M |
Name | Schema Table | Database | Description | Type | Length | Unit | Default Value | Unified Content Descriptor |
m2u |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Raw position of M2 U (N-S tilt) {image primary HDU keyword: M2_U} |
real |
4 |
mrad |
-0.9999995e9 |
m2v |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Raw position of M2 V (E-W tilt) {image primary HDU keyword: M2_V} |
real |
4 |
mrad |
-0.9999995e9 |
m2w |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Raw position of M2 W (axial rotation) {image primary HDU keyword: M2_W} |
real |
4 |
mrad |
-0.9999995e9 |
m2x |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Raw position of M2 X (E-W) {image primary HDU keyword: M2_X} |
real |
4 |
millimetres |
-0.9999995e9 |
m2y |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Raw position of M2 Y (N-S) {image primary HDU keyword: M2_Y} |
real |
4 |
millimetres |
-0.9999995e9 |
m2z |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Raw position of M2 Z (focus) {image primary HDU keyword: M2_Z} |
real |
4 |
millimetres |
-0.9999995e9 |
M3Temp |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
M3 temperature {image primary HDU keyword: M3_TEMP} |
real |
4 |
degrees_Kelvin |
-0.9999995e9 |
maskID |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
UID of library object mask frame {image extension keyword: CIR_OPM} |
bigint |
8 |
-99999999 |
maxDec |
[nspid]CurrentAstrometry, [nspid]PreviousAstrometry |
WSA NonSurvey |
The maximum Dec (J2000) on the device |
float |
8 |
Degrees |
-0.9999995e9 |
maxRa |
[nspid]CurrentAstrometry, [nspid]PreviousAstrometry |
WSA NonSurvey |
The maximum RA (J2000) on the device |
float |
8 |
Degrees |
-0.9999995e9 |
maxSeeing |
[nspid]RequiredMosaic, [nspid]RequiredStack |
WSA NonSurvey |
The maximum allowed seeing for intermediate stacks |
real |
4 |
arcsec |
maxStelEll |
[nspid]RequiredMosaic, [nspid]RequiredStack |
WSA NonSurvey |
The maximum allowed stellar ellipticity for intermediate stacks |
real |
4 |
mergedClass |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Class flag from available measurements (1|0|-1|-2|-3|-9=galaxy|noise|stellar|probableStar|probableGalaxy|saturated) |
smallint |
2 |
Individual detection classifications are combined in the source merging process to produce a set of attributes for each merged source as follows. Presently, a basic classification table is defined that assigns reasonably accurate, self-consistent probability values for a given classification code: Flag | Meaning | Probability (%) | | | Star | Galaxy | Noise | Saturated | -9 | Saturated | 0.0 | 0.0 | 5.0 | 95.0 | -3 | Probable galaxy | 25.0 | 70.0 | 5.0 | 0.0 | -2 | Probable star | 70.0 | 25.0 | 5.0 | 0.0 | -1 | Star | 90.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 0.0 | 0 | Noise | 5.0 | 5.0 | 90.0 | 0.0 | +1 | Galaxy | 5.0 | 90.0 | 5.0 | 0.0 | Then, each separately available classification is combined for a merged source using Bayesian classification rules, assuming each datum is independent: P(classk)=ΠiP(classk)i / ΣkΠiP(classk)i where classk is one of star|galaxy|noise|saturated, and i denotes the ith single detection passband measurement available (the non-zero entries are necessary for the independent measures method to work, since some cases might otherwise be mutually exclusive). For example, if an object is classed in J|H|K as -1|-2|+1 it would have merged classification probabilities of pStar=73.5%, pGalaxy=26.2%, pNoise=0.3% and pSaturated=0.0%. Decision thresholds for the resulting discrete classification flag mergedClass are 90% for definitive and 70% for probable; hence the above example would be classified (not unreasonably) as probably a star (mergedClass=-2). An additional decision rule enforces mergedClass=-9 (saturated) when any individual classification flag indicates saturation. |
mergedClassStat |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Merged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic |
real |
4 |
-0.9999995e9 |
This profile classification statistic is a continuously distributed, Gaussian N(0,1) (i.e. zero mean, unit variance) statistic formed from the available individual classification statistics by averaging them and multiplying by N1/2 such that cuts on mergedClassStat result in completeness being independent of number of frames an object appears on, but with reliability improving with the number of frames. |
mergeLogTable |
[nspid]Programme |
WSA NonSurvey |
Table name of curation log for source merging |
varchar |
64 |
?? |
mergeSwVersion |
[nspid]MergeLog |
WSA NonSurvey |
version number of the software used to merge the frames |
real |
4 |
method |
[nspid]RequiredDiffImage |
WSA NonSurvey |
CASU difference image tool option string specifying the method to employ (recommended value=adaptive/back/zerosky) |
varchar |
64 |
?? |
minDec |
[nspid]CurrentAstrometry, [nspid]PreviousAstrometry |
WSA NonSurvey |
The minimum Dec (J2000) on the device |
float |
8 |
Degrees |
-0.9999995e9 |
minImageSize |
[nspid]MultiframeDetector |
WSA NonSurvey |
Minimum size for images {catalogue extension keyword: MINPIX} |
int |
4 |
pixels |
-99999999 |
?? |
Tunable parameter, in conjunction with the threshold above this determines how deep and how small "real" images can be. The default precludes many of the few pixel-hit cosmic rays from being considered since "real" images must have 4 contiguous simply-connected pixels in the union of the detection filter and data domains. For more details on image detection and parametersiation see the papers in CASU WFCAM/VISTA Publications. |
minRa |
[nspid]CurrentAstrometry, [nspid]PreviousAstrometry |
WSA NonSurvey |
The minimum RA (J2000) on the device |
float |
8 |
Degrees |
-0.9999995e9 |
mirrBottTempNW |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Mirror bottom temp. NW {image primary HDU keyword: MIRRBTNW} |
real |
4 |
degrees_Celsius |
-0.9999995e9 |
mirrTempNE |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Mirror temperature NE {image primary HDU keyword: MIRRNE} |
real |
4 |
degrees_Celsius |
-0.9999995e9 |
mirrTempNW |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Mirror temperature NW {image primary HDU keyword: MIRRNW} |
real |
4 |
degrees_Celsius |
-0.9999995e9 |
mirrTempSE |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Mirror temperature SE {image primary HDU keyword: MIRRSE} |
real |
4 |
degrees_Celsius |
-0.9999995e9 |
mirrTempSW |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Mirror temperature SW {image primary HDU keyword: MIRRSW} |
real |
4 |
degrees_Celsius |
-0.9999995e9 |
mirrTopTempNW |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Mirror top temp. NW {image primary HDU keyword: MIRRTPNW} |
real |
4 |
degrees_Celsius |
-0.9999995e9 |
mjdObs |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Modified Julian Date of the observation {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-OBS} |
float |
8 |
-0.9999995e9 |
morphClassFlag |
[nspid]MultiframeDetector |
WSA NonSurvey |
Image morphological classifier flag, set if the classifier has been run. If so an object classification flag and a stellarness index is included in the binary table columns. {catalogue extension keyword: CLASSIFD} |
tinyint |
1 |
0 |
mosaicTool |
[nspid]RequiredMosaic |
WSA NonSurvey |
Name of mosaicing tool to be used |
varchar |
8 |
'CASU' |
?? |
msbID |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Id min.-schedulable block {image primary HDU keyword: MSBID} |
varchar |
64 |
muDec |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Proper motion in Dec direction |
real |
4 |
mas/yr |
-0.9999995e9 |
multiframeID |
[nspid]CurrentAstrometry, [nspid]Detection, [nspid]MultiframeDetector, [nspid]PreviousAstrometry, [nspid]PreviousMFDZP, [nspid]ProgrammeFrame |
WSA NonSurvey |
the UID of the relevant multiframe |
bigint |
8 |
multiframeID |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
UID of the multiframe (assigned sequentially by the archive ingest process) |
bigint |
8 |
multiframeID |
[nspid]Provenance |
WSA NonSurvey |
the UID of the component frame |
bigint |
8 |
muRa |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
Proper motion in RA direction |
real |
4 |
mas/yr |
-0.9999995e9 |