to astrometric rms vs magnitude in J band, see Sesar et al. 2007. |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
The best fit solution to the expected RMS position around the mean for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. |
jbStratPht |
[nspid]QsoMapVarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Strateva parameter, b, in fit to photometric rms vs magnitude in J band, see Sesar et al. 2007. |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
stat.fit.param;em.IR.J |
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. |
jbStratPht |
[nspid]VarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Strateva parameter, b, in fit to photometric rms vs magnitude in J band, see Sesar et al. 2007. |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. |
jchiSqAst |
[nspid]VarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Goodness of fit of Strateva function to astrometric data in J band |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
The best fit solution to the expected RMS position around the mean for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. |
jchiSqpd |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Chi square (per degree of freedom) fit to data (mean and expected rms) |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3. |
jchiSqPht |
[nspid]QsoMapVarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Goodness of fit of Strateva function to photometric data in J band |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
stat.fit.goodness;em.IR.J |
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. |
jchiSqPht |
[nspid]VarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Goodness of fit of Strateva function to photometric data in J band |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. |
jClass |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]SynopticSource, [nspid]UdsSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
discrete image classification flag in J |
smallint |
2 |
-9999 |
jClassStat |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]SynopticSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in J |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
jClassStat |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]UdsSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
S-Extractor classification statistic in J |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
jcStratAst |
[nspid]VarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Strateva parameter, c, in fit to astrometric rms vs magnitude in J band, see Sesar et al. 2007. |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
The best fit solution to the expected RMS position around the mean for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. |
jcStratPht |
[nspid]QsoMapVarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Strateva parameter, c, in fit to photometric rms vs magnitude in J band, see Sesar et al. 2007. |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
stat.fit.param;em.IR.J |
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. |
jcStratPht |
[nspid]VarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Strateva parameter, c, in fit to photometric rms vs magnitude in J band, see Sesar et al. 2007. |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. |
jDeblend |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]SynopticSource, [nspid]UdsSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in J |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
jDeblend |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in J |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
This CASU pipeline processing source extraction flag is a placeholder only, and is always set to zero in all passbands in the merged source lists. If you need to know when a particular image detection is a component of a deblend or not, test bit 4 of attribute ppErrBits (see corresponding glossary entry) which is set by WFAU's post-processing software based on testing the areal profiles aprof2-8 (these are set by CASU to -1 for deblended components, or positive values for non-deblended detections). We encode this in an information bit of ppErrBits for convenience when querying the merged source tables. |
jEll |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]SynopticSource, [nspid]UdsSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in J |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
jeNum |
[nspid]JHKmergeLog, [nspid]JKmergeLog |
WSA NonSurvey |
the extension number of this frame |
tinyint |
1 |
jeNum |
[nspid]MergeLog, [nspid]SynopticMergeLog, [nspid]YJHKmergeLog, [nspid]ZYJHKmergeLog |
WSA NonSurvey |
the extension number of this J frame |
tinyint |
1 |
jErrBits |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]UdsSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
processing warning/error bitwise flags in J |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
jErrBits |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
processing warning/error bitwise flags in J |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
This uses the FLAGS attribute in SE. The individual bit flags that this can be decomposed into are as follows: Bit Flag | Meaning | | 1 | The object has neighbours, bright enough and close enough to significantly bias the MAG_AUTO photometry or bad pixels (more than 10% of photometry affected). | | 2 | The object was originally blended with another | | 4 | At least one pixel is saturated (or very close to) | | 8 | The object is truncated (too close to an image boundary) | | 16 | Object's aperture data are incomplete or corrupted | | 32 | Object's isophotal data are imcomplete or corrupted. This is an old flag inherited from SE v1.0, and is kept for compatability reasons. It doesn't have any consequence for the extracted parameters. | | 64 | Memory overflow occurred during deblending | | 128 | Memory overflow occurred during extraction | |
jErrBits |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]SynopticSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
processing warning/error bitwise flags in J |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture. |
jEta |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]UdsSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset of J detection from master position (+north/-south) |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
jEta |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]SynopticSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset of J detection from master position (+north/-south) |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands. |
jexpML |
[nspid]QsoMapVarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Expected magnitude limit of frameSet in this in J band. |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
phot.mag;em.IR.J;stat.max |
jexpML |
[nspid]VarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Expected magnitude limit of frameSet in this in J band. |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
The expected magnitude limit of an intermediate stack, based on the total exposure time. expML=Filter.oneSecML+1.25*log10(totalExpTime). Since different intermediate stacks can have different exposure times, the totalExpTime is the minimum, as long as the number of stacks with this minimum make up 10% of the total. This is a more conservative treatment than just taking the mean or median total exposure time. |
jExpRms |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Rms calculated from polynomial fit to modal RMS as a function of magnitude in J band |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3. |
jGausig |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]SynopticSource, [nspid]UdsSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
RMS of axes of ellipse fit in J |
real |
4 |
pixels |
-0.9999995e9 |
jHallMag |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Total point source J mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jHallMag |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]UdsSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Not available in SE output |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jHallMagErr |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in total point source J mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jHallMagErr |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]UdsSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Not available in SE output |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jhiWS |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Welch-Stetson statistic between J and H. This assumes colour does not vary much and helps remove variation due to a few poor detections |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
The Welch-Stetson statistic is a measure of the correlation of the variability between two bands. We use the calculation in Welch D.L. and Stetson P.B. 1993, AJ, 105, 5, which is also used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. We use the aperMag3 magnitude when comparing between bands. |
jIntRms |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Intrinsic rms in J-band |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3. |
jisDefAst |
[nspid]VarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Use a default model for the astrometric noise in J band. |
tinyint |
1 |
0 |
jisDefPht |
[nspid]QsoMapVarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Use a default model for the photometric noise in J band. |
tinyint |
1 |
0 |
meta.code;em.IR.J |
jisDefPht |
[nspid]VarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Use a default model for the photometric noise in J band. |
tinyint |
1 |
0 |
jitterID |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Serial number in this telescope jitter pattern {image primary HDU keyword: JITTER_I} |
smallint |
2 |
-9999 |
meta.id |
jitterX |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
X (RA) offset in tel jitter pattern {image primary HDU keyword: JITTER_X} |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
pos.eq.ra;arith.diff |
jitterY |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Y (Dec) offset in tel jitter pattern {image primary HDU keyword: JITTER_Y} |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
pos.eq.dec;arith.diff |
jMag |
[nspid]FSstars |
WSA NonSurvey |
J band total magnitude on the MKO(UFTI) system |
real |
4 |
mag |
phot.mag |
jMagErr |
[nspid]FSstars |
WSA NonSurvey |
J band magnitude error |
real |
4 |
mag |
stat.error |
jMagMAD |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Median Absolute Deviation of J magnitude |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3. |
jMagRms |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
rms of J magnitude |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3. |
jmaxCadence |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
maximum gap between observations |
real |
4 |
days |
-0.9999995e9 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jMaxMag |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Maximum magnitude in J band, of good detections |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3. |
jmeanMag |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Mean J magnitude |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3. |
jmedCadence |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
median gap between observations |
real |
4 |
days |
-0.9999995e9 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jmedianMag |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Median J magnitude |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3. |
jmfID |
[nspid]JHKmergeLog, [nspid]JKmergeLog |
WSA NonSurvey |
the UID of the relevant multiframe |
bigint |
8 |
jmfID |
[nspid]MergeLog, [nspid]SynopticMergeLog, [nspid]YJHKmergeLog, [nspid]ZYJHKmergeLog |
WSA NonSurvey |
the UID of the relevant J multiframe |
bigint |
8 |
jmhExt |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]UdsSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J-H (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jmhExt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J-H (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
jmhExtErr |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]UdsSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J-H |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jmhExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J-H |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
jmhPnt |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]UdsSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J-H (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jmhPnt |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]SynopticSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J-H (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
jmhPntErr |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]UdsSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J-H |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jmhPntErr |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]SynopticSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J-H |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
jminCadence |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
minimum gap between observations |
real |
4 |
days |
-0.9999995e9 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jMinMag |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Minimum magnitude in J band, of good detections |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3. |
jmk_1Ext |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J-K_1 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
jmk_1ExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J-K_1 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
jmk_1Pnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J-K_1 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
jmk_1PntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J-K_1 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
jmk_2Ext |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J-K_2 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
jmk_2ExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J-K_2 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
jmk_2Pnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J-K_2 (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
jmk_2PntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J-K_2 |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
jmkExt |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]JKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J-K (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jmkExt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source colour J-K (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
jmkExtErr |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]JKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J-K |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jmkExtErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on extended source colour J-K |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
jmkPnt |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]JKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J-K (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jmkPnt |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source colour J-K (using aperMag3) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
jmkPntErr |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]JKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J-K |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jmkPntErr |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error on point source colour J-K |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
Default colours from pairs of adjacent passbands within a given set (e.g. Y-J, J-H and H-K for YJHK) are recorded in the merged source table for ease of querying and speedy querying via indexing of these attributes. Presently, the point-source colours and extended source colours are computed from the aperture corrected AperMag3 fixed 2 arcsec aperture diameter measures (for consistent measurement across all passbands) and generally good signal-to-noise. At some point in the future, this may be changed such that point-source colours will be computed from the PSF-fitted measures and extended source colours computed from the 2-d Sersic model profile fits. |
jndof |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of degrees of freedom for chisquare |
smallint |
2 |
-9999 |
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3. |
jnDofAst |
[nspid]VarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of degrees of freedom of astrometric fit in J band. |
smallint |
2 |
-9999 |
The best fit solution to the expected RMS position around the mean for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. |
jnDofPht |
[nspid]QsoMapVarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of degrees of freedom of photometric fit in J band. |
smallint |
2 |
-9999 |
stat.fit.dof;stat.param;em.IR.J |
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. |
jnDofPht |
[nspid]VarFrameSetInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of degrees of freedom of photometric fit in J band. |
smallint |
2 |
-9999 |
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by calDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by dxsDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u05ah18aDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u05b12Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u05b13Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u05b17Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u05b3Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u05bh24Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u06a12Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u06a3Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u06ad5Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u06aj2Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u06b12Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u06b30Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u06b40Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u06bh22Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u06bj5Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u07a24Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u07ad2Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u07ah16Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u07ah32Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u07ah51Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u07b13Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u07b17Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u07b20Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u07b6Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u07bd2Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u08a15Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u08ah61Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u08bh2Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u08bh45Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u09ah33Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u09ak1Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u09b14Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u09b1Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u09bd1Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u09bd3Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u09bh14Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u09bh43Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u09bh4Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u09bh50Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u09bk1Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u09bk2Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10a6Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10ad1Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10ad3Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10ad6Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10ah42Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10ah99Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10aj2Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10aj5Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10ak1Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10ak2Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10ak3Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10ak4Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10b4Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10b8Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10bd01Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10bj2Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10bk1Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u10bk2Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u11ad2Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u11ah2aDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u11bd1Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u11bd2Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u11bh05aDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u11bh07aDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u11bk1Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u11bk2Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u11bk3Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u11bk4Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u11bk4bDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u11bk5Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u12ah11bDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u12ah17bDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u12ak1Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u12ak2Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u12ak3Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u12ak5Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u12bd1Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u12bd2Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u12bd3Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u12bd4Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u12bd7Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u12bk3Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u12bk4Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u13a01Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u13a06Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u13ad1Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u13ah28bDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u13akasi2Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u14bua06Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u14bua15Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u14bua16Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u14bua17Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u14bua18Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u15ah02Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u15ana05Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u15aua05aDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u15aua12aDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u15bh02Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u15bh11a1Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u15bua02aDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u15bua12aDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u15bua13aDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u15bua19Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u16ah02Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u16ah04Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u16ah06Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u16ah07Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u16ah08Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u16aua01Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u16aua08aDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u16aua18Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u16bh01Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u16bh03Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u16bh04Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u16bua02Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u17ah01Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u17ah03Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u17ah04Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u17ana01Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u17aua02Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u17aua03Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u17auo01Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u17bh01Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u17bh02Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u17bh03Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u17bna01Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u17buo01Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18ad01Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18aeap008Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18ah02aDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18ah02bDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18ah03Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18anav02Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18ancu01Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18bd02Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18beap001Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18beap002Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18bnav02Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18bnav03Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18bnav05Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18bnav06Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18bncu01Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18bncu03Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u18bncu04Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u19aeap001Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u19ah02Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u19ah05Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u19ancu01Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u19ancu02Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u19ancu03Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u19bh03Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u19bncu01Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by u19bncu02Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by ucmp4Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by udsDetection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by userv1671Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by userv1677Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by userv1735Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by userv1736Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by userv1737Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by userv1747Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by userv1762Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by userv1820Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by userv1836Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by wserv11Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by wserv12Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by wserv1Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by wserv2Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by wserv3Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by wserv4Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by wserv5Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by wserv6Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by wserv7Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by wserv8Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnFlaggedObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by wserv9Detection.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnGoodObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of good detections in J band |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jNgt3sig |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of good detections in J-band that are more than 3 sigma deviations (jAperMagN < (jMeanMag-3*jMagRms) |
smallint |
2 |
-9999 |
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3. |
jnMissingObs |
[nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of J band frames that this object should have been detected on and was not |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnNegFlagObs |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of flagged negative measurements in J band by wserv1000MapRemeasurement.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnNegObs |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of unflagged negative measurements J band |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnPosFlagObs |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of flagged positive measurements in J band by wserv1000MapRemeasurement.ppErrBits |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
jnPosObs |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Number of unflagged positive measurements in J band |
int |
4 |
0 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
joinCriterion |
[nspid]RequiredNeighbours |
WSA NonSurvey |
the join criterion (search radius for matches) |
real |
4 |
degrees |
?? |
jPA |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]SynopticSource, [nspid]UdsSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
ellipse fit celestial orientation in J |
real |
4 |
Degrees |
-0.9999995e9 |
jPetroMag |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]UdsSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source J mag (Petrosian) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jPetroMagErr |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]UdsSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in extended source J mag (Petrosian) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jppErrBits |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]UdsSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
additional WFAU post-processing error bits in J |
int |
4 |
0 |
jppErrBits |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]SynopticSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
additional WFAU post-processing error bits in J |
int |
4 |
0 |
Post-processing error quality bit flags assigned (NB: from UKIDSS DR2 release onwards) in the WSA curation procedure for survey data. From least to most significant byte in the 4-byte integer attribute byte 0 (bits 0 to 7) corresponds to information on generally innocuous conditions that are nonetheless potentially significant as regards the integrity of that detection; byte 1 (bits 8 to 15) corresponds to warnings; byte 2 (bits 16 to 23) corresponds to important warnings; and finally byte 3 (bits 24 to 31) corresponds to severe warnings: Byte | Bit | Detection quality issue | Threshold or bit mask | Applies to | | | | Decimal | Hexadecimal | | 0 | 4 | Deblended | 16 | 0x00000010 | All VDFS catalogues | 0 | 6 | Bad pixel(s) in default aperture | 64 | 0x00000040 | All VDFS catalogues | 1 | 15 | Source in poor flat field region | 32768 | 0x00008000 | All but mosaics | 2 | 16 | Close to saturated | 65536 | 0x00010000 | All VDFS catalogues (though deeps excluded prior to DR8) | 2 | 17 | Photometric calibration probably subject to systematic error | 131072 | 0x00020000 | GPS only | 2 | 19 | Possible crosstalk artefact/contamination | 524288 | 0x00080000 | All but GPS | 2 | 22 | Lies within a dither offset of the stacked frame boundary | 4194304 | 0x00400000 | All but mosaics | In this way, the higher the error quality bit flag value, the more likely it is that the detection is spurious. The decimal threshold (column 4) gives the minimum value of the quality flag for a detection having the given condition (since other bits in the flag may be set also; the corresponding hexadecimal value, where each digit corresponds to 4 bits in the flag, can be easier to compute when writing SQL queries to test for a given condition). For example, to exclude all K band sources in the LAS having any error quality condition other than informational ones, include a predicate ... AND kppErrBits ≤ 255. See the SQL Cookbook and other online pages for further information. |
jprobVar |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Probability of variable from chi-square (and other data) |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3. |
jPsfMag |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Point source profile-fitted J mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jPsfMag |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]UdsSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Not available in SE output |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jPsfMagErr |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in point source profile-fitted J mag |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jPsfMagErr |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]UdsSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Not available in SE output |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jSeqNum |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]SynopticSource, [nspid]UdsSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
the running number of the J detection |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
jSerMag2D |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Extended source J mag (profile-fitted) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jSerMag2D |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]UdsSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Not available in SE output |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jSerMag2DErr |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]Source, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Error in extended source J mag (profile-fitted) |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jSerMag2DErr |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]UdsSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Not available in SE output |
real |
4 |
mag |
-0.9999995e9 |
jskewness |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Skewness in J band (see Sesar et al. 2007) |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3. |
jtotalPeriod |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
total period of observations (last obs-first obs) |
real |
4 |
days |
-0.9999995e9 |
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable. |
julianDayNum |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
the Julian Day number of the UKIRT night |
int |
4 |
Julian days |
time.epoch |
julianDayNum |
[nspid]MultiframeDetector |
WSA NonSurvey |
the Julian Day number of the UKIRT night {image primary HDU keyword: UTDATE} |
int |
4 |
Julian days |
time.epoch |
jVarClass |
[nspid]QsoMapVariability, [nspid]Variability |
WSA NonSurvey |
Classification of variability in this band |
smallint |
2 |
-9999 |
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3. |
jXi |
[nspid]DxsSource, [nspid]ExtendedSource, [nspid]GcsPointSource, [nspid]GpsPointSource, [nspid]JHKsource, [nspid]JKsource, [nspid]LasPointSource, [nspid]PointSource, [nspid]UdsSource, [nspid]YJHKsource, [nspid]ZYJHKsource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset of J detection from master position (+east/-west) |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
jXi |
[nspid]Source, [nspid]SynopticSource |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset of J detection from master position (+east/-west) |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
-0.9999995e9 |
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands. |