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WSA - WFCAM Science Archive

*** UKIRT Hemisphere Survey, UHS - World Data Release 2 - June 1st 2023 ***

The WFCAM Science Archive (WSA) holds the image and catalogue data products generated by the Wide Field Camera (WFCAM) on UKIRT. There are are three components to the databases provided here. (1) The UKIRT InfraRed Deep Sky Surveys (UKIDSS): Large Area Survey, Galactic Plane Survey, Galactic Clusters Survey, Deep Extragalactic Survey and the Ultra Deep Survey. (2) The UKIRT Hemisphere Survey (UHS). (3) Non-survey data, belonging to individual PIs.

More detail on the various surveys can be found on the surveys page. Data Access Policies are summarised here.

UKIDSS data have been released in phases, originally with a delay between releases to the UKIDSS community and the public releases. The original UKIDSS project is now complete, and all the data is public. The latest complete public release is UKIDSSDR10PLUS, including data up to semester 11B. Some minor additions of data and processing will lead to a final public release, DR11 which isd ue shortly. However, a DR11 release for UDS-only has already been made. The database name is UKIDSSDR11PLUSUDSONLY. Note that this does not contain data for the other surveys.

Since the completion of UKIDSS and the transfer of UKIRT to the University of Hawaii, progress has been made on the UHS J-band component, and the first release made, for which the database name is UHSDR1. Note that this database relates only to the area outside the existing UKIDSS surveys, known as "rUHS". Later releases will merge rUHS and UKIDSS to make a single UHS J-band survey between Declination 0 and 60.

Most of the various PI observations are now also available to the public, and can be accessed as described on the data policy page.

More detail on the various survey releases can be found on the surveys page.

The history of archive releases, updates and bug fixes is recorded under the release history page. Users wishing to receive email announcements of such entries should subscribe to the WSA_Announcelist (contact

Picture: Early Commissioning - Central region of a full tile, showing dramatic clouds of gas and dust illuminated by stars in the southern half of the Orion nebula. This is an image at three infrared wavelengths (red represents narrow-band emission from molecular hydrogen gas at 2.12 microns, green represents K-band emission at 2.2 microns, and blue represents J-band emission at 1.25 microns).
Credit: Joint Astronomy Centre. Data processing by Dr Chris Davis and Dr Watson Varricatt.

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK