G |
Name | Schema Table | Database | Description | Type | Length | Unit | Default Value | Unified Content Descriptor |
gain |
[nspid]MultiframeDetector |
WSA NonSurvey |
Detector gain {image extension keyword: GAIN} |
real |
4 |
electrons/ADU |
-0.9999995e9 |
?? |
gauSig |
[nspid]Detection |
WSA NonSurvey |
RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} |
real |
4 |
pixels |
Derived from the maximum and minimum spatial RMS of the object profile along any direction, ie. 0.5*(A_IMAGE² + B_IMAGE²)½ |
gauSig |
[nspid]Detection |
WSA NonSurvey |
RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} |
real |
4 |
pixels |
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½ |
gauSig |
[nspid]MapRemeasAver |
WSA NonSurvey |
Averaged RMS of axes of ellipse fit |
real |
4 |
pixels |
src.morph.param |
gauSig |
[nspid]MapRemeasurement |
WSA NonSurvey |
RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} |
real |
4 |
pixels |
src.morph.param |
Derived from the maximum and minimum spatial RMS of the object profile along any direction, ie. 0.5*(A_IMAGE² + B_IMAGE²)½ |
gauSig |
[nspid]UKIDSSDetection |
WSA NonSurvey |
RMS of axes of ellipse fit |
real |
4 |
pixels |
gpsEnd |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Date and time (UTC) of end of the observation from GPS data {image primary HDU keyword: GPS-END} |
datetime |
8 |
12-31-9999 |
time.epoch |
gpsObs |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Date and time (UTC) of start of the observation from GPS data {image primary HDU keyword: GPS-OBS} |
datetime |
8 |
12-31-9999 |
time.epoch |
grpMem |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Group membership (0=F, 1=T) {image primary HDU keyword: GRPMEM} |
tinyint |
1 |
0 |
grpNum |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Group number applied to all members {image primary HDU keyword: GRPNUM} |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
meta.number |
gsDec |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Declination of guide star {image primary HDU keyword: GSDEC} |
float |
8 |
degrees |
-0.9999995e9 |
pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
gsRa |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Right ascension of guide star {image primary HDU keyword: GSRA} |
float |
8 |
hours |
-0.9999995e9 |
pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
guiding |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Guider status (OFF|ON|PAUSED) {image primary HDU keyword: GUIDING} |
varchar |
10 |