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Glossary of WSA attributes

This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the UKIDSSDR11 database(s) held in the WSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the UKIDSSDR11 Schema Browser (other Browser versions).


NameSchema TableDatabaseDescriptionTypeLengthUnitDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
k1 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE W1 photometry usage code (0: neither the ascending nor the descending scan provided a solution; 1: only the ascending scan provided a solution; 2: only the descending scan provided a solution; 3: both scans provided solutions which were combined in the relevant way) int 4      
k2 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE W2 photometry usage code (0: neither the ascending nor the descending scan provided a solution; 1: only the ascending scan provided a solution; 2: only the descending scan provided a solution; 3: both scans provided solutions which were combined in the relevant way) int 4      
k_1AperMag1 gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Default point source K_1 aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_1AperMag1 gpsSource WSA Default point source K_1 aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter)
If in doubt use this flux estimator
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_1AperMag1Err gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Error in point source K_1 mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
k_1AperMag3 gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Default point source K_1 aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_1AperMag3 gcsSource, gpsSource WSA Default point source K_1 aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)
If in doubt use this flux estimator
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_1AperMag3Err gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Error in default point source K_1 mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
k_1AperMag4 gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Point source K_1 aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_1AperMag4Err gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Error in point source K_1 mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
k_1AperMag6 gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, reliableGcsPointSource WSA Point source K_1 aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_1AperMag6Err gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, reliableGcsPointSource WSA Error in point source K_1 mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
k_1Class gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA discrete image classification flag in K_1 smallint 2   -9999 CLASS_MISC
k_1ClassStat gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in K_1 real 4   -0.9999995e9 STAT_PROP
k_1Deblend gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in K_1 int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
k_1Deblend gcsSource, gpsSource WSA placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in K_1 int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
This CASU pipeline processing source extraction flag is a placeholder only, and is always set to zero in all passbands in the merged source lists. If you need to know when a particular image detection is a component of a deblend or not, test bit 4 of attribute ppErrBits (see corresponding glossary entry) which is set by WFAU's post-processing software based on testing the areal profiles aprof2-8 (these are set by CASU to -1 for deblended components, or positive values for non-deblended detections). We encode this in an information bit of ppErrBits for convenience when querying the merged source tables.
k_1Ell gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in K_1 real 4   -0.9999995e9 PHYS_ELLIPTICITY
k_1eNum gcsMergeLog, gcsZYJHKmergeLog, gpsJHKmergeLog, gpsMergeLog WSA the extension number of this K_1 frame tinyint 1     NUMBER
k_1ErrBits gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA processing warning/error bitwise flags in K_1 int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
k_1ErrBits gcsSource, gpsSource WSA processing warning/error bitwise flags in K_1 int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture.
k_1Eta gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Offset of K_1 detection from master position (+north/-south) real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_DEC_OFF
k_1Eta gcsSource, gpsSource WSA Offset of K_1 detection from master position (+north/-south) real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_DEC_OFF
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands.
k_1Gausig gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA RMS of axes of ellipse fit in K_1 real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 MORPH_PARAM
k_1HallMag gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Total point source K_1 mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_1HallMagErr gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Error in total point source K_1 mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
k_1mfID gcsMergeLog, gcsZYJHKmergeLog, gpsJHKmergeLog, gpsMergeLog WSA the UID of the relevant K_1 multiframe bigint 8     ID_FRAME
k_1PA gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA ellipse fit celestial orientation in K_1 real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 POS_POS-ANG
k_1PetroMag gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Extended source K_1 mag (Petrosian) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_1PetroMagErr gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Error in extended source K_1 mag (Petrosian) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
k_1ppErrBits gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA additional WFAU post-processing error bits in K_1 int 4   0 CODE_MISC
k_1ppErrBits gcsSource, gpsSource WSA additional WFAU post-processing error bits in K_1 int 4   0 CODE_MISC
Post-processing error quality bit flags assigned (NB: from UKIDSS DR2 release onwards) in the WSA curation procedure for survey data. From least to most significant byte in the 4-byte integer attribute byte 0 (bits 0 to 7) corresponds to information on generally innocuous conditions that are nonetheless potentially significant as regards the integrity of that detection; byte 1 (bits 8 to 15) corresponds to warnings; byte 2 (bits 16 to 23) corresponds to important warnings; and finally byte 3 (bits 24 to 31) corresponds to severe warnings:
ByteBitDetection quality issue Threshold or bit mask Applies to
0 4 Deblended 16 0x00000010 All VDFS catalogues
0 6 Bad pixel(s) in default aperture 64 0x00000040 All VDFS catalogues
1 15 Source in poor flat field region 32768 0x00008000 All but mosaics
2 16 Close to saturated 65536 0x00010000 All VDFS catalogues (though deeps excluded prior to DR8)
2 17 Photometric calibration probably subject to systematic error 131072 0x00020000 GPS only
2 19 Possible crosstalk artefact/contamination 524288 0x00080000 All but GPS
2 22 Lies within a dither offset of the stacked frame boundary 4194304 0x00400000 All but mosaics

In this way, the higher the error quality bit flag value, the more likely it is that the detection is spurious. The decimal threshold (column 4) gives the minimum value of the quality flag for a detection having the given condition (since other bits in the flag may be set also; the corresponding hexadecimal value, where each digit corresponds to 4 bits in the flag, can be easier to compute when writing SQL queries to test for a given condition). For example, to exclude all K band sources in the LAS having any error quality condition other than informational ones, include a predicate ... AND kppErrBits ≤ 255. See the SQL Cookbook and other online pages for further information.
k_1PsfMag gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Point source profile-fitted K_1 mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_1PsfMagErr gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Error in point source profile-fitted K_1 mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
k_1SeqNum gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA the running number of the K_1 detection int 4   -99999999 ID_NUMBER
k_1SerMag2D gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Extended source K_1 mag (profile-fitted) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_1SerMag2DErr gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Error in extended source K_1 mag (profile-fitted) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
k_1Xi gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Offset of K_1 detection from master position (+east/-west) real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_RA_OFF
k_1Xi gcsSource, gpsSource WSA Offset of K_1 detection from master position (+east/-west) real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_RA_OFF
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands.
k_2AperMag1 gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Default point source K_2 aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_2AperMag1 gpsSource WSA Default point source K_2 aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter)
If in doubt use this flux estimator
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_2AperMag1Err gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Error in point source K_2 mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
k_2AperMag3 gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Default point source K_2 aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_2AperMag3 gcsSource, gpsSource WSA Default point source K_2 aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)
If in doubt use this flux estimator
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_2AperMag3Err gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Error in default point source K_2 mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
k_2AperMag4 gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Point source K_2 aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_2AperMag4Err gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Error in point source K_2 mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
k_2AperMag6 gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, reliableGcsPointSource WSA Point source K_2 aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_2AperMag6Err gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, reliableGcsPointSource WSA Error in point source K_2 mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
k_2Class gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA discrete image classification flag in K_2 smallint 2   -9999 CLASS_MISC
k_2ClassStat gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in K_2 real 4   -0.9999995e9 STAT_PROP
k_2Deblend gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in K_2 int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
k_2Deblend gcsSource, gpsSource WSA placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in K_2 int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
This CASU pipeline processing source extraction flag is a placeholder only, and is always set to zero in all passbands in the merged source lists. If you need to know when a particular image detection is a component of a deblend or not, test bit 4 of attribute ppErrBits (see corresponding glossary entry) which is set by WFAU's post-processing software based on testing the areal profiles aprof2-8 (these are set by CASU to -1 for deblended components, or positive values for non-deblended detections). We encode this in an information bit of ppErrBits for convenience when querying the merged source tables.
k_2Ell gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in K_2 real 4   -0.9999995e9 PHYS_ELLIPTICITY
k_2eNum gcsMergeLog, gcsZYJHKmergeLog, gpsJHKmergeLog, gpsMergeLog WSA the extension number of this K_2 frame tinyint 1     NUMBER
k_2ErrBits gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA processing warning/error bitwise flags in K_2 int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
k_2ErrBits gcsSource, gpsSource WSA processing warning/error bitwise flags in K_2 int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture.
k_2Eta gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Offset of K_2 detection from master position (+north/-south) real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_DEC_OFF
k_2Eta gcsSource, gpsSource WSA Offset of K_2 detection from master position (+north/-south) real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_DEC_OFF
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands.
k_2Gausig gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA RMS of axes of ellipse fit in K_2 real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 MORPH_PARAM
k_2HallMag gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Total point source K_2 mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_2HallMagErr gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Error in total point source K_2 mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
k_2mfID gcsMergeLog, gcsZYJHKmergeLog, gpsJHKmergeLog, gpsMergeLog WSA the UID of the relevant K_2 multiframe bigint 8     ID_FRAME
k_2mrat twomass_scn 2MASS Ks-band average 2nd image moment ratio. real 4     FIT_PARAM_VALUE
k_2mrat twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS K band average 2nd image moment ratio for scan real 4      
k_2PA gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA ellipse fit celestial orientation in K_2 real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 POS_POS-ANG
k_2PetroMag gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Extended source K_2 mag (Petrosian) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_2PetroMagErr gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Error in extended source K_2 mag (Petrosian) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
k_2ppErrBits gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA additional WFAU post-processing error bits in K_2 int 4   0 CODE_MISC
k_2ppErrBits gcsSource, gpsSource WSA additional WFAU post-processing error bits in K_2 int 4   0 CODE_MISC
Post-processing error quality bit flags assigned (NB: from UKIDSS DR2 release onwards) in the WSA curation procedure for survey data. From least to most significant byte in the 4-byte integer attribute byte 0 (bits 0 to 7) corresponds to information on generally innocuous conditions that are nonetheless potentially significant as regards the integrity of that detection; byte 1 (bits 8 to 15) corresponds to warnings; byte 2 (bits 16 to 23) corresponds to important warnings; and finally byte 3 (bits 24 to 31) corresponds to severe warnings:
ByteBitDetection quality issue Threshold or bit mask Applies to
0 4 Deblended 16 0x00000010 All VDFS catalogues
0 6 Bad pixel(s) in default aperture 64 0x00000040 All VDFS catalogues
1 15 Source in poor flat field region 32768 0x00008000 All but mosaics
2 16 Close to saturated 65536 0x00010000 All VDFS catalogues (though deeps excluded prior to DR8)
2 17 Photometric calibration probably subject to systematic error 131072 0x00020000 GPS only
2 19 Possible crosstalk artefact/contamination 524288 0x00080000 All but GPS
2 22 Lies within a dither offset of the stacked frame boundary 4194304 0x00400000 All but mosaics

In this way, the higher the error quality bit flag value, the more likely it is that the detection is spurious. The decimal threshold (column 4) gives the minimum value of the quality flag for a detection having the given condition (since other bits in the flag may be set also; the corresponding hexadecimal value, where each digit corresponds to 4 bits in the flag, can be easier to compute when writing SQL queries to test for a given condition). For example, to exclude all K band sources in the LAS having any error quality condition other than informational ones, include a predicate ... AND kppErrBits ≤ 255. See the SQL Cookbook and other online pages for further information.
k_2PsfMag gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Point source profile-fitted K_2 mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_2PsfMagErr gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Error in point source profile-fitted K_2 mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
k_2SeqNum gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA the running number of the K_2 detection int 4   -99999999 ID_NUMBER
k_2SerMag2D gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Extended source K_2 mag (profile-fitted) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
k_2SerMag2DErr gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Error in extended source K_2 mag (profile-fitted) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
k_2Xi gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Offset of K_2 detection from master position (+east/-west) real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_RA_OFF
k_2Xi gcsSource, gpsSource WSA Offset of K_2 detection from master position (+east/-west) real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_RA_OFF
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands.
k_5sig_ba twomass_xsc 2MASS K minor/major axis ratio fit to the 5-sigma isophote. real 4     PHYS_AXIS-RATIO
k_5sig_phi twomass_xsc 2MASS K angle to 5-sigma major axis (E of N). smallint 2 degrees   ERROR
k_5surf twomass_xsc 2MASS K central surface brightness (r<=5). real 4 mag   PHOT_SB_GENERAL
k_ba twomass_sixx2_xsc 2MASS K minor/major axis ratio fit to the 3-sigma isophote real 4      
k_ba twomass_xsc 2MASS K minor/major axis ratio fit to the 3-sigma isophote. real 4     PHYS_AXIS-RATIO
k_back twomass_xsc 2MASS K coadd median background. real 4     CODE_MISC
k_bisym_chi twomass_xsc 2MASS K bi-symmetric cross-correlation chi. real 4     FIT_PARAM_VALUE
k_bisym_rat twomass_xsc 2MASS K bi-symmetric flux ratio. real 4     PHOT_FLUX_RATIO
k_bndg_amp twomass_xsc 2MASS K banding maximum FT amplitude on this side of coadd. real 4 DN   FIT_PARAM_VALUE
k_bndg_per twomass_xsc 2MASS K banding Fourier Transf. period on this side of coadd. int 4 arcsec   FIT_PARAM_VALUE
k_chif_ellf twomass_xsc 2MASS K % chi-fraction for elliptical fit to 3-sig isophote. real 4     FIT_PARAM_VALUE
k_cmsig twomass_psc 2MASS Corrected photometric uncertainty for the default Ks-band magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_con_indx twomass_xsc 2MASS K concentration index r_75%/r_25%. real 4     PHYS_CONCENT_INDEX
k_d_area twomass_xsc 2MASS K 5-sigma to 3-sigma differential area. smallint 2     FIT_RESIDUAL
k_flg_10 twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 10 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_15 twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 15 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_20 twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 20 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_25 twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 25 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_30 twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 30 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_40 twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 40 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_5 twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 5 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_50 twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 50 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_60 twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 60 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_7 twomass_sixx2_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 7 arcsec circular ap. mag smallint 2      
k_flg_7 twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 7 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_70 twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 70 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_c twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for Kron circular mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_e twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for Kron elliptical mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_fc twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for fiducial Kron circ. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_fe twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for fiducial Kron ell. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_i20c twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. circ. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_i20e twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. ell. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_i21c twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. circ. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_i21e twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. ell. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_j21fc twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. fid. circ. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_j21fe twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. fid. ell. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_k20fc twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. fid. circ. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_flg_k20fe twomass_sixx2_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 20mag/sq.″ iso. fid. ell. mag smallint 2      
k_flg_k20fe twomass_xsc 2MASS K confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. fid. ell. mag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
k_m twomass_psc 2MASS Default Ks-band magnitude real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m twomass_sixx2_psc 2MASS K selected "default" magnitude real 4 mag    
k_m_10 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 10 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_15 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 15 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_20 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 20 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_25 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 25 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_2mass allwise_sc WISE 2MASS Ks-band magnitude of the associated 2MASS PSC source. This column is "null" if there is no associated 2MASS PSC source or if the 2MASS PSC Ks-band magnitude entry is "null". float 8 mag    
k_m_2mass wise_allskysc WISE 2MASS Ks-band magnitude or magnitude upper limit of the associated 2MASS PSC source.
This column is default if there is no associated 2MASS PSC source or if the 2MASS PSC Ks-band magnitude entry is default.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
k_m_2mass wise_prelimsc WISE 2MASS Ks-band magnitude or magnitude upper limit of the associated 2MASS PSC source
This column is default if there is no associated 2MASS PSC source or if the 2MASS PSC Ks-band magnitude entry is default
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
k_m_30 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 30 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_40 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 40 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_5 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 5 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_50 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 50 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_60 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 60 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_7 twomass_sixx2_xsc 2MASS K 7 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude real 4 mag    
k_m_7 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 7 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_70 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 70 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_c twomass_xsc 2MASS K Kron circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_e twomass_xsc 2MASS K Kron elliptical aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_ext twomass_sixx2_xsc 2MASS K mag from fit extrapolation real 4 mag    
k_m_ext twomass_xsc 2MASS K mag from fit extrapolation. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_fc twomass_xsc 2MASS K fiducial Kron circular magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_fe twomass_xsc 2MASS K fiducial Kron ell. mag aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_i20c twomass_xsc 2MASS K 20mag/sq." isophotal circular ap. magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_i20e twomass_xsc 2MASS K 20mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_i21c twomass_xsc 2MASS K 21mag/sq." isophotal circular ap. magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_i21e twomass_xsc 2MASS K 21mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_j21fc twomass_xsc 2MASS K 21mag/sq." isophotal fiducial circ. ap. mag. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_j21fe twomass_xsc 2MASS K 21mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_k20fc twomass_xsc 2MASS K 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial circ. ap. mag. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_k20fe twomass_sixx2_xsc 2MASS K 20mag/sq.″ isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude real 4 mag    
k_m_k20fe twomass_xsc 2MASS K 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_stdap twomass_psc 2MASS Ks-band "standard" aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_m_sys twomass_xsc 2MASS K system photometry magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_mnsurfb_eff twomass_xsc 2MASS K mean surface brightness at the half-light radius. real 4 mag   PHOT_SB_GENERAL
k_msig twomass_sixx2_psc 2MASS K "default" mag uncertainty real 4 mag    
k_msig_10 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 10 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_15 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 15 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_20 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_25 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 25 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_2mass allwise_sc WISE 2MASS Ks-band corrected photometric uncertainty of the associated 2MASS PSC source. This column is "null" if there is no associated 2MASS PSC source or if the 2MASS PSC Ks-band uncertainty entry is "null". float 8 mag    
k_msig_2mass wise_allskysc WISE 2MASS Ks-band corrected photometric uncertainty of the associated 2MASS PSC source.
This column is default if there is no associated 2MASS PSC source or if the 2MASS PSC Ks-band uncertainty entry is default.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
k_msig_2mass wise_prelimsc WISE 2MASS Ks-band corrected photometric uncertainty of the associated 2MASS PSC source
This column is default if there is no associated 2MASS PSC source or if the 2MASS PSC Ks-band uncertainty entry is default
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
k_msig_30 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 30 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_40 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 40 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_5 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 5 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_50 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 50 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_60 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 60 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_7 twomass_sixx2_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 7 arcsec circular ap. mag real 4 mag    
k_msig_7 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 7 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_70 twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 70 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_c twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in Kron circular mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_e twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in Kron elliptical mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_ext twomass_sixx2_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in mag from fit extrapolation real 4 mag    
k_msig_ext twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in mag from fit extrapolation. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_fc twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in fiducial Kron circ. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_fe twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in fiducial Kron ell. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_i20c twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso. circ. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_i20e twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso. ell. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_i21c twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso. circ. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_i21e twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso. ell. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_j21fc twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso.fid.circ.mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_j21fe twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso.fid.ell.mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_k20fc twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso.fid.circ. mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_k20fe twomass_sixx2_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq.″ iso.fid.ell.mag real 4 mag    
k_msig_k20fe twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso.fid.ell.mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msig_stdap twomass_psc 2MASS Uncertainty in the Ks-band standard aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_msig_sys twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1-sigma uncertainty in system photometry mag. real 4 mag   ERROR
k_msigcom twomass_psc 2MASS Combined, or total photometric uncertainty for the default Ks-band magnitude. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_msigcom twomass_sixx2_psc 2MASS combined (total) K band photometric uncertainty real 4 mag    
k_msnr10 twomass_scn 2MASS The estimated Ks-band magnitude at which SNR=10 is achieved for this scan. real 4 mag   SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_msnr10 twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS K mag at which SNR=10 is achieved, from k_psp and k_zp_ap real 4 mag    
k_n_snr10 twomass_scn 2MASS Number of point sources at Ks-band with SNR>10 (instrumental mag <=14.3) int 4     NUMBER
k_n_snr10 twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS number of K point sources with SNR>10 (instrumental m<=14.3) int 4      
k_pchi twomass_xsc 2MASS K chi^2 of fit to rad. profile (LCSB: alpha scale len). real 4     FIT_PARAM_VALUE
k_peak twomass_xsc 2MASS K peak pixel brightness. real 4 mag   PHOT_SB_GENERAL
k_perc_darea twomass_xsc 2MASS K 5-sigma to 3-sigma percent area change. smallint 2     FIT_PARAM
k_phi twomass_sixx2_xsc 2MASS K angle to 3-sigma major axis (E of N) smallint 2 deg    
k_phi twomass_xsc 2MASS K angle to 3-sigma major axis (E of N). smallint 2 degrees   POS_POS-ANG
k_psfchi twomass_psc 2MASS Reduced chi-squared goodness-of-fit value for the Ks-band profile-fit photometry made on the 1.3 s "Read_2" exposures. real 4     FIT_PARAM_VALUE
k_psp twomass_scn 2MASS Ks-band photometric sensitivity paramater (PSP). real 4     INST_SENSITIVITY
k_psp twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS K photometric sensitivity param: k_shape_avg*(k_fbg_avg^.29) real 4      
k_pts_noise twomass_scn 2MASS Base-10 logarithm of the mode of the noise distribution for all point source detections in the scan, where the noise is estimated from the measured Ks-band photometric errors and is expressed in units of mJy. real 4     INST_NOISE
k_pts_noise twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS log10 of K band modal point src noise estimate real 4 logmJy    
k_r_c twomass_xsc 2MASS K Kron circular aperture radius. real 4 arcsec   EXTENSION_RAD
k_r_e twomass_xsc 2MASS K Kron elliptical aperture semi-major axis. real 4 arcsec   EXTENSION_RAD
k_r_eff twomass_xsc 2MASS K half-light (integrated half-flux point) radius. real 4 arcsec   EXTENSION_RAD
k_r_i20c twomass_xsc 2MASS K 20mag/sq." isophotal circular aperture radius. real 4 arcsec   EXTENSION_RAD
k_r_i20e twomass_xsc 2MASS K 20mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. semi-major axis. real 4 arcsec   EXTENSION_RAD
k_r_i21c twomass_xsc 2MASS K 21mag/sq." isophotal circular aperture radius. real 4 arcsec   EXTENSION_RAD
k_r_i21e twomass_xsc 2MASS K 21mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. semi-major axis. real 4 arcsec   EXTENSION_RAD
k_resid_ann twomass_xsc 2MASS K residual annulus background median. real 4 DN   CODE_MISC
k_sc_1mm twomass_xsc 2MASS K 1st moment (score) (LCSB: super blk 2,4,8 SNR). real 4     CODE_MISC
k_sc_2mm twomass_xsc 2MASS K 2nd moment (score) (LCSB: SNRMAX - super SNR max). real 4     CODE_MISC
k_sc_msh twomass_xsc 2MASS K median shape score. real 4     CODE_MISC
k_sc_mxdn twomass_xsc 2MASS K mxdn (score) (LCSB: BSNR - block/smoothed SNR). real 4     CODE_MISC
k_sc_r1 twomass_xsc 2MASS K r1 (score). real 4     CODE_MISC
k_sc_r23 twomass_xsc 2MASS K r23 (score) (LCSB: TSNR - integrated SNR for r=15). real 4     CODE_MISC
k_sc_sh twomass_xsc 2MASS K shape (score). real 4     CODE_MISC
k_sc_vint twomass_xsc 2MASS K vint (score). real 4     CODE_MISC
k_sc_wsh twomass_xsc 2MASS K wsh (score) (LCSB: PSNR - peak raw SNR). real 4     CODE_MISC
k_seetrack twomass_xsc 2MASS K band seetracking score. real 4     CODE_MISC
k_sh0 twomass_xsc 2MASS K ridge shape (LCSB: BSNR limit). real 4     FIT_PARAM
k_shape_avg twomass_scn 2MASS Ks-band average seeing shape for scan. real 4     INST_SEEING
k_shape_avg twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS K band average seeing shape for scan real 4      
k_shape_rms twomass_scn 2MASS RMS-error of Ks-band average seeing shape. real 4     INST_SEEING
k_shape_rms twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS rms of K band avg seeing shape for scan real 4      
k_sig_sh0 twomass_xsc 2MASS K ridge shape sigma (LCSB: B2SNR limit). real 4     FIT_PARAM
k_snr twomass_psc 2MASS Ks-band "scan" signal-to-noise ratio. real 4 mag   INST_NOISE
k_snr twomass_sixx2_psc 2MASS K band "scan" signal-to-noise ratio real 4      
k_subst2 twomass_xsc 2MASS K residual background #2 (score). real 4     CODE_MISC
k_zp_ap twomass_scn 2MASS Photometric zero-point for Ks-band aperture photometry. real 4 mag   PHOT_ZP
k_zp_ap twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS K band ap. calibration photometric zero-point for scan real 4 mag    
k_zperr_ap twomass_scn 2MASS RMS-error of zero-point for Ks-band aperture photometry real 4 mag   FIT_ERROR
k_zperr_ap twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS K band ap. calibration rms error of zero-point for scan real 4 mag    
ka catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE astrometry usage code (0: neither the ascending nor the descending scan provided a solution; 1: only the ascending scan provided a solution; 2: only the descending scan provided a solution; 3: both scans provided solutions which were combined in the relevant way) int 4      
kAperMag1 calSynopticSource WSACalib Extended source K aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag1 gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Default point source K aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag1 gpsSource WSA Default point source K aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter)
If in doubt use this flux estimator
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag1Err calSynopticSource WSACalib Error in extended source K mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag1Err gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, reliableGpsPointSource WSA Error in point source K mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag2 calSynopticSource WSACalib Extended source K aperture corrected mag (1.4 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag2Err calSynopticSource WSACalib Error in extended source K mag (1.4 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag3 calSource WSACalib Default point source K aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)
If in doubt use this flux estimator
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag3 calSynopticSource WSACalib Default point/extended source K aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag3 dxsJKsource, gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource WSA Default point source K aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag3 dxsSource, gcsSource, gpsSource, lasSource WSA Default point source K aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)
If in doubt use this flux estimator
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag3 reliableUdsSource WSA Default point/extended source K mag, no aperture correction applied real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag3 udsSource WSA Default point/extended source K mag, no aperture correction applied
If in doubt use this flux estimator
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag3 uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Default point source K aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)
If in doubt use this flux estimator
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag3Err calSource WSACalib Error in default point source K mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag3Err calSynopticSource WSACalib Error in default point/extended source K mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag3Err dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource WSA Error in default point source K mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag3Err reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA Error in default point/extended source K mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag3Err uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Error in default point source K mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag4 calSource WSACalib Point source K aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag4 calSynopticSource WSACalib Extended source K aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag4 dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource WSA Point source K aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag4 reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA Extended source K mag, no aperture correction applied real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag4 uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Point source K aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag4Err calSource WSACalib Error in point source K mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag4Err calSynopticSource WSACalib Error in extended source K mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag4Err dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource WSA Error in point source K mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag4Err reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA Error in extended source K mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag4Err uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Error in point source K mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag5 calSynopticSource WSACalib Extended source K aperture corrected mag (4.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag5Err calSynopticSource WSACalib Error in extended source K mag (4.0 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag6 calSource WSACalib Point source K aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag6 dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource WSA Point source K aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag6 reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA Extended source K mag, no aperture correction applied real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag6 uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Point source K aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kAperMag6Err calSource WSACalib Error in point source K mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag6Err dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource WSA Error in point source K mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag6Err reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA Error in extended source K mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kAperMag6Err uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Error in point source K mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kaStratAst calVarFrameSetInfo WSACalib Strateva parameter, a, in fit to astrometric rms vs magnitude in K band, see Sesar et al. 2007. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS position around the mean for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated.
kaStratAst dxsVarFrameSetInfo, gcsVarFrameSetInfo, gpsVarFrameSetInfo, udsVarFrameSetInfo WSA Strateva parameter, a, in fit to astrometric rms vs magnitude in K band, see Sesar et al. 2007. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS position around the mean for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated.
kaStratPht calVarFrameSetInfo WSACalib Strateva parameter, a, in fit to photometric rms vs magnitude in K band, see Sesar et al. 2007. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236.
kaStratPht dxsVarFrameSetInfo, gcsVarFrameSetInfo, gpsVarFrameSetInfo, udsVarFrameSetInfo WSA Strateva parameter, a, in fit to photometric rms vs magnitude in K band, see Sesar et al. 2007. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236.
kbestAper calVariability WSACalib Best aperture (1-6) for photometric statistics in the K band int 4   -9999  
Aperture magnitude (1-6) which gives the lowest RMS for the object. All apertures have the appropriate aperture correction. This can give better values in crowded regions than aperMag3 (see Irwin et al. 2007, MNRAS, 375, 1449)
kbestAper dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA Best aperture (1-6) for photometric statistics in the K band int 4   -9999  
Aperture magnitude (1-6) which gives the lowest RMS for the object. All apertures have the appropriate aperture correction. This can give better values in crowded regions than aperMag3 (see Irwin et al. 2007, MNRAS, 375, 1449)
kbStratAst calVarFrameSetInfo WSACalib Strateva parameter, b, in fit to astrometric rms vs magnitude in K band, see Sesar et al. 2007. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS position around the mean for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated.
kbStratAst dxsVarFrameSetInfo, gcsVarFrameSetInfo, gpsVarFrameSetInfo, udsVarFrameSetInfo WSA Strateva parameter, b, in fit to astrometric rms vs magnitude in K band, see Sesar et al. 2007. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS position around the mean for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated.
kbStratPht calVarFrameSetInfo WSACalib Strateva parameter, b, in fit to photometric rms vs magnitude in K band, see Sesar et al. 2007. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236.
kbStratPht dxsVarFrameSetInfo, gcsVarFrameSetInfo, gpsVarFrameSetInfo, udsVarFrameSetInfo WSA Strateva parameter, b, in fit to photometric rms vs magnitude in K band, see Sesar et al. 2007. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236.
kchiSqAst calVarFrameSetInfo WSACalib Goodness of fit of Strateva function to astrometric data in K band real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS position around the mean for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated.
kchiSqAst dxsVarFrameSetInfo, gcsVarFrameSetInfo, gpsVarFrameSetInfo, udsVarFrameSetInfo WSA Goodness of fit of Strateva function to astrometric data in K band real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS position around the mean for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated.
kchiSqpd calVariability WSACalib Chi square (per degree of freedom) fit to data (mean and expected rms) real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kchiSqpd dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA Chi square (per degree of freedom) fit to data (mean and expected rms) real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kchiSqPht calVarFrameSetInfo WSACalib Goodness of fit of Strateva function to photometric data in K band real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236.
kchiSqPht dxsVarFrameSetInfo, gcsVarFrameSetInfo, gpsVarFrameSetInfo, udsVarFrameSetInfo WSA Goodness of fit of Strateva function to photometric data in K band real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236.
kClass calSource, calSynopticSource WSACalib discrete image classification flag in K smallint 2   -9999 CLASS_MISC
kClass dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA discrete image classification flag in K smallint 2   -9999 CLASS_MISC
kClass uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS discrete image classification flag in K smallint 2   -9999 CLASS_MISC
kClassStat calSource, calSynopticSource WSACalib N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in K real 4   -0.9999995e9 STAT_PROP
kClassStat dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource WSA N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in K real 4   -0.9999995e9 STAT_PROP
kClassStat reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA S-Extractor classification statistic in K real 4   -0.9999995e9 STAT_PROP
kClassStat uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in K real 4   -0.9999995e9 STAT_PROP
kCorr twompzPhotoz TWOMPZ K 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude with Galactic dust correction {image primary HDU keyword: Kcorr} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 phot.mag;em.IR.K
kCorrErr twompzPhotoz TWOMPZ K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." aperture {image primary HDU keyword: k_msig_k20fe} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
kcStratAst calVarFrameSetInfo WSACalib Strateva parameter, c, in fit to astrometric rms vs magnitude in K band, see Sesar et al. 2007. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS position around the mean for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated.
kcStratAst dxsVarFrameSetInfo, gcsVarFrameSetInfo, gpsVarFrameSetInfo, udsVarFrameSetInfo WSA Strateva parameter, c, in fit to astrometric rms vs magnitude in K band, see Sesar et al. 2007. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS position around the mean for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated.
kcStratPht calVarFrameSetInfo WSACalib Strateva parameter, c, in fit to photometric rms vs magnitude in K band, see Sesar et al. 2007. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236.
kcStratPht dxsVarFrameSetInfo, gcsVarFrameSetInfo, gpsVarFrameSetInfo, udsVarFrameSetInfo WSA Strateva parameter, c, in fit to photometric rms vs magnitude in K band, see Sesar et al. 2007. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236.
kDeblend calSource WSACalib placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in K int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
This CASU pipeline processing source extraction flag is a placeholder only, and is always set to zero in all passbands in the merged source lists. If you need to know when a particular image detection is a component of a deblend or not, test bit 4 of attribute ppErrBits (see corresponding glossary entry) which is set by WFAU's post-processing software based on testing the areal profiles aprof2-8 (these are set by CASU to -1 for deblended components, or positive values for non-deblended detections). We encode this in an information bit of ppErrBits for convenience when querying the merged source tables.
kDeblend calSynopticSource WSACalib placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in K int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
kDeblend dxsJKsource, gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in K int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
kDeblend dxsSource, gcsSource, gpsSource, lasSource WSA placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in K int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
This CASU pipeline processing source extraction flag is a placeholder only, and is always set to zero in all passbands in the merged source lists. If you need to know when a particular image detection is a component of a deblend or not, test bit 4 of attribute ppErrBits (see corresponding glossary entry) which is set by WFAU's post-processing software based on testing the areal profiles aprof2-8 (these are set by CASU to -1 for deblended components, or positive values for non-deblended detections). We encode this in an information bit of ppErrBits for convenience when querying the merged source tables.
kDeblend uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in K int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
This CASU pipeline processing source extraction flag is a placeholder only, and is always set to zero in all passbands in the merged source lists. If you need to know when a particular image detection is a component of a deblend or not, test bit 4 of attribute ppErrBits (see corresponding glossary entry) which is set by WFAU's post-processing software based on testing the areal profiles aprof2-8 (these are set by CASU to -1 for deblended components, or positive values for non-deblended detections). We encode this in an information bit of ppErrBits for convenience when querying the merged source tables.
kEll calSource, calSynopticSource WSACalib 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in K real 4   -0.9999995e9 PHYS_ELLIPTICITY
kEll dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in K real 4   -0.9999995e9 PHYS_ELLIPTICITY
kEll uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in K real 4   -0.9999995e9 PHYS_ELLIPTICITY
keNum calMergeLog, calSynopticMergeLog WSACalib the extension number of this K frame tinyint 1     NUMBER
keNum dxsJKmergeLog, dxsMergeLog, gcsMergeLog, gcsZYJHKmergeLog, gpsJHKmergeLog, gpsMergeLog, lasMergeLog, lasYJHKmergeLog, udsMergeLog WSA the extension number of this K frame tinyint 1     NUMBER
keNum uhsMergeLog WSAUHS the extension number of this K frame tinyint 1     NUMBER
kErrBits calSource, calSynopticSource WSACalib processing warning/error bitwise flags in K int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture.
kErrBits dxsJKsource, gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource WSA processing warning/error bitwise flags in K int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
kErrBits dxsSource, gcsSource, gpsSource, lasSource WSA processing warning/error bitwise flags in K int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture.
kErrBits udsSource WSA processing warning/error bitwise flags in K int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
This uses the FLAGS attribute in SE. The individual bit flags that this can be decomposed into are as follows:
Bit FlagMeaning
1The object has neighbours, bright enough and close enough to significantly bias the MAG_AUTO photometry or bad pixels (more than 10% of photometry affected).
2The object was originally blended with another
4At least one pixel is saturated (or very close to)
8The object is truncated (too close to an image boundary)
16Object's aperture data are incomplete or corrupted
32Object's isophotal data are imcomplete or corrupted. This is an old flag inherited from SE v1.0, and is kept for compatability reasons. It doesn't have any consequence for the extracted parameters.
64Memory overflow occurred during deblending
128Memory overflow occurred during extraction

kErrBits uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS processing warning/error bitwise flags in K int 4   -99999999 CODE_MISC
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture.
kEta calSource, calSynopticSource WSACalib Offset of K detection from master position (+north/-south) real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_DEC_OFF
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands.
kEta dxsJKsource, gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource WSA Offset of K detection from master position (+north/-south) real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_DEC_OFF
kEta dxsSource, gcsSource, gpsSource, lasSource, udsSource WSA Offset of K detection from master position (+north/-south) real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_DEC_OFF
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands.
kEta uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Offset of K detection from master position (+north/-south) real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_DEC_OFF
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands.
kexpML calVarFrameSetInfo WSACalib Expected magnitude limit of frameSet in this in K band. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The expected magnitude limit of an intermediate stack, based on the total exposure time. expML=Filter.oneSecML+1.25*log10(totalExpTime). Since different intermediate stacks can have different exposure times, the totalExpTime is the minimum, as long as the number of stacks with this minimum make up 10% of the total. This is a more conservative treatment than just taking the mean or median total exposure time.
kexpML dxsVarFrameSetInfo, gcsVarFrameSetInfo, gpsVarFrameSetInfo, udsVarFrameSetInfo WSA Expected magnitude limit of frameSet in this in K band. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The expected magnitude limit of an intermediate stack, based on the total exposure time. expML=Filter.oneSecML+1.25*log10(totalExpTime). Since different intermediate stacks can have different exposure times, the totalExpTime is the minimum, as long as the number of stacks with this minimum make up 10% of the total. This is a more conservative treatment than just taking the mean or median total exposure time.
kExpRms calVariability WSACalib Rms calculated from polynomial fit to modal RMS as a function of magnitude in K band real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kExpRms dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA Rms calculated from polynomial fit to modal RMS as a function of magnitude in K band real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kGausig calSource, calSynopticSource WSACalib RMS of axes of ellipse fit in K real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 MORPH_PARAM
kGausig dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA RMS of axes of ellipse fit in K real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 MORPH_PARAM
kGausig uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS RMS of axes of ellipse fit in K real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 MORPH_PARAM
kHallMag calSource WSACalib Total point source K mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kHallMag dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource WSA Total point source K mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kHallMag reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA Not available in SE output real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kHallMag uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Total point source K mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kHallMagErr calSource WSACalib Error in total point source K mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kHallMagErr dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource WSA Error in total point source K mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kHallMagErr reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA Not available in SE output real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kHallMagErr uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Error in total point source K mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kIntRms calVariability WSACalib Intrinsic rms in K-band real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kIntRms dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA Intrinsic rms in K-band real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kisDefAst calVarFrameSetInfo WSACalib Use a default model for the astrometric noise in K band. tinyint 1   0  
kisDefAst dxsVarFrameSetInfo, gcsVarFrameSetInfo, gpsVarFrameSetInfo, udsVarFrameSetInfo WSA Use a default model for the astrometric noise in K band. tinyint 1   0  
kisDefPht calVarFrameSetInfo WSACalib Use a default model for the photometric noise in K band. tinyint 1   0  
kisDefPht dxsVarFrameSetInfo, gcsVarFrameSetInfo, gpsVarFrameSetInfo, udsVarFrameSetInfo WSA Use a default model for the photometric noise in K band. tinyint 1   0  
km catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE proper motion usage code (0: neither the ascending nor the descending scan provided a solution; 1: only the ascending scan provided a solution; 2: only the descending scan provided a solution; 3: both scans provided solutions which were combined in the relevant way) int 4      
kMag ukirtFSstars WSA K band total magnitude on the MKO(UFTI) system real 4 mag   phot.mag
kMag ukirtFSstars WSACalib K band total magnitude on the MKO(UFTI) system real 4 mag   phot.mag
kMag ukirtFSstars WSAUHS K band total magnitude on the MKO(UFTI) system real 4 mag   phot.mag
kMagErr ukirtFSstars WSA K band magnitude error real 4 mag   stat.error
kMagErr ukirtFSstars WSACalib K band magnitude error real 4 mag   stat.error
kMagErr ukirtFSstars WSAUHS K band magnitude error real 4 mag   stat.error
kMagMAD calVariability WSACalib Median Absolute Deviation of K magnitude real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kMagMAD dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA Median Absolute Deviation of K magnitude real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kMagRms calVariability WSACalib rms of K magnitude real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kMagRms dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA rms of K magnitude real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kmaxCadence calVariability WSACalib maximum gap between observations real 4 days -0.9999995e9  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
kmaxCadence dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA maximum gap between observations real 4 days -0.9999995e9  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
kMaxMag calVariability WSACalib Maximum magnitude in K band, of good detections real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kMaxMag dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA Maximum magnitude in K band, of good detections real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kmeanMag calVariability WSACalib Mean K magnitude real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kmeanMag dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA Mean K magnitude real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kmedCadence calVariability WSACalib median gap between observations real 4 days -0.9999995e9  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
kmedCadence dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA median gap between observations real 4 days -0.9999995e9  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
kmedianMag calVariability WSACalib Median K magnitude real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kmedianMag dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA Median K magnitude real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kmfID calMergeLog, calSynopticMergeLog WSACalib the UID of the relevant K multiframe bigint 8     ID_FRAME
kmfID dxsJKmergeLog, dxsMergeLog, gcsMergeLog, gcsZYJHKmergeLog, gpsJHKmergeLog, gpsMergeLog, lasMergeLog, lasYJHKmergeLog, udsMergeLog WSA the UID of the relevant K multiframe bigint 8     ID_FRAME
kmfID uhsMergeLog WSAUHS the UID of the relevant K multiframe bigint 8     ID_FRAME
kminCadence calVariability WSACalib minimum gap between observations real 4 days -0.9999995e9  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
kminCadence dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA minimum gap between observations real 4 days -0.9999995e9  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
kMinMag calVariability WSACalib Minimum magnitude in K band, of good detections real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kMinMag dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA Minimum magnitude in K band, of good detections real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kndof calVariability WSACalib Number of degrees of freedom for chisquare smallint 2   -9999  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kndof dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA Number of degrees of freedom for chisquare smallint 2   -9999  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
knDofAst calVarFrameSetInfo WSACalib Number of degrees of freedom of astrometric fit in K band. smallint 2   -9999  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS position around the mean for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated.
knDofAst dxsVarFrameSetInfo, gcsVarFrameSetInfo, gpsVarFrameSetInfo, udsVarFrameSetInfo WSA Number of degrees of freedom of astrometric fit in K band. smallint 2   -9999  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS position around the mean for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated.
knDofPht calVarFrameSetInfo WSACalib Number of degrees of freedom of photometric fit in K band. smallint 2   -9999  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236.
knDofPht dxsVarFrameSetInfo, gcsVarFrameSetInfo, gpsVarFrameSetInfo, udsVarFrameSetInfo WSA Number of degrees of freedom of photometric fit in K band. smallint 2   -9999  
The best fit solution to the expected RMS brightness (in magnitudes) for all objects in the frameset. Objects were binned in ranges of magnitude and the median RMS (after clipping out variable objects using the median-absolute deviation) was calculated. The Strateva function $\zeta(m)>=a+b\,10^{0.4m}+c\,10^{0.8m}$ was fit, where $\zeta(m)$ is the expected RMS as a function of magnitude. The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom are also calculated. This technique was used in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236.
knFlaggedObs calVariability WSACalib Number of detections in K band flagged as potentially spurious by calDetection.ppErrBits int 4   0  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
knFlaggedObs dxsVariability WSA Number of detections in K band flagged as potentially spurious by dxsDetection.ppErrBits int 4   0  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
knFlaggedObs gcsVariability WSA Number of detections in K band flagged as potentially spurious by gcsDetection.ppErrBits int 4   0  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
knFlaggedObs gpsVariability WSA Number of detections in K band flagged as potentially spurious by gpsDetection.ppErrBits int 4   0  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
knFlaggedObs udsVariability WSA Number of detections in K band flagged as potentially spurious by udsDetection.ppErrBits int 4   0  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
knGoodObs calVariability WSACalib Number of good detections in K band int 4   0  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
knGoodObs dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA Number of good detections in K band int 4   0  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
kNgt3sig calVariability WSACalib Number of good detections in K-band that are more than 3 sigma deviations (kAperMagN < (kMeanMag-3*kMagRms) smallint 2   -9999  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kNgt3sig dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA Number of good detections in K-band that are more than 3 sigma deviations (kAperMagN < (kMeanMag-3*kMagRms) smallint 2   -9999  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
knMissingObs calVariability WSACalib Number of K band frames that this object should have been detected on and was not int 4   0  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
knMissingObs dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA Number of K band frames that this object should have been detected on and was not int 4   0  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
kPA calSource, calSynopticSource WSACalib ellipse fit celestial orientation in K real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 POS_POS-ANG
kPA dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA ellipse fit celestial orientation in K real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 POS_POS-ANG
kPA uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS ellipse fit celestial orientation in K real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 POS_POS-ANG
kPetroMag calSource WSACalib Extended source K mag (Petrosian) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kPetroMag dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA Extended source K mag (Petrosian) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kPetroMag uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Extended source K mag (Petrosian) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kPetroMagErr calSource WSACalib Error in extended source K mag (Petrosian) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kPetroMagErr dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA Error in extended source K mag (Petrosian) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kPetroMagErr uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Error in extended source K mag (Petrosian) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kppErrBits calSource, calSynopticSource WSACalib additional WFAU post-processing error bits in K int 4   0 CODE_MISC
Post-processing error quality bit flags assigned (NB: from UKIDSS DR2 release onwards) in the WSA curation procedure for survey data. From least to most significant byte in the 4-byte integer attribute byte 0 (bits 0 to 7) corresponds to information on generally innocuous conditions that are nonetheless potentially significant as regards the integrity of that detection; byte 1 (bits 8 to 15) corresponds to warnings; byte 2 (bits 16 to 23) corresponds to important warnings; and finally byte 3 (bits 24 to 31) corresponds to severe warnings:
ByteBitDetection quality issue Threshold or bit mask Applies to
0 4 Deblended 16 0x00000010 All VDFS catalogues
0 6 Bad pixel(s) in default aperture 64 0x00000040 All VDFS catalogues
1 15 Source in poor flat field region 32768 0x00008000 All but mosaics
2 16 Close to saturated 65536 0x00010000 All VDFS catalogues (though deeps excluded prior to DR8)
2 17 Photometric calibration probably subject to systematic error 131072 0x00020000 GPS only
2 19 Possible crosstalk artefact/contamination 524288 0x00080000 All but GPS
2 22 Lies within a dither offset of the stacked frame boundary 4194304 0x00400000 All but mosaics

In this way, the higher the error quality bit flag value, the more likely it is that the detection is spurious. The decimal threshold (column 4) gives the minimum value of the quality flag for a detection having the given condition (since other bits in the flag may be set also; the corresponding hexadecimal value, where each digit corresponds to 4 bits in the flag, can be easier to compute when writing SQL queries to test for a given condition). For example, to exclude all K band sources in the LAS having any error quality condition other than informational ones, include a predicate ... AND kppErrBits ≤ 255. See the SQL Cookbook and other online pages for further information.
kppErrBits dxsJKsource, gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA additional WFAU post-processing error bits in K int 4   0 CODE_MISC
kppErrBits dxsSource, gcsSource, gpsSource, lasSource WSA additional WFAU post-processing error bits in K int 4   0 CODE_MISC
Post-processing error quality bit flags assigned (NB: from UKIDSS DR2 release onwards) in the WSA curation procedure for survey data. From least to most significant byte in the 4-byte integer attribute byte 0 (bits 0 to 7) corresponds to information on generally innocuous conditions that are nonetheless potentially significant as regards the integrity of that detection; byte 1 (bits 8 to 15) corresponds to warnings; byte 2 (bits 16 to 23) corresponds to important warnings; and finally byte 3 (bits 24 to 31) corresponds to severe warnings:
ByteBitDetection quality issue Threshold or bit mask Applies to
0 4 Deblended 16 0x00000010 All VDFS catalogues
0 6 Bad pixel(s) in default aperture 64 0x00000040 All VDFS catalogues
1 15 Source in poor flat field region 32768 0x00008000 All but mosaics
2 16 Close to saturated 65536 0x00010000 All VDFS catalogues (though deeps excluded prior to DR8)
2 17 Photometric calibration probably subject to systematic error 131072 0x00020000 GPS only
2 19 Possible crosstalk artefact/contamination 524288 0x00080000 All but GPS
2 22 Lies within a dither offset of the stacked frame boundary 4194304 0x00400000 All but mosaics

In this way, the higher the error quality bit flag value, the more likely it is that the detection is spurious. The decimal threshold (column 4) gives the minimum value of the quality flag for a detection having the given condition (since other bits in the flag may be set also; the corresponding hexadecimal value, where each digit corresponds to 4 bits in the flag, can be easier to compute when writing SQL queries to test for a given condition). For example, to exclude all K band sources in the LAS having any error quality condition other than informational ones, include a predicate ... AND kppErrBits ≤ 255. See the SQL Cookbook and other online pages for further information.
kppErrBits uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS additional WFAU post-processing error bits in K int 4   0 CODE_MISC
Post-processing error quality bit flags assigned (NB: from UKIDSS DR2 release onwards) in the WSA curation procedure for survey data. From least to most significant byte in the 4-byte integer attribute byte 0 (bits 0 to 7) corresponds to information on generally innocuous conditions that are nonetheless potentially significant as regards the integrity of that detection; byte 1 (bits 8 to 15) corresponds to warnings; byte 2 (bits 16 to 23) corresponds to important warnings; and finally byte 3 (bits 24 to 31) corresponds to severe warnings:
ByteBitDetection quality issue Threshold or bit mask Applies to
0 4 Deblended 16 0x00000010 All VDFS catalogues
0 6 Bad pixel(s) in default aperture 64 0x00000040 All VDFS catalogues
1 15 Source in poor flat field region 32768 0x00008000 All but mosaics
2 16 Close to saturated 65536 0x00010000 All VDFS catalogues (though deeps excluded prior to DR8)
2 17 Photometric calibration probably subject to systematic error 131072 0x00020000 GPS only
2 19 Possible crosstalk artefact/contamination 524288 0x00080000 All but GPS
2 22 Lies within a dither offset of the stacked frame boundary 4194304 0x00400000 All but mosaics

In this way, the higher the error quality bit flag value, the more likely it is that the detection is spurious. The decimal threshold (column 4) gives the minimum value of the quality flag for a detection having the given condition (since other bits in the flag may be set also; the corresponding hexadecimal value, where each digit corresponds to 4 bits in the flag, can be easier to compute when writing SQL queries to test for a given condition). For example, to exclude all K band sources in the LAS having any error quality condition other than informational ones, include a predicate ... AND kppErrBits ≤ 255. See the SQL Cookbook and other online pages for further information.
kprobVar calVariability WSACalib Probability of variable from chi-square (and other data) real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kprobVar dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA Probability of variable from chi-square (and other data) real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kPsfMag calSource WSACalib Point source profile-fitted K mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kPsfMag dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource WSA Point source profile-fitted K mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kPsfMag reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA Not available in SE output real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kPsfMag uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Point source profile-fitted K mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kPsfMagErr calSource WSACalib Error in point source profile-fitted K mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kPsfMagErr dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource WSA Error in point source profile-fitted K mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kPsfMagErr reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA Not available in SE output real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kPsfMagErr uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Error in point source profile-fitted K mag real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kronFlux Detection PS1DR2 Kron (1980) flux. real 4 Janskys -999  
kronFlux UKIDSSDetection WSA flux within circular aperture to k × r_k ; k = 2 real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
kronFlux calDetection WSACalib flux within circular aperture to k × r_k ; k = 2 {catalogue TType keyword: Kron_flux} real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
kronFlux dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA flux within circular aperture to k × r_k ; k = 2 {catalogue TType keyword: Kron_flux} real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
kronFlux ptsDetection WSATransit flux within circular aperture to k × r_k ; k = 2 {catalogue TType keyword: Kron_flux} real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
kronFlux udsDetection WSA flux within Kron radius circular aperture (SE: FLUX_AUTO) {catalogue TType keyword: Kron_flux} real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
kronFlux uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS flux within circular aperture to k × r_k ; k = 2 {catalogue TType keyword: Kron_flux} real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
kronFluxErr Detection PS1DR2 Error on Kron (1980) flux. real 4 Janskys -999  
kronFluxErr UKIDSSDetection WSA error on Kron flux real 4 ADU   ERROR
kronFluxErr calDetection WSACalib error on Kron flux {catalogue TType keyword: Kron_flux_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
kronFluxErr dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA error on Kron flux {catalogue TType keyword: Kron_flux_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
kronFluxErr ptsDetection WSATransit error on Kron flux {catalogue TType keyword: Kron_flux_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
kronFluxErr udsDetection WSA error on Kron flux (SE: FLUXERR_AUTO) {catalogue TType keyword: Kron_flux_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
kronFluxErr uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS error on Kron flux {catalogue TType keyword: Kron_flux_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
kronMag dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Calibrated Kron magnitude within circular aperture r_k real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
kronMag calDetection WSACalib Calibrated Kron magnitude within circular aperture r_k real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
kronMag ptsDetection WSATransit Calibrated Kron magnitude within circular aperture r_k real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
kronMag uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Calibrated Kron magnitude within circular aperture r_k real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
kronMagErr dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA error on calibrated Kron magnitude real 4 mag   ERROR
kronMagErr calDetection WSACalib error on calibrated Kron magnitude real 4 mag   ERROR
kronMagErr ptsDetection WSATransit error on calibrated Kron magnitude real 4 mag   ERROR
kronMagErr uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS error on calibrated Kron magnitude real 4 mag   ERROR
kronRad Detection PS1DR2 Kron (1980) radius. real 4 arcsec -999  
kronRad UKIDSSDetection WSA r_k as defined in Bertin and Arnouts 1996 A&A Supp 117 393 real 4 pixels   EXTENSION_RAD
kronRad calDetection WSACalib r_k as defined in Bertin and Arnouts 1996 A&A Supp 117 393 {catalogue TType keyword: Kron_radius} real 4 pixels   EXTENSION_RAD
kronRad dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA r_k as defined in Bertin and Arnouts 1996 A&A Supp 117 393 {catalogue TType keyword: Kron_radius} real 4 pixels   EXTENSION_RAD
kronRad ptsDetection WSATransit r_k as defined in Bertin and Arnouts 1996 A&A Supp 117 393 {catalogue TType keyword: Kron_radius} real 4 pixels   EXTENSION_RAD
kronRad udsDetection WSA Kron radius as defined in SE by Graham and Driver (2005) (SE: KRON_RADIUS*A_IMAGE) {catalogue TType keyword: Kron_radius}
r_k = ∑R² I(R) / ∑R I(R)
real 4 pixels   EXTENSION_RAD
Since <FLUX>_RADIUS is expressed in multiples of the major axis, <FLUX>_RADIUS is multiplied by A_IMAGE to convert to pixels.
kronRad uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS r_k as defined in Bertin and Arnouts 1996 A&A Supp 117 393 {catalogue TType keyword: Kron_radius} real 4 pixels   EXTENSION_RAD
kSeqNum calSource, calSynopticSource WSACalib the running number of the K detection int 4   -99999999 ID_NUMBER
kSeqNum dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA the running number of the K detection int 4   -99999999 ID_NUMBER
kSeqNum uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS the running number of the K detection int 4   -99999999 ID_NUMBER
kSerMag2D calSource WSACalib Extended source K mag (profile-fitted) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kSerMag2D dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource WSA Extended source K mag (profile-fitted) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kSerMag2D reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA Not available in SE output real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kSerMag2D uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Extended source K mag (profile-fitted) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_MAG
kSerMag2DErr calSource WSACalib Error in extended source K mag (profile-fitted) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kSerMag2DErr dxsJKsource, dxsSource, gcsPointSource, gcsSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, gpsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource WSA Error in extended source K mag (profile-fitted) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kSerMag2DErr reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA Not available in SE output real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kSerMag2DErr uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Error in extended source K mag (profile-fitted) real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 ERROR
kskewness calVariability WSACalib Skewness in K band (see Sesar et al. 2007) real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kskewness dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA Skewness in K band (see Sesar et al. 2007) real 4   -0.9999995e9  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
ktotalPeriod calVariability WSACalib total period of observations (last obs-first obs) real 4 days -0.9999995e9  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
ktotalPeriod dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA total period of observations (last obs-first obs) real 4 days -0.9999995e9  
The observations are classified as good, flagged or missing. Flagged observations are ones where the object has a ppErrBit flag. Missing observations are observations of the part of the sky that include the position of the object, but had no detection. All the statistics are calculated from good observations. The cadence parameters give the minimum, median and maximum time between observations, which is useful to know if the data could be used to find a particular type of variable.
kurtosis phot_variable_time_series_g_fov_statistical_parameters GAIADR1 Standardized unweighted kurtosis of the G-band time series values float 8     stat.value
kVarClass calVariability WSACalib Classification of variability in this band smallint 2   -9999  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kVarClass dxsVariability, gcsVariability, gpsVariability, udsVariability WSA Classification of variability in this band smallint 2   -9999  
The photometry is calculated for good observations in the best aperture. The mean, rms, median, median absolute deviation, minMag and maxMag are quite standard. The skewness is calculated as in Sesar et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 2236. The number of good detections that are more than 3 standard deviations can indicate a distribution with many outliers. In each frameset, the mean and rms are used to derive a fit to the expected rms as a function of magnitude. The parameters for the fit are stored in VarFrameSetInfo and the value for the source is in expRms. This is subtracted from the rms in quadrature to get the intrinsic rms: the variability of the object beyond the noise in the system. The chi-squared is calculated, assuming a non-variable object which has the noise from the expected-rms and mean calculated as above. The probVar statistic assumes a chi-squared distribution with the correct number of degrees of freedom. The varClass statistic is 1, if the probVar>0.9 and intrinsicRMS/expectedRMS>3.
kXi calSource, calSynopticSource WSACalib Offset of K detection from master position (+east/-west) real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_RA_OFF
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands.
kXi dxsJKsource, gcsPointSource, gcsZYJHKsource, gpsJHKsource, gpsPointSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableGcsPointSource, reliableGpsPointSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource WSA Offset of K detection from master position (+east/-west) real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_RA_OFF
kXi dxsSource, gcsSource, gpsSource, lasSource, udsSource WSA Offset of K detection from master position (+east/-west) real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_RA_OFF
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands.
kXi uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS Offset of K detection from master position (+east/-west) real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9 POS_EQ_RA_OFF
When associating individual passband detections into merged sources, a generous (in terms of the positional uncertainties) pairing radius of 2.0 (UKIDSS LAS and GPS; UHS; also non-survey programmes) or 1.0 (UKIDSS GPS, DXS and UDS) arcseconds is used, the higher value enabling pairing of moving sources when epoch separations may be several years. Such a large association criterion can of course lead to spurious pairings in the merged sources lists (although note that between passband pairs, handshake pairing is done: both passbands must agree that the candidate pair is their nearest neighbour for the pair to propagate through into the merged source table). In order to help filter spurious pairings out, and assuming that large positional offsets between the different passband detections are not expected (e.g. because of source motion, or larger than usual positional uncertainties) then the attributes Xi and Eta can be used to filter any pairings with suspiciously large offsets in one or more bands. For example, for a clean sample of QSOs from the LAS, you might wish to insist that the offsets in the selected sample are all below 1 arcsecond: simply add WHERE clauses into the SQL sample selection script to exclude all Xi and Eta values larger than the threshold you want. NB: the master position is the position of the detection in the shortest passband in the set, rather than the ra/dec of the source as stored in source attributes of the same name. The former is used in the pairing process, while the latter is generally the optimally weighted mean position from an astrometric solution or other combinatorial process of all individual detection positions across the available passbands.

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK
