F |
Name | Schema Table | Database | Description | Type | Length | Unit | Default Value | Unified Content Descriptor |
fastGuiderMode |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Fast guider mode {image primary HDU keyword: FGMODE} |
varchar |
32 |
fieldID |
[nspid]CurrentStdStarInfo, [nspid]PreviousStdStarInfo, [nspid]StdFieldInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
The fieldID is a UID identifying each of the 43 standard fields that are observed as part of the calibration observations |
int |
4 |
fieldName |
[nspid]CurrentStdStarInfo, [nspid]PreviousStdStarInfo, [nspid]StdFieldInfo |
WSA NonSurvey |
reference name of field |
varchar |
16 |
???? |
fileName |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
the filename for the multiframe, eg. server:/path/filename.fit |
varchar |
256 |
fileTimeStamp |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Time stamp digits (from the original CASU directory name and file time stamp) for enforcing uniqueness |
bigint |
8 |
?? |
filter1 |
[nspid]RequiredDiffImage |
WSA NonSurvey |
UID of WFCAM narrow band (primary) filter |
tinyint |
1 |
filter2 |
[nspid]RequiredDiffImage |
WSA NonSurvey |
UID of WFCAM broad band (reference) filter to be subtracted |
tinyint |
1 |
filterID |
[nspid]CurrentNightlyExt |
WSA NonSurvey |
UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank) {image primary HDU keyword: FILTER} |
tinyint |
1 |
filterID |
[nspid]CurrentPhtSoln, [nspid]Detection, [nspid]DetectorSetUp, [nspid]Filter, [nspid]MultiframeSetUp, [nspid]PreviousNightlyExt, [nspid]PreviousPhtSoln, [nspid]RequiredFilters, [nspid]RequiredMosaic, [nspid]RequiredStack |
WSA NonSurvey |
UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank) |
tinyint |
1 |
filterID |
[nspid]Detection |
WSA NonSurvey |
UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA) |
tinyint |
1 |
filterID |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank,9=1.205nbJ) |
tinyint |
1 |
filterID |
[nspid]MultiframeDetector |
WSA NonSurvey |
UID of combined filter (assigned in WSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=K,6=H2,7=Br,8=blank,9=1.205nbJ) {image primary HDU keyword: FILTER} |
tinyint |
1 |
filterName |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
WFCAM combined filter name {image primary HDU keyword: FILTER} |
varchar |
8 |
?? |
finalTask |
[nspid]RequiredCurationTask |
WSA NonSurvey |
is this task the final one before release (0=no; 1=yes)? |
tinyint |
1 |
?? |
flatID |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
UID of library calibration flatfield frame {image extension keyword: FLATCOR} |
bigint |
8 |
-99999999 |
focusFiltOff |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Focus filter offset {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_FOFF} |
real |
4 |
millimetres |
-0.9999995e9 |
focusInstFiltOff |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
focus offset for inst. filter {image primary HDU keyword: TEL_FOFF} |
real |
4 |
millimetres |
-0.9999995e9 |
focusNominOff |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Offset from nominal focus position {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_OFF} |
real |
4 |
millimetres |
-0.9999995e9 |
focusOffset |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Focus offset {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_OFFS} |
real |
4 |
millimetres |
-0.9999995e9 |
focusPos |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Focus position {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_POSN} |
real |
4 |
millimetres |
-0.9999995e9 |
focusSerial |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Serial number in focus scan {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_I} |
int |
4 |
-99999999 |
?? |
focusZero |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
Focus zero-point position {image primary HDU keyword: FOC_ZERO} |
real |
4 |
millimetres |
-0.9999995e9 |
frameSetID |
[nspid]MergeLog |
WSA NonSurvey |
frame set ID, unique over the whole WSA via programme ID prefix, assigned by merging procedure |
bigint |
8 |
Each merged source in the merged source tables come from a set of individual passband frames (with different filters and/or different epochs of observation). In the WSA, a frame is generally the image provided by one detector (dither-stacked and interlaced as appropriate); hence a frame set comprises a set of individual detector frames in different passbands and/or at different observation epochs. Each frame set is uniquely identified by the attribute frameSetID, and this references a row in the corresponding merge log for the source table (for example, lasSource.frameSetID references lasMergeLog.frameSetID. The merge log in turn references the full set of image descriptive data held in the tables MultiframeDetector and ultimately Multiframe (these two tables map directly onto the multi-extension FITS file hierarchy of extension FITS headers beneath a single primary HDU FITS header - primary HDU FITS keys will be found in Multiframe, while the corresponding extension FITS keys for each primary set will be found in table MultiframeDetector). In this way, you can trace the provenance of a merged source record right back to the individual image frames from which it is derived. |
frameSetID |
[nspid]Source |
WSA NonSurvey |
UID of the set of frames that this merged source comes from |
bigint |
8 |
Each merged source in the merged source tables come from a set of individual passband frames (with different filters and/or different epochs of observation). In the WSA, a frame is generally the image provided by one detector (dither-stacked and interlaced as appropriate); hence a frame set comprises a set of individual detector frames in different passbands and/or at different observation epochs. Each frame set is uniquely identified by the attribute frameSetID, and this references a row in the corresponding merge log for the source table (for example, lasSource.frameSetID references lasMergeLog.frameSetID. The merge log in turn references the full set of image descriptive data held in the tables MultiframeDetector and ultimately Multiframe (these two tables map directly onto the multi-extension FITS file hierarchy of extension FITS headers beneath a single primary HDU FITS header - primary HDU FITS keys will be found in Multiframe, while the corresponding extension FITS keys for each primary set will be found in table MultiframeDetector). In this way, you can trace the provenance of a merged source record right back to the individual image frames from which it is derived. |
frameSetTolerance |
[nspid]Programme |
WSA NonSurvey |
The match tolerance for different passband frames |
real |
4 |
Degrees |
?? |
frameTable |
[nspid]Programme |
WSA NonSurvey |
Name of table containing frame metadata |
varchar |
64 |
?? |
frameType |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
The type of multiframe (eg. stack|tile|mosaic|difference|calibration|interleaved etc). A multiframe can have a combination of different types. |
varchar |
64 |
normal |
meta.code.class |
The frame types and their abbreviations are: arc = "arc" | bias = "bias" | calibration = "cali" | catalogue = "cat" | confidence = "conf" | dark = "dark" | difference = "diff" | flat = "flat" | interleaved = "leav" | mosaic = "mosaic" | sky = "sky" | stack = "stack" | tile = "tile" | default value = "normal" | |
frinID |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
UID of library calibration fringe frame |
bigint |
8 |
-99999999 |
fsTemp |
[nspid]Multiframe |
WSA NonSurvey |
CCC 1st stage temperature {image primary HDU keyword: FS_TEMP} |
real |
4 |
degrees_Kelvin |
-0.9999995e9 |
fwhm |
[nspid]RequiredMosaic, [nspid]RequiredStack |
WSA NonSurvey |
SEX source extraction tool option for mosaic FWHM |
real |
4 |
pixels |
-0.9999995e9 |
?? |