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Glossary of WSA attributes

This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the UKIDSSDR11 database(s) held in the WSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the UKIDSSDR11 Schema Browser (other Browser versions).


NameSchema TableDatabaseDescriptionTypeLengthUnitDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
F1 glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Flux in IRAC band 1 real 4 mJy -999.9  
f1 hipparcos_new_reduction GAIADR1 Percentage rejected data int 4     arith.ratio;stat.value
F1_err glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE 1sigma flux error (IRAC band 1) real 4 mJy -999.9  
F1_rms glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE RMS dev. of detection from F1 real 4 mJy -999.9  
F2 glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Flux in IRAC band 2 real 4 mJy -999.9  
f2 hipparcos_new_reduction GAIADR1 Goodness of fit float 8     stat.fit.goodness
F2_err glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE 1sigma flux error (IRAC band 2) real 4 mJy -999.9  
F2_rms glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE RMS dev. of detection from F2 real 4 mJy -999.9  
F3 glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Flux in IRAC band 3 real 4 mJy -999.9  
F3_6 glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 3.6um IRAC (Band 1) flux real 4 mJy -999.9  
F3_6_err glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 3.6um IRAC (Band 1) 1 sigma error real 4 mJy -999.9  
F3_6_rms glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE RMS deviation of the individual detections from the final flux for 3.6um IRAC (Band 1) real 4 mJy -999.9  
F3_err glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE 1sigma flux error (IRAC band 3) real 4 mJy -999.9  
F3_rms glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE RMS dev. of detection from F3 real 4 mJy -999.9  
F4 glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Flux in IRAC band 4 real 4 mJy -999.9  
F4_5 glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 4.5um IRAC (Band 2) flux real 4 mJy -999.9  
F4_5_err glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 4.5um IRAC (Band 2) 1 sigma error real 4 mJy -999.9  
F4_5_rms glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE RMS deviation of the individual detections from the final flux for 4.5um IRAC (Band 2) real 4 mJy -999.9  
F4_err glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE 1sigma flux error (IRAC band 4) real 4 mJy -999.9  
F4_rms glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE RMS dev. of detection from F4 real 4 mJy -999.9  
F5_8 glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 5.8um IRAC (Band 3) flux real 4 mJy -999.9  
F5_8_err glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 5.8um IRAC (Band 3) 1 sigma error real 4 mJy -999.9  
F5_8_rms glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE RMS deviation of the individual detections from the final flux for 5.8um IRAC (Band 3) real 4 mJy -999.9  
F8_0 glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 8.0um IRAC (Band 4) flux real 4 mJy -999.9  
F8_0_err glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 8.0um IRAC (Band 4) 1 sigma error real 4 mJy -999.9  
F8_0_rms glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE RMS deviation of the individual detections from the final flux for 8.0um IRAC (Band 4) real 4 mJy -999.9  
f_resFlux nvssSource NVSS [PS* ] Residual Code varchar 2     CODE_MISC
fastGuiderMode Multiframe WSA Fast guider mode {image primary HDU keyword: FGMODE} varchar 32   NONE  
fastGuiderMode Multiframe WSACalib Fast guider mode {image primary HDU keyword: FGMODE} varchar 32   NONE  
fastGuiderMode Multiframe WSATransit Fast guider mode {image primary HDU keyword: FGMODE} varchar 32   NONE  
fastGuiderMode Multiframe WSAUHS Fast guider mode {image primary HDU keyword: FGMODE} varchar 32   NONE  
fCor_100 iras_psc IRAS Flux correction factor applied (times 1000, 100 micron) smallint 2     INST_CORR-FACTOR
fCor_12 iras_psc IRAS Flux correction factor applied (times 1000, 12 micron) smallint 2     INST_CORR-FACTOR
fCor_25 iras_psc IRAS Flux correction factor applied (times 1000, 25 micron) smallint 2     INST_CORR-FACTOR
fCor_60 iras_psc IRAS Flux correction factor applied (times 1000, 60 micron) smallint 2     INST_CORR-FACTOR
fg_flg twomass_xsc 2MASS flux-growth convergence flag. varchar 6     CODE_MISC
FH glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band flux real 4 mJy -999.9  
FH_err glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band 1 sigma error real 4 mJy -999.9  
field nvssSource NVSS Name of the original survey image field from which the component was derived. varchar 8     ID_FIELD
field1 iras_asc IRAS object field #1 (magnitude/other) smallint 2     ID_FIELD
field2 iras_asc IRAS object field #2 (magnitude/other) smallint 2     ID_FIELD
field3 iras_asc IRAS object field #3 (size/other) smallint 2     ID_FIELD
fieldID ProgrammeFrame WSA UID of position on sky, set just after ProgrammeBuilder runs int 4   -99999999 meta.bib
fieldID ProgrammeFrame WSACalib UID of position on sky, set just after ProgrammeBuilder runs int 4   -99999999 meta.bib
fieldID ProgrammeFrame WSATransit UID of position on sky, set just after ProgrammeBuilder runs int 4   -99999999 meta.bib
fieldID ProgrammeFrame WSAUHS UID of position on sky, set just after ProgrammeBuilder runs int 4   -99999999 meta.bib
fieldID RequiredMergeLogMultiEpoch WSA UID of position on sky. References Required{productType}.fieldID int 4   -99999999 ??
fieldID RequiredMergeLogMultiEpoch WSAUHS UID of position on sky. References Required{productType}.fieldID int 4   -99999999 ??
fieldID RequiredMosaic WSACalib UID of position on sky. int 4   -99999999 ??
fieldID RequiredMosaic WSATransit UID of position on sky. int 4   -99999999 ??
fieldID RequiredMosaic WSAUHS UID of position on sky. int 4   -99999999 ??
fieldID RequiredMosaic, RequiredStack WSA UID of position on sky. int 4   -99999999 ??
fieldID StdFieldInfo WSA The fieldID is a UID identifying each of the 43 standard fields that are observed as part of the calibration observations int 4     obs.field
fieldID StdFieldInfo WSACalib The fieldID is a UID identifying each of the 43 standard fields that are observed as part of the calibration observations int 4     obs.field
fieldID StdFieldInfo WSAUHS The fieldID is a UID identifying each of the 43 standard fields that are observed as part of the calibration observations int 4     obs.field
fieldID rosat_bsc, rosat_fsc ROSAT identification number of SASS field varchar 8     ID_FIELD
fieldName StdFieldInfo WSA reference name of field varchar 16   NONE ????
fieldName StdFieldInfo WSACalib reference name of field varchar 16   NONE ????
fieldName StdFieldInfo WSAUHS reference name of field varchar 16   NONE ????
fieldName first08Jul16Source, firstSource, firstSource12Feb16 FIRST Name of the coadded image containing the source (encodes the position of the field center). varchar 12     ID_IMAGE
fileName Multiframe WSA the filename for the multiframe, eg. server:/path/filename.fit varchar 256     meta.id;meta.file
fileName Multiframe WSACalib the filename for the multiframe, eg. server:/path/filename.fit varchar 256     meta.id;meta.file
fileName Multiframe WSATransit the filename for the multiframe, eg. server:/path/filename.fit varchar 256     meta.id;meta.file
fileName Multiframe WSAUHS the filename for the multiframe, eg. server:/path/filename.fit varchar 256     meta.id;meta.file
fileNameRoot ExternalProduct WSA File name root of the products varchar 32      
fileNameRoot ExternalProduct WSAUHS File name root of the products varchar 32      
fileTimeStamp Multiframe WSA Time stamp digits (from the original CASU directory name and file time stamp) for enforcing uniqueness bigint 8     ??
fileTimeStamp Multiframe WSACalib Time stamp digits (from the original CASU directory name and file time stamp) for enforcing uniqueness bigint 8     ??
fileTimeStamp Multiframe WSATransit Time stamp digits (from the original CASU directory name and file time stamp) for enforcing uniqueness bigint 8     ??
fileTimeStamp Multiframe WSAUHS Time stamp digits (from the original CASU directory name and file time stamp) for enforcing uniqueness bigint 8     ??
filter1 RequiredDiffImage WSA UID of WFCAM narrow band (primary) filter tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filter1 RequiredDiffImage WSACalib UID of WFCAM narrow band (primary) filter tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filter1 RequiredDiffImage WSATransit UID of WFCAM narrow band (primary) filter tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filter1 RequiredDiffImage WSAUHS UID of WFCAM narrow band (primary) filter tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filter2 RequiredDiffImage WSA UID of WFCAM broad band (reference) filter to be subtracted tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filter2 RequiredDiffImage WSACalib UID of WFCAM broad band (reference) filter to be subtracted tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filter2 RequiredDiffImage WSATransit UID of WFCAM broad band (reference) filter to be subtracted tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filter2 RequiredDiffImage WSAUHS UID of WFCAM broad band (reference) filter to be subtracted tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filteredImageName MapFrameStatus WSA the filename of the associated filtered image name, eg. server:/path/filename_st_tl_two.fit varchar 256   NONE  
filteredImageName MapFrameStatus WSAUHS the filename of the associated filtered image name, eg. server:/path/filename_st_tl_two.fit varchar 256   NONE  
filterID Detection PS1DR2 Filter identifier. Details in the Filter table. tinyint 1      
filterID Filter WSACalib UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank) tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filterID Filter WSATransit UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank) tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filterID Filter WSAUHS UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank) tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filterID Filter, RequiredFilters, RequiredMosaic, RequiredStack WSA UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank) tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filterID Multiframe WSA UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank,9=1.205nbJ,10=1.619nbH,11=1.644FeII) tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filterID Multiframe WSACalib UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank,9=1.205nbJ,10=1.619nbH,11=1.644FeII) tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filterID Multiframe WSATransit UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank,9=1.205nbJ,10=1.619nbH,11=1.644FeII) tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filterID Multiframe WSAUHS UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank,9=1.205nbJ,10=1.619nbH,11=1.644FeII) tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filterID MultiframeDetector WSA UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank,9=1.205nbJ,10=1.619nbH,11=1.644FeII) {image primary HDU keyword: FILTER} tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filterID MultiframeDetector WSACalib UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank,9=1.205nbJ,10=1.619nbH,11=1.644FeII) {image primary HDU keyword: FILTER} tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filterID MultiframeDetector WSATransit UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank,9=1.205nbJ,10=1.619nbH,11=1.644FeII) {image primary HDU keyword: FILTER} tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filterID MultiframeDetector WSAUHS UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank,9=1.205nbJ,10=1.619nbH,11=1.644FeII) {image primary HDU keyword: FILTER} tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filterID RequiredMergeLogMultiEpoch WSA UID of combined filter (assigned in OSA: 1=u,2=g,3=r,4=i,5=z,6=blank) tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filterID RequiredMergeLogMultiEpoch WSAUHS UID of combined filter (assigned in OSA: 1=u,2=g,3=r,4=i,5=z,6=blank) tinyint 1     meta.code;instr.filter
filterID dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank) tinyint 1     INST_FILTER_CODE
filterID calDetection WSACalib UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank) tinyint 1     INST_FILTER_CODE
filterID dxsOrphan, gcsOrphan, gpsOrphan, lasOrphan, udsOrphan WSA UID of combined filter tinyint 1     INST_FILTER_CODE
filterID ptsDetection WSATransit UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank) tinyint 1     INST_FILTER_CODE
filterID uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank) tinyint 1     INST_FILTER_CODE
filterName Multiframe WSA WFCAM combined filter name {image primary HDU keyword: FILTER} varchar 8     ??
filterName Multiframe WSACalib WFCAM combined filter name {image primary HDU keyword: FILTER} varchar 8     ??
filterName Multiframe WSATransit WFCAM combined filter name {image primary HDU keyword: FILTER} varchar 8     ??
filterName Multiframe WSAUHS WFCAM combined filter name {image primary HDU keyword: FILTER} varchar 8     ??
filterType Filter WSA The type of filter BROAD, NARROW, BROADLIST varchar 16   NONE  
filterType Filter WSACalib The type of filter BROAD, NARROW, BROADLIST varchar 16   NONE  
filterType Filter WSATransit The type of filter BROAD, NARROW, BROADLIST varchar 16   NONE  
filterType Filter WSAUHS The type of filter BROAD, NARROW, BROADLIST varchar 16   NONE  
finalProductTable RequiredMatchedApertureProduct WSA the name of the final product table for this product varchar 64     ID_TABLE
finalProductTable RequiredMatchedApertureProduct WSAUHS the name of the final product table for this product varchar 64     ID_TABLE
fInt first08Jul16Source, firstSource, firstSource12Feb16 FIRST integrated flux densities real 4 mJy   PHOT_FLUX_RADIO_1.4G
FJ glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band flux real 4 mJy -999.9  
FJ_err glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band 1 sigma error real 4 mJy -999.9  
FKs glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 2MASS All-Sky PSC Ks Band flux real 4 mJy -999.9  
FKs_err glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 2MASS All-Sky PSC Ks Band 1 sigma error real 4 mJy -999.9  
flag calSourceXSynopticSourceBestMatch WSACalib Flag for potential matching problems tinyint 1   0  
flag=1 if the same intermediate stack detection is linked to two different unique sources. This can happen in images where the seeing was poorer than average or if a source has moved over time and overlaps with another source. flag=2 no intermediate stack detection, but the expected location is in 1 dither offset of the edge of the stack.
flag dxsSourceXDetectionBestMatch, gcsSourceXDetectionBestMatch, gpsSourceXDetectionBestMatch, lasSourceXDetectionBestMatch, udsSourceXDetectionBestMatch WSA Flag for potential matching problems tinyint 1   0  
flag=1 if the same intermediate stack detection is linked to two different unique sources. This can happen in images where the seeing was poorer than average or if a source has moved over time and overlaps with another source. flag=2 no intermediate stack detection, but the expected location is in 1 dither offset of the edge of the stack.
FLAGS mgcDetection MGC Extraction flags int 4      
flame_flags gaia_source GAIADR2 Flags from Apsis-FLAME analysis bigint 8     meta.code
flatID Multiframe WSA UID of library calibration flatfield frame {image extension keyword: FLATCOR} bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
flatID Multiframe WSACalib UID of library calibration flatfield frame {image extension keyword: FLATCOR} bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
flatID Multiframe WSATransit UID of library calibration flatfield frame {image extension keyword: FLATCOR} bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
flatID Multiframe WSAUHS UID of library calibration flatfield frame {image extension keyword: FLATCOR} bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
flux_100 iras_psc IRAS Averaged non-color corrected 100 micron flux density real 4 Jansky (1.0E-26 W/m**2/Hz)   PHOT_FLUX_IR_100
flux_12 iras_psc IRAS Averaged non-color corrected 12 micron flux density real 4 Jansky (1.0E-26 W/m**2/Hz)   PHOT_FLUX_IR_12
flux_25 iras_psc IRAS Averaged non-color corrected 25 micron flux density real 4 Jansky (1.0E-26 W/m**2/Hz)   PHOT_FLUX_IR_25
flux_60 iras_psc IRAS Averaged non-color corrected 60 micron flux density real 4 Jansky (1.0E-26 W/m**2/Hz)   PHOT_FLUX_IR_60
fMaj first08Jul16Source, firstSource, firstSource12Feb16 FIRST major axes derived from the elliptical Gaussian model for the source before deconvolution. real 4 arcsec   EXTENSION_FWHM_MAJ
fMin first08Jul16Source, firstSource, firstSource12Feb16 FIRST minor axes derived from the elliptical Gaussian model for the source before deconvolution. real 4 arcsec   EXTENSION_FWHM_MIN
focus twomass_scn 2MASS Focus setting of telescope at beginning of scan. smallint 2     TEL_FOCAL-LENGTH
focus twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS telescope focus setting smallint 2      
focusFiltOff Multiframe WSA Focus filter offset {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_FOFF} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusFiltOff Multiframe WSACalib Focus filter offset {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_FOFF} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusFiltOff Multiframe WSATransit Focus filter offset {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_FOFF} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusFiltOff Multiframe WSAUHS Focus filter offset {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_FOFF} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusInstFiltOff Multiframe WSA focus offset for inst. filter {image primary HDU keyword: TEL_FOFF} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusInstFiltOff Multiframe WSACalib focus offset for inst. filter {image primary HDU keyword: TEL_FOFF} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusInstFiltOff Multiframe WSATransit focus offset for inst. filter {image primary HDU keyword: TEL_FOFF} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusInstFiltOff Multiframe WSAUHS focus offset for inst. filter {image primary HDU keyword: TEL_FOFF} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusNominOff Multiframe WSA Offset from nominal focus position {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_OFF} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusNominOff Multiframe WSACalib Offset from nominal focus position {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_OFF} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusNominOff Multiframe WSATransit Offset from nominal focus position {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_OFF} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusNominOff Multiframe WSAUHS Offset from nominal focus position {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_OFF} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusOffset Multiframe WSA Focus offset {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_OFFS} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusOffset Multiframe WSACalib Focus offset {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_OFFS} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusOffset Multiframe WSATransit Focus offset {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_OFFS} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusOffset Multiframe WSAUHS Focus offset {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_OFFS} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusPos Multiframe WSA Focus position {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_POSN} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusPos Multiframe WSACalib Focus position {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_POSN} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusPos Multiframe WSATransit Focus position {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_POSN} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusPos Multiframe WSAUHS Focus position {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_POSN} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusSerial Multiframe WSA Serial number in focus scan {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_I} int 4   -99999999 ??
focusSerial Multiframe WSACalib Serial number in focus scan {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_I} int 4   -99999999 ??
focusSerial Multiframe WSATransit Serial number in focus scan {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_I} int 4   -99999999 ??
focusSerial Multiframe WSAUHS Serial number in focus scan {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_I} int 4   -99999999 ??
focusZero Multiframe WSA Focus zero-point position {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_ZERO} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusZero Multiframe WSACalib Focus zero-point position {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_ZERO} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusZero Multiframe WSATransit Focus zero-point position {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_ZERO} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
focusZero Multiframe WSAUHS Focus zero-point position {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_ZERO} real 4 millimetres -0.9999995e9 instr.param
fPA first08Jul16Source, firstSource, firstSource12Feb16 FIRST position angle (east of north) derived from the elliptical Gaussian model for the source before deconvolution. real 4 degrees   POS_POS-ANG
fPeak first08Jul16Source, firstSource, firstSource12Feb16 FIRST peak flux densities real 4 mJy   PHOT_FLUX_RADIO_1.4G
fQual_100 iras_psc IRAS 100 micron flux density quality. smallint 2     CODE_QUALITY
fQual_12 iras_psc IRAS 12 micron flux density quality. smallint 2     CODE_QUALITY
fQual_25 iras_psc IRAS 25 micron flux density quality. smallint 2     CODE_QUALITY
fQual_60 iras_psc IRAS 60 micron flux density quality. smallint 2     CODE_QUALITY
frame_rotator_object_type gaia_source GAIADR2 The type of the source mainly used for frame rotation int 4     meta.code
frameSetID calMergeLog, calVarFrameSetInfo, calVariability WSACalib frame set ID, unique over the whole WSA via programme ID prefix, assigned by merging procedure bigint 8     ID_FIELD
Each merged source in the merged source tables come from a set of individual passband frames (with different filters and/or different epochs of observation). In the WSA, a frame is generally the image provided by one detector (dither-stacked and interlaced as appropriate); hence a frame set comprises a set of individual detector frames in different passbands and/or at different observation epochs. Each frame set is uniquely identified by the attribute frameSetID, and this references a row in the corresponding merge log for the source table (for example, lasSource.frameSetID references lasMergeLog.frameSetID. The merge log in turn references the full set of image descriptive data held in the tables MultiframeDetector and ultimately Multiframe (these two tables map directly onto the multi-extension FITS file hierarchy of extension FITS headers beneath a single primary HDU FITS header - primary HDU FITS keys will be found in Multiframe, while the corresponding extension FITS keys for each primary set will be found in table MultiframeDetector). In this way, you can trace the provenance of a merged source record right back to the individual image frames from which it is derived.
frameSetID calSource WSACalib UID of the set of frames that this merged source comes from bigint 8     REFER_CODE
Each merged source in the merged source tables come from a set of individual passband frames (with different filters and/or different epochs of observation). In the WSA, a frame is generally the image provided by one detector (dither-stacked and interlaced as appropriate); hence a frame set comprises a set of individual detector frames in different passbands and/or at different observation epochs. Each frame set is uniquely identified by the attribute frameSetID, and this references a row in the corresponding merge log for the source table (for example, lasSource.frameSetID references lasMergeLog.frameSetID. The merge log in turn references the full set of image descriptive data held in the tables MultiframeDetector and ultimately Multiframe (these two tables map directly onto the multi-extension FITS file hierarchy of extension FITS headers beneath a single primary HDU FITS header - primary HDU FITS keys will be found in Multiframe, while the corresponding extension FITS keys for each primary set will be found in table MultiframeDetector). In this way, you can trace the provenance of a merged source record right back to the individual image frames from which it is derived.
frameSetID dxsFrameSets, dxsJKmergeLog, gcsFrameSets, gcsZYJHKmergeLog, gpsFrameSets, gpsJHKmergeLog, lasFrameSets, lasYJHKmergeLog, udsFrameSets WSA frame set ID, unique over the whole WSA via programme ID prefix, assigned by merging procedure bigint 8     ID_FIELD
frameSetID dxsJKsource, gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource WSA UID of the set of frames that this merged source comes from bigint 8     REFER_CODE
frameSetID dxsMergeLog, dxsVarFrameSetInfo, dxsVariability, gcsMergeLog, gcsVarFrameSetInfo, gcsVariability, gpsMergeLog, gpsVarFrameSetInfo, gpsVariability, lasMergeLog, lasVarFrameSetInfo, lasVariability, udsMergeLog, udsVarFrameSetInfo, udsVariability WSA frame set ID, unique over the whole WSA via programme ID prefix, assigned by merging procedure bigint 8     ID_FIELD
Each merged source in the merged source tables come from a set of individual passband frames (with different filters and/or different epochs of observation). In the WSA, a frame is generally the image provided by one detector (dither-stacked and interlaced as appropriate); hence a frame set comprises a set of individual detector frames in different passbands and/or at different observation epochs. Each frame set is uniquely identified by the attribute frameSetID, and this references a row in the corresponding merge log for the source table (for example, lasSource.frameSetID references lasMergeLog.frameSetID. The merge log in turn references the full set of image descriptive data held in the tables MultiframeDetector and ultimately Multiframe (these two tables map directly onto the multi-extension FITS file hierarchy of extension FITS headers beneath a single primary HDU FITS header - primary HDU FITS keys will be found in Multiframe, while the corresponding extension FITS keys for each primary set will be found in table MultiframeDetector). In this way, you can trace the provenance of a merged source record right back to the individual image frames from which it is derived.
frameSetID dxsSource, gcsSource, gpsSource, lasSource, udsSource WSA UID of the set of frames that this merged source comes from bigint 8     REFER_CODE
Each merged source in the merged source tables come from a set of individual passband frames (with different filters and/or different epochs of observation). In the WSA, a frame is generally the image provided by one detector (dither-stacked and interlaced as appropriate); hence a frame set comprises a set of individual detector frames in different passbands and/or at different observation epochs. Each frame set is uniquely identified by the attribute frameSetID, and this references a row in the corresponding merge log for the source table (for example, lasSource.frameSetID references lasMergeLog.frameSetID. The merge log in turn references the full set of image descriptive data held in the tables MultiframeDetector and ultimately Multiframe (these two tables map directly onto the multi-extension FITS file hierarchy of extension FITS headers beneath a single primary HDU FITS header - primary HDU FITS keys will be found in Multiframe, while the corresponding extension FITS keys for each primary set will be found in table MultiframeDetector). In this way, you can trace the provenance of a merged source record right back to the individual image frames from which it is derived.
frameSetID uhsMergeLog WSAUHS frame set ID, unique over the whole WSA via programme ID prefix, assigned by merging procedure bigint 8     ID_FIELD
Each merged source in the merged source tables come from a set of individual passband frames (with different filters and/or different epochs of observation). In the WSA, a frame is generally the image provided by one detector (dither-stacked and interlaced as appropriate); hence a frame set comprises a set of individual detector frames in different passbands and/or at different observation epochs. Each frame set is uniquely identified by the attribute frameSetID, and this references a row in the corresponding merge log for the source table (for example, lasSource.frameSetID references lasMergeLog.frameSetID. The merge log in turn references the full set of image descriptive data held in the tables MultiframeDetector and ultimately Multiframe (these two tables map directly onto the multi-extension FITS file hierarchy of extension FITS headers beneath a single primary HDU FITS header - primary HDU FITS keys will be found in Multiframe, while the corresponding extension FITS keys for each primary set will be found in table MultiframeDetector). In this way, you can trace the provenance of a merged source record right back to the individual image frames from which it is derived.
frameSetID uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS UID of the set of frames that this merged source comes from bigint 8     REFER_CODE
Each merged source in the merged source tables come from a set of individual passband frames (with different filters and/or different epochs of observation). In the WSA, a frame is generally the image provided by one detector (dither-stacked and interlaced as appropriate); hence a frame set comprises a set of individual detector frames in different passbands and/or at different observation epochs. Each frame set is uniquely identified by the attribute frameSetID, and this references a row in the corresponding merge log for the source table (for example, lasSource.frameSetID references lasMergeLog.frameSetID. The merge log in turn references the full set of image descriptive data held in the tables MultiframeDetector and ultimately Multiframe (these two tables map directly onto the multi-extension FITS file hierarchy of extension FITS headers beneath a single primary HDU FITS header - primary HDU FITS keys will be found in Multiframe, while the corresponding extension FITS keys for each primary set will be found in table MultiframeDetector). In this way, you can trace the provenance of a merged source record right back to the individual image frames from which it is derived.
frameSetTolerance Programme WSA The match tolerance for different passband frames real 4 Degrees   ??
frameSetTolerance Programme WSACalib The match tolerance for different passband frames real 4 Degrees   ??
frameSetTolerance Programme WSATransit The match tolerance for different passband frames real 4 Degrees   ??
frameSetTolerance Programme WSAUHS The match tolerance for different passband frames real 4 Degrees   ??
frameType Multiframe WSA The type of multiframe (eg. stack|tile|mosaic|difference|calibration|interleaved etc).
A multiframe can have a combination of different types.
varchar 64   normal meta.code.class
The frame types and their abbreviations are:
confidence = "conf"dark = "dark" deep = "deep"difference = "diff" filtered = "filt"
flat = "flat" interleaved = "leav"mosaic = "mosaic" sky = "sky"stack = "stack" default value = "normal"
frameType Multiframe WSACalib The type of multiframe (eg. stack|tile|mosaic|difference|calibration|interleaved etc).
A multiframe can have a combination of different types.
varchar 64   normal meta.code.class
The frame types and their abbreviations are:
confidence = "conf"dark = "dark" deep = "deep"difference = "diff" filtered = "filt"
flat = "flat" interleaved = "leav"mosaic = "mosaic" sky = "sky"stack = "stack" default value = "normal"
frameType Multiframe WSATransit The type of multiframe (eg. stack|tile|mosaic|difference|calibration|interleaved etc).
A multiframe can have a combination of different types.
varchar 64   normal meta.code.class
The frame types and their abbreviations are:
confidence = "conf"dark = "dark" deep = "deep"difference = "diff" filtered = "filt"
flat = "flat" interleaved = "leav"mosaic = "mosaic" sky = "sky"stack = "stack" default value = "normal"
frameType Multiframe WSAUHS The type of multiframe (eg. stack|tile|mosaic|difference|calibration|interleaved etc).
A multiframe can have a combination of different types.
varchar 64   normal meta.code.class
The frame types and their abbreviations are:
confidence = "conf"dark = "dark" deep = "deep"difference = "diff" filtered = "filt"
flat = "flat" interleaved = "leav"mosaic = "mosaic" sky = "sky"stack = "stack" default value = "normal"
frinID Multiframe WSA UID of library calibration fringe frame bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
frinID Multiframe WSACalib UID of library calibration fringe frame bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
frinID Multiframe WSATransit UID of library calibration fringe frame bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
frinID Multiframe WSAUHS UID of library calibration fringe frame bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
fromAllSky twompzPhotoz TWOMPZ Is the WISE designation from the wise_allskysc catalogue 0 NO/1 YES tinyint 1   0  
fromAllSky wiseScosPhotoz, wiseScosPhotozRejects, wiseScosSvm WISExSCOSPZ Is the WISE designation from the wise_allskysc catalogue 0 NO/1 YES {image primary HDU keyword: fromAllSky} tinyint 1   0  
fsTemp Multiframe WSA CCC 1st stage temperature {image primary HDU keyword: FS_TEMP} real 4 degrees_Kelvin -0.9999995e9  
fsTemp Multiframe WSACalib CCC 1st stage temperature {image primary HDU keyword: FS_TEMP} real 4 degrees_Kelvin -0.9999995e9  
fsTemp Multiframe WSATransit CCC 1st stage temperature {image primary HDU keyword: FS_TEMP} real 4 degrees_Kelvin -0.9999995e9  
fsTemp Multiframe WSAUHS CCC 1st stage temperature {image primary HDU keyword: FS_TEMP} real 4 degrees_Kelvin -0.9999995e9  
FWHM_IMAGE mgcDetection MGC FWHM assuming a gaussian core real 4 pixel    

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK
