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Glossary of WSA attributes

This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the UKIDSSDR11 database(s) held in the WSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the UKIDSSDR11 Schema Browser (other Browser versions).


NameSchema TableDatabaseDescriptionTypeLengthUnitDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
tableExtName MultiframeDetector WSA Extension name of source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword:  EXTNAME} varchar 16   NONE ??
tableExtName MultiframeDetector WSACalib Extension name of source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword:  EXTNAME} varchar 16   NONE ??
tableExtName MultiframeDetector WSATransit Extension name of source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword:  EXTNAME} varchar 16   NONE ??
tableExtName MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Extension name of source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword:  EXTNAME} varchar 16   NONE ??
tableFields MultiframeDetector WSA No. of fields per row in source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword:  TFIELDS} smallint 2   -9999 ??
tableFields MultiframeDetector WSACalib No. of fields per row in source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword:  TFIELDS} smallint 2   -9999 ??
tableFields MultiframeDetector WSATransit No. of fields per row in source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword:  TFIELDS} smallint 2   -9999 ??
tableFields MultiframeDetector WSAUHS No. of fields per row in source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword:  TFIELDS} smallint 2   -9999 ??
tableGcount MultiframeDetector WSA FITS binary table required keyword {catalogue extension keyword:  GCOUNT} smallint 2   -9999 ??
tableGcount MultiframeDetector WSACalib FITS binary table required keyword {catalogue extension keyword:  GCOUNT} smallint 2   -9999 ??
tableGcount MultiframeDetector WSATransit FITS binary table required keyword {catalogue extension keyword:  GCOUNT} smallint 2   -9999 ??
tableGcount MultiframeDetector WSAUHS FITS binary table required keyword {catalogue extension keyword:  GCOUNT} smallint 2   -9999 ??
tableID MapSurveyTables WSA the unique table ID int 4      
tableID MapSurveyTables WSAUHS the unique table ID int 4      
tableID ProgrammeTable WSA the unique table ID int 4     meta.id;meta.main
tableID ProgrammeTable WSACalib the unique table ID int 4     meta.id;meta.main
tableID ProgrammeTable WSATransit the unique table ID int 4     meta.id;meta.main
tableID ProgrammeTable WSAUHS the unique table ID int 4     meta.id;meta.main
tableID RequiredNeighbours WSA the unique identifier for the programme table int 4     meta.id
tableID RequiredNeighbours WSACalib the unique identifier for the programme table int 4     meta.id
tableID RequiredNeighbours WSATransit the unique identifier for the programme table int 4     meta.id
tableID RequiredNeighbours WSAUHS the unique identifier for the programme table int 4     meta.id
tableName ProgrammeTable WSA the name of the table varchar 256     meta.id;meta.dataset
tableName ProgrammeTable WSACalib the name of the table varchar 256     meta.id;meta.dataset
tableName ProgrammeTable WSATransit the name of the table varchar 256     meta.id;meta.dataset
tableName ProgrammeTable WSAUHS the name of the table varchar 256     meta.id;meta.dataset
tablePcount MultiframeDetector WSA FITS binary table required keyword {catalogue extension keyword:  PCOUNT} smallint 2   -9999 ??
tablePcount MultiframeDetector WSACalib FITS binary table required keyword {catalogue extension keyword:  PCOUNT} smallint 2   -9999 ??
tablePcount MultiframeDetector WSATransit FITS binary table required keyword {catalogue extension keyword:  PCOUNT} smallint 2   -9999 ??
tablePcount MultiframeDetector WSAUHS FITS binary table required keyword {catalogue extension keyword:  PCOUNT} smallint 2   -9999 ??
tableRows MultiframeDetector WSA No. of rows in source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword:  NAXIS2} int 4   -99999999 ??
tableRows MultiframeDetector WSACalib No. of rows in source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword:  NAXIS2} int 4   -99999999 ??
tableRows MultiframeDetector WSATransit No. of rows in source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword:  NAXIS2} int 4   -99999999 ??
tableRows MultiframeDetector WSAUHS No. of rows in source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword:  NAXIS2} int 4   -99999999 ??
tableWidth MultiframeDetector WSA Row size of source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword:  NAXIS1} smallint 2 bytes -9999 ??
tableWidth MultiframeDetector WSACalib Row size of source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword:  NAXIS1} smallint 2 bytes -9999 ??
tableWidth MultiframeDetector WSATransit Row size of source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword:  NAXIS1} smallint 2 bytes -9999 ??
tableWidth MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Row size of source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword:  NAXIS1} smallint 2 bytes -9999 ??
tauCSO Multiframe WSA Tau at 225 GHz from CSO {image primary HDU keyword: CSOTAU} real 4   -0.9999995e9 phys.absorption.opticalDepth
tauCSO Multiframe WSACalib Tau at 225 GHz from CSO {image primary HDU keyword: CSOTAU} real 4   -0.9999995e9 phys.absorption.opticalDepth
tauCSO Multiframe WSATransit Tau at 225 GHz from CSO {image primary HDU keyword: CSOTAU} real 4   -0.9999995e9 phys.absorption.opticalDepth
tauCSO Multiframe WSAUHS Tau at 225 GHz from CSO {image primary HDU keyword: CSOTAU} real 4   -0.9999995e9 phys.absorption.opticalDepth
tauDate Multiframe WSA Time and date of Tau reading {image primary HDU keyword: TAUDATE} datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
tauDate Multiframe WSACalib Time and date of Tau reading {image primary HDU keyword: TAUDATE} datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
tauDate Multiframe WSATransit Time and date of Tau reading {image primary HDU keyword: TAUDATE} datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
tauDate Multiframe WSAUHS Time and date of Tau reading {image primary HDU keyword: TAUDATE} datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
tauSource Multiframe WSA Source of opacity data {image primary HDU keyword: TAUSRC} varchar 64   NONE meta.ref.url
tauSource Multiframe WSACalib Source of opacity data {image primary HDU keyword: TAUSRC} varchar 64   NONE meta.ref.url
tauSource Multiframe WSATransit Source of opacity data {image primary HDU keyword: TAUSRC} varchar 64   NONE meta.ref.url
tauSource Multiframe WSAUHS Source of opacity data {image primary HDU keyword: TAUSRC} varchar 64   NONE meta.ref.url
TDFGRS_BJG mgcBrightSpec MGC 2dFGRS final b_J magnitude real 4      
TDFGRS_CLASS mgcBrightSpec MGC MGC translation of TDFGRS_IGAL smallint 2      
TDFGRS_DEC mgcBrightSpec MGC 2dFGRS object declination in deg (J2000) float 8      
TDFGRS_N mgcBrightSpec MGC Number of 2dFGRS objects/spectra for this MGC object smallint 2      
TDFGRS_NAME mgcBrightSpec MGC 2dFGRS object name varchar 10      
TDFGRS_RA mgcBrightSpec MGC 2dFGRS object right ascension in deg (J2000) float 8      
TDFGRS_SBBJMAG mgcBrightSpec MGC SSS b_J magnitude real 4      
TDFGRS_SEQNUM mgcBrightSpec MGC 2dFGRS sequence number bigint 8      
TDFGRS_SEQNUM mgcGalaxyStruct MGC 2dFGRS Serial number bigint 8   0  
TDFGRS_SRRMAG mgcBrightSpec MGC SSS R magnitude real 4      
TDFGRS_UKST mgcBrightSpec MGC UKST survey field number int 4      
TDFGRS_ZHELIO mgcBrightSpec MGC 2dFGRS heliocentric redshift real 4      
TDFGRS_ZQUAL mgcBrightSpec MGC 2dFGRS redshift quality tinyint 1      
TDGRS_BJSEL mgcBrightSpec MGC 2dFGRS final extinction corrected b_J magnitude real 4      
TDGRS_IGAL mgcBrightSpec MGC 2dFGRS classification tinyint 1      
teff_percentile_lower gaia_source GAIADR2 Lower uncertainty on teff_val real 4 K   phys.temperature.effective;stat.min
teff_percentile_upper gaia_source GAIADR2 Upper uncertainty on teff_val real 4 K   phys.temperature.effective;stat.max
teff_val gaia_source GAIADR2 Stellar effective temperature real 4 K   phys.temperature.effective
tel_temp twomass_scn 2MASS Telescope girdle temperature at beginning of scan. real 4 degC   PHYS_TEMP_MISC
tel_temp twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS telescope tube girdle temperature (deg C) at beg. of scan real 4 degC    
telDec Multiframe WSA Current telescope declination {image primary HDU keyword: TELDEC} float 8 degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
telDec Multiframe WSACalib Current telescope declination {image primary HDU keyword: TELDEC} float 8 degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
telDec Multiframe WSATransit Current telescope declination {image primary HDU keyword: TELDEC} float 8 degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
telDec Multiframe WSAUHS Current telescope declination {image primary HDU keyword: TELDEC} float 8 degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
telescope Multiframe WSA Telescope name {image primary HDU keyword: TELESCOP} varchar 32   NONE  
telescope Multiframe WSACalib Telescope name {image primary HDU keyword: TELESCOP} varchar 32   NONE  
telescope Multiframe WSATransit Telescope name {image primary HDU keyword: TELESCOP} varchar 32   NONE  
telescope Multiframe WSAUHS Telescope name {image primary HDU keyword: TELESCOP} varchar 32   NONE  
telFocus Multiframe WSA Telescope focus {image primary HDU keyword: TCS_FOC} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
telFocus Multiframe WSACalib Telescope focus {image primary HDU keyword: TCS_FOC} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
telFocus Multiframe WSATransit Telescope focus {image primary HDU keyword: TCS_FOC} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
telFocus Multiframe WSAUHS Telescope focus {image primary HDU keyword: TCS_FOC} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
telluricExt Detection PS1DR2 Estimated Telluric extinction due to non-photometric observing conditions. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. real 4 magnitudes    
telRa Multiframe WSA Current telescope right ascension {image primary HDU keyword: TELRA} float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
telRa Multiframe WSACalib Current telescope right ascension {image primary HDU keyword: TELRA} float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
telRa Multiframe WSATransit Current telescope right ascension {image primary HDU keyword: TELRA} float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
telRa Multiframe WSAUHS Current telescope right ascension {image primary HDU keyword: TELRA} float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
tessID ObjectThin PS1DR2 Tessellation identifier. Details in the TessellationType table. tinyint 1   0 meta.id
tessID StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Tessellation identifier. Details in the TessellationType table. tinyint 1   0  
THETA_IMAGE mgcDetection MGC Position angle wrt x axis real 4 deg    
THRESH mgcDetection MGC Detection threshold above background real 4 count    
thresholdIsoph MultiframeDetector WSA Isophotal analysis threshold {catalogue extension keyword:  THRESHOL} real 4 counts -0.9999995e9 ??
Tunable parameter, the default is to set this to 1.5 skynoise as a compromise between detecting close to the limit of the data and not being swamped by spurious sources. It is possible to push the data limit fainter but at the expense of a large increase in spurious sources. LSBG detection requires a more subtle add-on to the catalogue and could be added given suitable demand.
thresholdIsoph MultiframeDetector WSACalib Isophotal analysis threshold {catalogue extension keyword:  THRESHOL} real 4 counts -0.9999995e9 ??
Tunable parameter, the default is to set this to 1.5 skynoise as a compromise between detecting close to the limit of the data and not being swamped by spurious sources. It is possible to push the data limit fainter but at the expense of a large increase in spurious sources. LSBG detection requires a more subtle add-on to the catalogue and could be added given suitable demand.
thresholdIsoph MultiframeDetector WSATransit Isophotal analysis threshold {catalogue extension keyword:  THRESHOL} real 4 counts -0.9999995e9 ??
Tunable parameter, the default is to set this to 1.5 skynoise as a compromise between detecting close to the limit of the data and not being swamped by spurious sources. It is possible to push the data limit fainter but at the expense of a large increase in spurious sources. LSBG detection requires a more subtle add-on to the catalogue and could be added given suitable demand.
thresholdIsoph MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Isophotal analysis threshold {catalogue extension keyword:  THRESHOL} real 4 counts -0.9999995e9 ??
Tunable parameter, the default is to set this to 1.5 skynoise as a compromise between detecting close to the limit of the data and not being swamped by spurious sources. It is possible to push the data limit fainter but at the expense of a large increase in spurious sources. LSBG detection requires a more subtle add-on to the catalogue and could be added given suitable demand.
tile twomass_scn 2MASS Tile identification number. int 4     ID_NUMBER
tile twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS tile ID number int 4      
tileNum Multiframe WSA Tile number applied to all members {image primary HDU keyword: TILENUM} int 4   -99999999  
tileNum Multiframe WSACalib Tile number applied to all members {image primary HDU keyword: TILENUM} int 4   -99999999  
tileNum Multiframe WSATransit Tile number applied to all members {image primary HDU keyword: TILENUM} int 4   -99999999  
tileNum Multiframe WSAUHS Tile number applied to all members {image primary HDU keyword: TILENUM} int 4   -99999999  
time_duration phot_variable_time_series_g_fov_statistical_parameters GAIADR1 Time duration of the G-band time series float 8 days   time.duration
timeScale RequiredMapAverages WSA Time scale to average over (days) real 4 days -0.999995e9  
timeScale RequiredMapAverages WSAUHS Time scale to average over (days) real 4 days -0.999995e9  
timeStamp ArchiveCurationHistory WSA Time of the completion of the whole task datetime 8 UTC   time.epoch
timeStamp ArchiveCurationHistory WSACalib Time of the completion of the whole task datetime 8 UTC   time.epoch
timeStamp ArchiveCurationHistory WSATransit Time of the completion of the whole task datetime 8 UTC   time.epoch
timeStamp ArchiveCurationHistory WSAUHS Time of the completion of the whole task datetime 8 UTC   time.epoch
timeStamp ProgrammeCurationHistory WSA Time of individual programme curation completion datetime 8 UTC   time.epoch
timeStamp ProgrammeCurationHistory WSACalib Time of individual programme curation completion datetime 8 UTC   time.epoch
timeStamp ProgrammeCurationHistory WSATransit Time of individual programme curation completion datetime 8 UTC   time.epoch
timeStamp ProgrammeCurationHistory WSAUHS Time of individual programme curation completion datetime 8 UTC   time.epoch
title Programme WSA a short title for the programme, eg. "UKIDSS Large Area Survey" varchar 64     meta.note
title Programme WSACalib a short title for the programme, eg. "UKIDSS Large Area Survey" varchar 64     meta.note
title Programme WSATransit a short title for the programme, eg. "UKIDSS Large Area Survey" varchar 64     meta.note
title Programme WSAUHS a short title for the programme, eg. "UKIDSS Large Area Survey" varchar 64     meta.note
tmass_key allwise_sc WISE 2MASS PSC association. Unique identifier of the closest source in the 2MASS Point Source Catalog (PSC) that falls within 3" of the non-motion fit position of this WISE source. This is equivalent to the pts_key in the 2MASS PSC entry. This column is "null" if there is no 2MASS PSC source within 3" of the WISE source position. The number of 2MASS PSC sources within 3" of the WISE position is given in n_2mass. CAUTION - 2MASS source information included in the WISE source record is an association not an identification. Although the position accuracies of the two Catalogs are good, there is a non-zero probability of chance associations between physically unrelated objects, as well as missed associations between the Catalogs. You should always confirm associations by reviewing the entries from both Catalogs. int 4      
tmass_key wise_allskysc WISE 2MASS PSC association. Unique identifier of the closest source in the 2MASS Point Source Catalog (PSC) that falls within 3" of the position of this WISE source.
This is equivalent to the pts_key in the 2MASS PSC entry. This column is default if there is no 2MASS PSC source within 3" of the WISE source position. The number of 2MASS PSC sources within 3" of the WISE position is given in n_2mass. CAUTION - 2MASS source information included in the WISE source record is an association not an identification.
bigint 8   -99999999
tmass_key wise_prelimsc WISE Unique identifier of the closest source in the 2MASS Point Source Catalog (PSC) that falls within 3" of the position of this WISE source
This is equivalent to the pts_key in the 2MASS PSC entry. This column is default if there is no 2MASS PSC source within 3" of the WISE source position. The number of 2MASS PSC sources within 3" of the WISE position is given in n_2mass
bigint 8   -99999999
tmassID glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE Unique identification number for the 2MASS source from the 2MASS All-Sky PSC int 4      
tmassName glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE Source name from 2MASS All-Sky point source catalog (PSC) varchar 32     ID_MAIN
toggle_asc igsl_source GAIADR1 A flag that indicates if the object is used for the Atittude Star Catalog bit 1     meta.code
topAirTempNW Multiframe WSA Top air NW {image primary HDU keyword: TOPAIRNW} real 4 degrees_Celsius -0.9999995e9 phys.temperature
topAirTempNW Multiframe WSACalib Top air NW {image primary HDU keyword: TOPAIRNW} real 4 degrees_Celsius -0.9999995e9 phys.temperature
topAirTempNW Multiframe WSATransit Top air NW {image primary HDU keyword: TOPAIRNW} real 4 degrees_Celsius -0.9999995e9 phys.temperature
topAirTempNW Multiframe WSAUHS Top air NW {image primary HDU keyword: TOPAIRNW} real 4 degrees_Celsius -0.9999995e9 phys.temperature
topRingTemp Multiframe WSA Top ring temperature {image primary HDU keyword: TR_TEMP} real 4 degrees_Kelvin -0.9999995e9  
topRingTemp Multiframe WSACalib Top ring temperature {image primary HDU keyword: TR_TEMP} real 4 degrees_Kelvin -0.9999995e9  
topRingTemp Multiframe WSATransit Top ring temperature {image primary HDU keyword: TR_TEMP} real 4 degrees_Kelvin -0.9999995e9  
topRingTemp Multiframe WSAUHS Top ring temperature {image primary HDU keyword: TR_TEMP} real 4 degrees_Kelvin -0.9999995e9  
totalExpTime MultiframeDetector WSA Total exposure time for this detector real 4 seconds -0.9999995e9  
totalExpTime MultiframeDetector WSACalib Total exposure time for this detector real 4 seconds -0.9999995e9  
totalExpTime MultiframeDetector WSATransit Total exposure time for this detector real 4 seconds -0.9999995e9  
totalExpTime MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Total exposure time for this detector real 4 seconds -0.9999995e9  
TQZ_BJ mgcBrightSpec MGC 2QZ bJ magnitude real 4      
TQZ_BJMR mgcBrightSpec MGC 2QZ bJ-R colour real 4      
TQZ_CLASS mgcBrightSpec MGC MGC translation of TQZ_IDENT smallint 2      
TQZ_DEC mgcBrightSpec MGC 2QZ object declination in deg (J2000) float 8      
TQZ_DUST mgcBrightSpec MGC 2QZ E(B-V) real 4      
TQZ_IDENT mgcBrightSpec MGC 2QZ identification varchar 10      
TQZ_NAME mgcBrightSpec MGC 2QZ object name varchar 20      
TQZ_NOBS mgcBrightSpec MGC Number of 2QZ spectra for this MGC object tinyint 1      
TQZ_RA mgcBrightSpec MGC 2QZ object right ascension in deg (J2000) float 8      
TQZ_UKST mgcBrightSpec MGC UKST survey field number int 4      
TQZ_UMBJ mgcBrightSpec MGC 2QZ U-bJ colour real 4      
TQZ_ZQUAL mgcBrightSpec MGC 2QZ redshift quality tinyint 1      
trackSys Multiframe WSA Telescope tracking coordinate system, eg J2000, MOUNT etc. {image primary HDU keyword: TRACKSYS} varchar 64   NONE time.equinox
trackSys Multiframe WSACalib Telescope tracking coordinate system, eg J2000, MOUNT etc. {image primary HDU keyword: TRACKSYS} varchar 64   NONE time.equinox
trackSys Multiframe WSATransit Telescope tracking coordinate system, eg J2000, MOUNT etc. {image primary HDU keyword: TRACKSYS} varchar 64   NONE time.equinox
trackSys Multiframe WSAUHS Telescope tracking coordinate system, eg J2000, MOUNT etc. {image primary HDU keyword: TRACKSYS} varchar 64   NONE time.equinox
trefAmpl Multiframe WSA Trefoil: Amplitude {image primary HDU keyword: TAMP} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
trefAmpl Multiframe WSACalib Trefoil: Amplitude {image primary HDU keyword: TAMP} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
trefAmpl Multiframe WSATransit Trefoil: Amplitude {image primary HDU keyword: TAMP} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
trefAmpl Multiframe WSAUHS Trefoil: Amplitude {image primary HDU keyword: TAMP} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
trefPhi Multiframe WSA Trefoil: angle {image primary HDU keyword: TPHI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
trefPhi Multiframe WSACalib Trefoil: angle {image primary HDU keyword: TPHI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
trefPhi Multiframe WSATransit Trefoil: angle {image primary HDU keyword: TPHI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
trefPhi Multiframe WSAUHS Trefoil: angle {image primary HDU keyword: TPHI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
trussTempENE Multiframe WSA Truss leg ENE {image primary HDU keyword: TRUSSENE} real 4 degrees_Celsius -0.9999995e9 phys.temperature
trussTempENE Multiframe WSACalib Truss leg ENE {image primary HDU keyword: TRUSSENE} real 4 degrees_Celsius -0.9999995e9 phys.temperature
trussTempENE Multiframe WSATransit Truss leg ENE {image primary HDU keyword: TRUSSENE} real 4 degrees_Celsius -0.9999995e9 phys.temperature
trussTempENE Multiframe WSAUHS Truss leg ENE {image primary HDU keyword: TRUSSENE} real 4 degrees_Celsius -0.9999995e9 phys.temperature
trussTempWSW Multiframe WSA Truss leg WSW {image primary HDU keyword: TRUSSWSW} real 4 degrees_Celsius -0.9999995e9 phys.temperature
trussTempWSW Multiframe WSACalib Truss leg WSW {image primary HDU keyword: TRUSSWSW} real 4 degrees_Celsius -0.9999995e9 phys.temperature
trussTempWSW Multiframe WSATransit Truss leg WSW {image primary HDU keyword: TRUSSWSW} real 4 degrees_Celsius -0.9999995e9 phys.temperature
trussTempWSW Multiframe WSAUHS Truss leg WSW {image primary HDU keyword: TRUSSWSW} real 4 degrees_Celsius -0.9999995e9 phys.temperature
TSERIES twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM The flag is set to True if this source has a time series made in at least one exposure. varchar 5      
TSERIES xmm3dr4 XMM The flag is set to 1 if this source has a time series made in at least one exposure. bit 1      
tSnr_100 iras_psc IRAS ten times the minimum signal-to-noise ratio (100 micron) smallint 2   INST_S/N  
tSnr_12 iras_psc IRAS ten times the minimum signal-to-noise ratio (12 micron) smallint 2   INST_S/N  
tSnr_25 iras_psc IRAS ten times the minimum signal-to-noise ratio (25 micron) smallint 2   INST_S/N  
tSnr_60 iras_psc IRAS ten times the minimum signal-to-noise ratio (60 micron) smallint 2   INST_S/N  
twomassID twompzPhotoz TWOMPZ 2MASS ID, equivalent to ext_key in twomass_xsc bigint 8     meta.id;meta.main
twomassMag first08Jul16Source, firstSource12Feb16 FIRST 2MASS K magnitude real 4 mag    
twomassMatches first08Jul16Source FIRST number of matches within a fiducial radius (8 arcsec) with 2MASS int 4      
twomassMatches firstSource12Feb16 FIRST number of matches within a fiducial radius (8 arcsec) with 2MASS smallint 2      
twomassSep first08Jul16Source, firstSource12Feb16 FIRST separation of the nearest match in 2MASS from the FIRST position real 4 arcsec    
twomassX twompzPhotoz TWOMPZ 2MASS source designation {image primary HDU keyword: 2MASX} varchar 17     meta.id
tyc tycho2 GAIADR1 Flag indicating Tycho1 stars varchar 1     meta.code
tyc1 tycho2 GAIADR1 First part of Tycho2 identifier varchar 8     meta.id.part;meta.main
tyc2 tycho2 GAIADR1 Second part of Tycho2 identifier varchar 8     meta.id.part;meta.main
tyc3 tycho2 GAIADR1 Third part of Tycho2 identifier varchar 4     meta.id.part;meta.main
tycho2_id tgas_source GAIADR1 Tycho2 identifier varchar 32     id.cross
type iras_asc IRAS Source Type/Spectral Class varchar 5     SPECT_TYPE_GENERAL
type2_best_sub_classification cepheid GAIADR1 Best subclassification estimate for typeBestClassification="T2CEP" out of {"BL_HER", "W_VIR","RV_TAU"} varchar 8     meta.code.class;src.class
type_best_classification cepheid GAIADR1 Best type classification estimate out of {"DCEP", "T2CEP", "ACEP"} varchar 8     meta.code.class;src.class

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK
