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Glossary of WSA attributes

This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the UKIDSSDR11 database(s) held in the WSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the UKIDSSDR11 Schema Browser (other Browser versions).


NameSchema TableDatabaseDescriptionTypeLengthUnitDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
a twomass_psc 2MASS Catalog identifier of an optical source from either the Tycho 2 or USNO-A2.0 catalog that falls within ~5" of the TWOMASS source position. varchar 1     ID_ALTERNATIVE
A1 mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Asymmetry index (background corrected) alpha=1 real 4   99.99  
A2 mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Asymmetry index (background corrected) alpha=2 real 4   99.99  
A3 mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Asymmetry index (background corrected) alpha=3 real 4   99.99  
A4 mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Asymmetry index (background corrected) alpha=4 real 4   99.99  
a_g_percentile_lower gaia_source GAIADR2 Lower uncertainty on A_G real 4 mag   phys.absorption.gal;stat.min
a_g_percentile_upper gaia_source GAIADR2 Upper uncertainty on A_G real 4 mag   phys.absorption.gal;stat.max
a_g_val gaia_source GAIADR2 Line-of-sight extinction in the G band, A_G real 4 mag   phys.absorption.gal
A_IMAGE mgcDetection MGC Flux rms along major axis real 4 pixel    
ab_flags catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Two character (W1 W2) artifact flag varchar 9      
abbe phot_variable_time_series_g_fov_statistical_parameters GAIADR1 Abbe value of the G-band time series values float 8     stat.value
abMagLim MultiframeDetector WSA 5-sigma limiting AB magnitude for point sources {catalogue extension keyword:  ABMAGLIM} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
abMagLim MultiframeDetector WSACalib 5-sigma limiting AB magnitude for point sources {catalogue extension keyword:  ABMAGLIM} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
abMagLim MultiframeDetector WSATransit 5-sigma limiting AB magnitude for point sources {catalogue extension keyword:  ABMAGLIM} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
abMagLim MultiframeDetector WSAUHS 5-sigma limiting AB magnitude for point sources {catalogue extension keyword:  ABMAGLIM} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
aBr calSource WSACalib The galactic extinction correction in the Br band for extragalactic objects real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
ABS_CSB_BULGE mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Absolute Central Surface Brightness of Bulge real 4 Vega mag/sq arcsec 99.99  
ABS_CSB_DISK mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Absolute Central Surface Brightness of Disk real 4 Vega mag/sq arcsec 99.99  
ABS_ESB_BULGE mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Absolute Effective Surface Brightness of Bulge real 4 Vega mag/sq arcsec 99.99  
ABS_ESB_DISK mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Absolute Effective Surface Brightness of Disk real 4 Vega mag/sq arcsec 99.99  
ABS_HLRSB_BULG mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Absolute Surface Brightness at Re real 4 Vega mag/sq arcsec 99.99  
ABS_HLRSB_DISK mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Absolute Surface Brightness at 1.678alpha real 4 Vega mag/sq arcsec 99.99  
ABS_MAG_GIM2D mgcGalaxyStruct MGC GIM2D B Absolute Disk mag, dust and K & E-corrected real 4 Vega mag 99.99  
ABS_MAG_GIM2DB mgcGalaxyStruct MGC GIM2D B Absolute mag, dust and K & E-corrected real 4 Vega mag 99.99  
ABS_MAG_GIM2DD mgcGalaxyStruct MGC GIM2D B Absolute Bulge mag, dust and K & E-corrected real 4 Vega mag 99.99  
ABS_SB_B mgcGalaxyStruct MGC MGC B Absolute KRON SB, dust K & E-corrected real 4 Vega mag -99.000  
ABS_SB_g mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SDSS g Absolute PET SB, dust K & E-corrected real 4 AB mag -99.000  
ABS_SB_i mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SDSS i Absolute PET SB, dust K & E-corrected real 4 AB mag -99.000  
ABS_SB_r mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SDSS r Absolute PET SB, dust K & E-corrected real 4 AB mag -99.000  
ABS_SB_u mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SDSS u Absolute PET SB, dust K & E-corrected real 4 AB mag -99.000  
ABS_SB_z mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SDSS z Absolute PET SB, dust K & E-corrected real 4 AB mag -99.000  
abSatMag MultiframeDetector WSA Saturation limit for point sources (AB magnitude) {catalogue extension keyword:  ABMAGSAT} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
abSatMag MultiframeDetector WSACalib Saturation limit for point sources (AB magnitude) {catalogue extension keyword:  ABMAGSAT} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
abSatMag MultiframeDetector WSATransit Saturation limit for point sources (AB magnitude) {catalogue extension keyword:  ABMAGSAT} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
abSatMag MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Saturation limit for point sources (AB magnitude) {catalogue extension keyword:  ABMAGSAT} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
absMagPsf_g mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SDSS g Absolute PSF mag, dust K & E-corrected real 4 AB mag -99.000  
absMagPsf_i mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SDSS i Absolute PSF mag, dust K & E-corrected real 4 AB mag -99.000  
absMagPsf_r mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SDSS r Absolute PSF mag, dust K & E-corrected real 4 AB mag -99.000  
absMagPsf_u mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SDSS u Absolute PSF mag, dust K & E-corrected real 4 AB mag -99.000  
absMagPsf_z mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SDSS z Absolute PSF mag, dust K & E-corrected real 4 AB mag -99.000  
absMagPt_B mgcGalaxyStruct MGC MGC B Absolute KRON mag, dust K & E-corrected real 4 Vega mag -99.000  
absMagPt_g mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SDSS g Absolute PET mag, dust K & E-corrected real 4 AB mag -99.000  
absMagPt_i mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SDSS i Absolute PET mag, dust K & E-corrected real 4 AB mag -99.000  
absMagPt_r mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SDSS r Absolute PET mag, dust K & E-corrected real 4 AB mag -99.000  
absMagPt_u mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SDSS u Absolute PET mag, dust K & E-corrected real 4 AB mag -99.000  
absMagPt_z mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SDSS z Absolute PET mag, dust K & E-corrected real 4 AB mag -99.000  
addSurveyList RequiredMatchedApertureProduct WSA List of external surveys that are included in the matched aperture tables varchar 256      
addSurveyList RequiredMatchedApertureProduct WSAUHS List of external surveys that are included in the matched aperture tables varchar 256      
adjacentFrameTolerance Programme WSA The match tolerance for adjacent frames in the survey real 4 Degrees   ??
adjacentFrameTolerance Programme WSACalib The match tolerance for adjacent frames in the survey real 4 Degrees   ??
adjacentFrameTolerance Programme WSATransit The match tolerance for adjacent frames in the survey real 4 Degrees   ??
adjacentFrameTolerance Programme WSAUHS The match tolerance for adjacent frames in the survey real 4 Degrees   ??
aebv Filter WSA The constant to multiply the Schlegel map E(B-V) by to get the total galactic extinction. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
aebv Filter WSACalib The constant to multiply the Schlegel map E(B-V) by to get the total galactic extinction. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
aebv Filter WSATransit The constant to multiply the Schlegel map E(B-V) by to get the total galactic extinction. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
aebv Filter WSAUHS The constant to multiply the Schlegel map E(B-V) by to get the total galactic extinction. real 4   -0.9999995e9  
agentId Multiframe WSA Externally assigned unique identifier for remote agent (if any) {image primary HDU keyword: AGENTID} varchar 64   NONE ??
agentId Multiframe WSACalib Externally assigned unique identifier for remote agent (if any) {image primary HDU keyword: AGENTID} varchar 64   NONE ??
agentId Multiframe WSATransit Externally assigned unique identifier for remote agent (if any) {image primary HDU keyword: AGENTID} varchar 64   NONE ??
agentId Multiframe WSAUHS Externally assigned unique identifier for remote agent (if any) {image primary HDU keyword: AGENTID} varchar 64   NONE ??
aH calSource WSACalib The galactic extinction correction in the H band for extragalactic objects real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
aH dxsJKsource, dxsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA The galactic extinction correction in the H band for extragalactic objects real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
aH uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS The galactic extinction correction in the H band for extragalactic objects real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
aH2 calSource WSACalib The galactic extinction correction in the H2 band for extragalactic objects real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
air_temp twomass_scn 2MASS Air temperature at beginning of scan. real 4 degC   PHYS_TEMP_MISC
air_temp twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS air temperature (deg C) at beginning of scan real 4 degC    
airm twomass_scn 2MASS Airmass at beginning of scan. real 4     PHOT_ATM_AIRMASS
airm twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS beginning airmass of scan real 4      
airMass Detection PS1DR2 Airmass at midpoint of the exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. real 4   0  
airTemp Multiframe WSA Air temperature {image primary HDU keyword: AIRTEMP} real 4 degrees_Celsius -0.9999995e9 phys.temperature
airTemp Multiframe WSACalib Air temperature {image primary HDU keyword: AIRTEMP} real 4 degrees_Celsius -0.9999995e9 phys.temperature
airTemp Multiframe WSATransit Air temperature {image primary HDU keyword: AIRTEMP} real 4 degrees_Celsius -0.9999995e9 phys.temperature
airTemp Multiframe WSAUHS Air temperature {image primary HDU keyword: AIRTEMP} real 4 degrees_Celsius -0.9999995e9 phys.temperature
aJ calSource WSACalib The galactic extinction correction in the J band for extragalactic objects real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
aJ dxsJKsource, dxsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA The galactic extinction correction in the J band for extragalactic objects real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
aJ uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS The galactic extinction correction in the J band for extragalactic objects real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
aK calSource WSACalib The galactic extinction correction in the K band for extragalactic objects real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
aK dxsJKsource, dxsSource, lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableDxsSource, reliableLasPointSource, reliableUdsSource, udsSource WSA The galactic extinction correction in the K band for extragalactic objects real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
aK uhsSource, uhsSourceAll WSAUHS The galactic extinction correction in the K band for extragalactic objects real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
ambiPressure Multiframe WSA Ambient pressure {image primary HDU keyword: BARPRESS} real 4   -0.9999995e9 phys.pressure
ambiPressure Multiframe WSACalib Ambient pressure {image primary HDU keyword: BARPRESS} real 4   -0.9999995e9 phys.pressure
ambiPressure Multiframe WSATransit Ambient pressure {image primary HDU keyword: BARPRESS} real 4   -0.9999995e9 phys.pressure
ambiPressure Multiframe WSAUHS Ambient pressure {image primary HDU keyword: BARPRESS} real 4   -0.9999995e9 phys.pressure
amEnd Multiframe WSA Airmass at end of observation {image primary HDU keyword: AMEND} real 4   -0.9999995e9 obs.airMass
amEnd Multiframe WSACalib Airmass at end of observation {image primary HDU keyword: AMEND} real 4   -0.9999995e9 obs.airMass
amEnd Multiframe WSATransit Airmass at end of observation {image primary HDU keyword: AMEND} real 4   -0.9999995e9 obs.airMass
amEnd Multiframe WSAUHS Airmass at end of observation {image primary HDU keyword: AMEND} real 4   -0.9999995e9 obs.airMass
amStart Multiframe WSA Airmass at start of observation {image primary HDU keyword: AMSTART} real 4   -0.9999995e9 obs.airMass
amStart Multiframe WSACalib Airmass at start of observation {image primary HDU keyword: AMSTART} real 4   -0.9999995e9 obs.airMass
amStart Multiframe WSATransit Airmass at start of observation {image primary HDU keyword: AMSTART} real 4   -0.9999995e9 obs.airMass
amStart Multiframe WSAUHS Airmass at start of observation {image primary HDU keyword: AMSTART} real 4   -0.9999995e9 obs.airMass
aNbj calSource WSACalib The galactic extinction correction in the Nbj band for extragalactic objects real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
ANCHOR_PARITY mgcGalaxyStruct MGC 0=OK, 1=Inverted, 2=LSB BULGE tinyint 1   9 (FIX)  
ANCHOR_POINT mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Radius at which MU_BULGE=MU_DISK real 4 kpc 9  
ANCHOR_SB mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Surface brightness at Anchor Point real 4 Vega mag/sq arcsec 99.99  
anom twomass_scn 2MASS Special flag indicating whether or not an unusual problem was found in the Atlas Images for this scan. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
anom twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS entry in coadd anomaly table (0:not found|1:found) smallint 2      
aperCor1 MultiframeDetector WSA Stellar aperture correction: 1⁄2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR1}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor1 MultiframeDetector WSACalib Stellar aperture correction: 1⁄2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR1}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor1 MultiframeDetector WSATransit Stellar aperture correction: 1⁄2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR1}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor1 MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Stellar aperture correction: 1⁄2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR1}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor2 MultiframeDetector WSA Stellar aperture correction: 1⁄√2 core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR2}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor2 MultiframeDetector WSACalib Stellar aperture correction: 1⁄√2 core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR2}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor2 MultiframeDetector WSATransit Stellar aperture correction: 1⁄√2 core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR2}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor2 MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Stellar aperture correction: 1⁄√2 core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR2}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor3 MultiframeDetector WSA Stellar aperture correction: core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR3}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor3 MultiframeDetector WSACalib Stellar aperture correction: core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR3}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor3 MultiframeDetector WSATransit Stellar aperture correction: core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR3}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor3 MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Stellar aperture correction: core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR3}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor4 MultiframeDetector WSA Stellar aperture correction: √2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR4}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor4 MultiframeDetector WSACalib Stellar aperture correction: √2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR4}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor4 MultiframeDetector WSATransit Stellar aperture correction: √2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR4}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor4 MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Stellar aperture correction: √2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR4}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor5 MultiframeDetector WSA Stellar aperture correction: 2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR5}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor5 MultiframeDetector WSACalib Stellar aperture correction: 2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR5}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor5 MultiframeDetector WSATransit Stellar aperture correction: 2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR5}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor5 MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Stellar aperture correction: 2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR5}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor6 MultiframeDetector WSA Stellar aperture correction: 2√2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR6}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor6 MultiframeDetector WSACalib Stellar aperture correction: 2√2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR6}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor6 MultiframeDetector WSATransit Stellar aperture correction: 2√2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR6}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor6 MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Stellar aperture correction: 2√2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR6}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor7 MultiframeDetector WSA Stellar aperture correction: 4 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR7}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor7 MultiframeDetector WSACalib Stellar aperture correction: 4 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR7}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor7 MultiframeDetector WSATransit Stellar aperture correction: 4 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR7}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCor7 MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Stellar aperture correction: 4 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword:  APCOR7}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCorPeak MultiframeDetector WSA Stellar aperture correction: peak height {catalogue extension keyword:  APCORPK}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCorPeak MultiframeDetector WSACalib Stellar aperture correction: peak height {catalogue extension keyword:  APCORPK}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCorPeak MultiframeDetector WSATransit Stellar aperture correction: peak height {catalogue extension keyword:  APCORPK}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperCorPeak MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Stellar aperture correction: peak height {catalogue extension keyword:  APCORPK}
corrected photometry = 2.5×log10(flux) + aperCor + skyCorr
real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
Aperture corrections in magnitudes needed to correct the assorted aperture-like measures produced in the catalogues onto the equivalent of a total flux stellar system. These constitute the components of a curve-of-growth analysis contained within the catalogues with radii defined in the previous table. They also work well as a first order seeing correction for faint galaxies. Larger aperture corrections are not included.
aperFlux1 UKIDSSDetection WSA Default aperture flux counts 1 real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
aperFlux1 calDetection WSACalib Default aperture flux counts 1 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_1}
1/2 × rcore
These are a series of different radii soft-edged apertures designed to adequately sample the curve-of-growth of the majority of images and to provide fixed-sized aperture fluxes for all images. The scale size for these apertures is selected by defining a scale radius ≈<FWHM> for site+instrument. In the case of WFCAM this "core" radius (rcore) has been fixed at 1.0 arcsec for convenience in inter-comparison with other datasets. A 1.0 arcsec radius is equivalent to 2.5 pixels for non-interleaved data, 5.0 pixels for 2×2 interleaved data, and 7.5 pixels for 3×3 interleaved data. In ≈1 arcsec seeing an rcore-radius aperture contains roughly 2/3 of the total flux of stellar images. [In general the rcore parameter is user specifiable and hence is recorded in the output catalogue FITS header.]
The aperture fluxes are sky-corrected integrals (summations) with a soft-edge (ie. pro-rata flux division for boundary pixels). However, for overlapping images they are more subtle than this since they are in practice simultaneously fitted top-hat functions, to minimise the effects of crowding. Images external to the blend are also flagged and not included in the large radius summations.
Extras for generalised galaxy photometry further spaced in radius to ensure reasonable sampling further out.
Note these are all corrected for pixels from overlapping neighbouring images. The aperture fluxes can be combined with later-derived aperture corrections for general purpose photometry and together with pHeight (the peak flux) give a simple curve-of-growth measurement which forms the basis of the morphological classification scheme.
aperFlux1 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA Default aperture flux counts 1 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_1}
1/2 × rcore
These are a series of different radii soft-edged apertures designed to adequately sample the curve-of-growth of the majority of images and to provide fixed-sized aperture fluxes for all images. The scale size for these apertures is selected by defining a scale radius ≈<FWHM> for site+instrument. In the case of WFCAM this "core" radius (rcore) has been fixed at 1.0 arcsec for convenience in inter-comparison with other datasets. A 1.0 arcsec radius is equivalent to 2.5 pixels for non-interleaved data, 5.0 pixels for 2×2 interleaved data, and 7.5 pixels for 3×3 interleaved data. In ≈1 arcsec seeing an rcore-radius aperture contains roughly 2/3 of the total flux of stellar images. [In general the rcore parameter is user specifiable and hence is recorded in the output catalogue FITS header.]
The aperture fluxes are sky-corrected integrals (summations) with a soft-edge (ie. pro-rata flux division for boundary pixels). However, for overlapping images they are more subtle than this since they are in practice simultaneously fitted top-hat functions, to minimise the effects of crowding. Images external to the blend are also flagged and not included in the large radius summations.
Extras for generalised galaxy photometry further spaced in radius to ensure reasonable sampling further out.
Note these are all corrected for pixels from overlapping neighbouring images. The aperture fluxes can be combined with later-derived aperture corrections for general purpose photometry and together with pHeight (the peak flux) give a simple curve-of-growth measurement which forms the basis of the morphological classification scheme.
aperFlux1 ptsDetection WSATransit Default aperture flux counts 1 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_1}
1/2 × rcore
These are a series of different radii soft-edged apertures designed to adequately sample the curve-of-growth of the majority of images and to provide fixed-sized aperture fluxes for all images. The scale size for these apertures is selected by defining a scale radius ≈<FWHM> for site+instrument. In the case of WFCAM this "core" radius (rcore) has been fixed at 1.0 arcsec for convenience in inter-comparison with other datasets. A 1.0 arcsec radius is equivalent to 2.5 pixels for non-interleaved data, 5.0 pixels for 2×2 interleaved data, and 7.5 pixels for 3×3 interleaved data. In ≈1 arcsec seeing an rcore-radius aperture contains roughly 2/3 of the total flux of stellar images. [In general the rcore parameter is user specifiable and hence is recorded in the output catalogue FITS header.]
The aperture fluxes are sky-corrected integrals (summations) with a soft-edge (ie. pro-rata flux division for boundary pixels). However, for overlapping images they are more subtle than this since they are in practice simultaneously fitted top-hat functions, to minimise the effects of crowding. Images external to the blend are also flagged and not included in the large radius summations.
Extras for generalised galaxy photometry further spaced in radius to ensure reasonable sampling further out.
Note these are all corrected for pixels from overlapping neighbouring images. The aperture fluxes can be combined with later-derived aperture corrections for general purpose photometry and together with pHeight (the peak flux) give a simple curve-of-growth measurement which forms the basis of the morphological classification scheme.
aperFlux1 udsDetection WSA Default aperture flux counts 1, no aperture correction applied (SE: FLUX_APER1) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_1}
1/2 × rcore
Flux vector within fixed circular aperture, but no aperture correction.
aperFlux1 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Default aperture flux counts 1 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_1}
1/2 × rcore
These are a series of different radii soft-edged apertures designed to adequately sample the curve-of-growth of the majority of images and to provide fixed-sized aperture fluxes for all images. The scale size for these apertures is selected by defining a scale radius ≈<FWHM> for site+instrument. In the case of WFCAM this "core" radius (rcore) has been fixed at 1.0 arcsec for convenience in inter-comparison with other datasets. A 1.0 arcsec radius is equivalent to 2.5 pixels for non-interleaved data, 5.0 pixels for 2×2 interleaved data, and 7.5 pixels for 3×3 interleaved data. In ≈1 arcsec seeing an rcore-radius aperture contains roughly 2/3 of the total flux of stellar images. [In general the rcore parameter is user specifiable and hence is recorded in the output catalogue FITS header.]
The aperture fluxes are sky-corrected integrals (summations) with a soft-edge (ie. pro-rata flux division for boundary pixels). However, for overlapping images they are more subtle than this since they are in practice simultaneously fitted top-hat functions, to minimise the effects of crowding. Images external to the blend are also flagged and not included in the large radius summations.
Extras for generalised galaxy photometry further spaced in radius to ensure reasonable sampling further out.
Note these are all corrected for pixels from overlapping neighbouring images. The aperture fluxes can be combined with later-derived aperture corrections for general purpose photometry and together with pHeight (the peak flux) give a simple curve-of-growth measurement which forms the basis of the morphological classification scheme.
aperFlux10 UKIDSSDetection WSA default aperture flux 10 real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
aperFlux10 calDetection WSACalib default aperture flux 10 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_10}
7 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux10 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA default aperture flux 10 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_10}
7 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux10 ptsDetection WSATransit default aperture flux 10 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_10}
7 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux10 udsDetection WSA default aperture flux 10, no aperture correction applied (SE: FLUX_APER10) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_10}
7 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux10 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS default aperture flux 10 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_10}
7 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux10err UKIDSSDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 10 real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux10err calDetection WSACalib Error in aperture flux 10 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_10_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux10err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 10 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_10_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux10err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in aperture flux 10 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_10_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux10err udsDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 10 (SE: FLUXERR_APER10) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_10_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux10err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in aperture flux 10 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_10_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux11 UKIDSSDetection WSA default aperture flux 11 real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
aperFlux11 calDetection WSACalib default aperture flux 11 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_11}
8 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux11 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA default aperture flux 11 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_11}
8 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux11 ptsDetection WSATransit default aperture flux 11 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_11}
8 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux11 udsDetection WSA default aperture flux 11, no aperture correction applied (SE: FLUX_APER11) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_11}
8 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux11 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS default aperture flux 11 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_11}
8 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux11err UKIDSSDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 11 real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux11err calDetection WSACalib Error in aperture flux 11 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_11_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux11err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 11 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_11_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux11err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in aperture flux 11 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_11_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux11err udsDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 11 (SE: FLUXERR_APER11) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_11_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux11err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in aperture flux 11 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_11_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux12 UKIDSSDetection WSA default aperture flux 12 real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
aperFlux12 calDetection WSACalib default aperture flux 12 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_12}
10 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux12 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA default aperture flux 12 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_12}
10 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux12 ptsDetection WSATransit default aperture flux 12 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_12}
10 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux12 udsDetection WSA default aperture flux 12, no aperture correction applied (SE: FLUX_APER12) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_12}
10 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux12 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS default aperture flux 12 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_12}
10 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux12err UKIDSSDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 12 real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux12err calDetection WSACalib Error in aperture flux 12 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_12_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux12err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 12 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_12_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux12err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in aperture flux 12 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_12_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux12err udsDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 12 (SE: FLUXERR_APER12) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_12_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux12err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in aperture flux 12 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_12_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux13 UKIDSSDetection WSA default aperture flux 13 real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
aperFlux13 calDetection WSACalib default aperture flux 13 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_13}
12 × rcore ie. ≈24 arcsec diameter. (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux13 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA default aperture flux 13 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_13}
12 × rcore ie. ≈24 arcsec diameter. (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux13 ptsDetection WSATransit default aperture flux 13 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_13}
12 × rcore ie. ≈24 arcsec diameter. (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux13 udsDetection WSA default aperture flux 13, no aperture correction applied (SE: FLUX_APER13) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_13}
12 × rcore ie. ≈24 arcsec diameter. (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux13 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS default aperture flux 13 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_13}
12 × rcore ie. ≈24 arcsec diameter. (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux13err UKIDSSDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 13 real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux13err calDetection WSACalib Error in aperture flux 13 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_13_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux13err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 13 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_13_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux13err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in aperture flux 13 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_13_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux13err udsDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 13 (SE: FLUXERR_APER13) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_13_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux13err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in aperture flux 13 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_13_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux1err UKIDSSDetection WSA Error in aperture flux counts 1 real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux1err calDetection WSACalib Error in aperture flux counts 1 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_1_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux1err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA Error in aperture flux counts 1 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_1_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux1err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in aperture flux counts 1 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_1_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux1err udsDetection WSA Error in aperture flux counts 1 (SE: FLUXERR_APER1) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_1_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux1err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in aperture flux counts 1 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_1_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux2 UKIDSSDetection WSA Default aperture flux 2 real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
aperFlux2 calDetection WSACalib Default aperture flux 2 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_2}
1/√2 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux2 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA Default aperture flux 2 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_2}
1/√2 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux2 ptsDetection WSATransit Default aperture flux 2 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_2}
1/√2 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux2 udsDetection WSA Default aperture flux 2, no aperture correction applied (SE: FLUX_APER2) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_2}
1/√2 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux2 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Default aperture flux 2 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_2}
1/√2 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux2err UKIDSSDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 2 real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux2err calDetection WSACalib Error in aperture flux 2 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_2_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux2err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 2 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_2_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux2err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in aperture flux 2 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_2_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux2err udsDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 2 (SE: FLUXERR_APER2) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_2_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux2err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in aperture flux 2 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_2_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux3 UKIDSSDetection WSA default aperture flux 3 real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
aperFlux3 calDetection WSACalib default aperture flux 3 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_3}
rcore; recommended if a single number is required to represent the flux for ALL images. (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux3 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA default aperture flux 3 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_3}
rcore; recommended if a single number is required to represent the flux for ALL images. (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux3 ptsDetection WSATransit default aperture flux 3 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_3}
rcore; recommended if a single number is required to represent the flux for ALL images. (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux3 udsDetection WSA default aperture flux 3, no aperture correction applied (SE: FLUX_APER3) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_3}
rcore; recommended if a single number is required to represent the flux for ALL images. (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux3 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS default aperture flux 3 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_3}
rcore; recommended if a single number is required to represent the flux for ALL images. (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux3err UKIDSSDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 3 real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux3err calDetection WSACalib Error in aperture flux 3 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_3_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux3err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 3 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_3_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux3err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in aperture flux 3 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_3_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux3err udsDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 3 (SE: FLUXERR_APER3) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_3_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux3err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in aperture flux 3 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_3_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux4 UKIDSSDetection WSA default aperture flux 4 real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
aperFlux4 calDetection WSACalib default aperture flux 4 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_4}
√2 × rcore; ensures ∼99% of PSF flux. (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux4 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA default aperture flux 4 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_4}
√2 × rcore; ensures ∼99% of PSF flux. (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux4 ptsDetection WSATransit default aperture flux 4 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_4}
√2 × rcore; ensures ∼99% of PSF flux. (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux4 udsDetection WSA default aperture flux 4, no aperture correction applied (SE: FLUX_APER4) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_4}
√2 × rcore; ensures ∼99% of PSF flux. (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux4 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS default aperture flux 4 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_4}
√2 × rcore; ensures ∼99% of PSF flux. (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux4err UKIDSSDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 4 real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux4err calDetection WSACalib Error in aperture flux 4 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_4_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux4err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 4 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_4_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux4err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in aperture flux 4 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_4_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux4err udsDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 4 (SE: FLUXERR_APER4) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_4_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux4err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in aperture flux 4 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_4_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux5 UKIDSSDetection WSA default aperture flux 5 real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
aperFlux5 calDetection WSACalib default aperture flux 5 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_5}
2 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux5 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA default aperture flux 5 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_5}
2 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux5 ptsDetection WSATransit default aperture flux 5 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_5}
2 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux5 udsDetection WSA default aperture flux 5, no aperture correction applied (SE: FLUX_APER5) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_5}
2 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux5 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS default aperture flux 5 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_5}
2 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux5err UKIDSSDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 5 real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux5err calDetection WSACalib Error in aperture flux 5 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_5_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux5err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 5 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_5_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux5err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in aperture flux 5 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_5_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux5err udsDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 5 (SE: FLUXERR_APER5) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_5_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux5err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in aperture flux 5 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_5_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux6 UKIDSSDetection WSA default aperture flux 6 real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
aperFlux6 calDetection WSACalib default aperture flux 6 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_6}
2√2 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux6 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA default aperture flux 6 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_6}
2√2 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux6 ptsDetection WSATransit default aperture flux 6 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_6}
2√2 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux6 udsDetection WSA default aperture flux 6, no aperture correction applied (SE: FLUX_APER6) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_6}
2√2 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux6 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS default aperture flux 6 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_6}
2√2 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux6err UKIDSSDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 6 real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux6err calDetection WSACalib Error in aperture flux 6 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_6_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux6err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 6 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_6_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux6err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in aperture flux 6 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_6_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux6err udsDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 6 (SE: FLUXERR_APER6) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_6_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux6err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in aperture flux 6 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_6_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux7 UKIDSSDetection WSA default aperture flux 7 real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
aperFlux7 calDetection WSACalib default aperture flux 7 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_7}
4 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux7 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA default aperture flux 7 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_7}
4 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux7 ptsDetection WSATransit default aperture flux 7 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_7}
4 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux7 udsDetection WSA default aperture flux 7, no aperture correction applied (SE: FLUX_APER7) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_7}
4 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux7 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS default aperture flux 7 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_7}
4 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux7err UKIDSSDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 7 real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux7err calDetection WSACalib Error in aperture flux 7 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_7_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux7err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 7 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_7_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux7err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in aperture flux 7 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_7_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux7err udsDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 7 (SE: FLUXERR_APER7) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_7_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux7err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in aperture flux 7 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_7_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux8 UKIDSSDetection WSA default aperture flux 8 real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
aperFlux8 calDetection WSACalib default aperture flux 8 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_8}
5 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux8 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA default aperture flux 8 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_8}
5 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux8 ptsDetection WSATransit default aperture flux 8 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_8}
5 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux8 udsDetection WSA default aperture flux 8, no aperture correction applied (SE: FLUX_APER8) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_8}
5 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux8 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS default aperture flux 8 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_8}
5 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux8err UKIDSSDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 8 real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux8err calDetection WSACalib Error in aperture flux 8 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_8_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux8err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 8 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_8_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux8err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in aperture flux 8 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_8_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux8err udsDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 8 (SE: FLUXERR_APER8) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_8_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux8err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in aperture flux 8 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_8_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux9 UKIDSSDetection WSA default aperture flux 9 real 4 ADU   PHOT_INTENSITY_ADU
aperFlux9 calDetection WSACalib default aperture flux 9 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_9}
6 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux9 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA default aperture flux 9 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_9}
6 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux9 ptsDetection WSATransit default aperture flux 9 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_9}
6 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux9 udsDetection WSA default aperture flux 9, no aperture correction applied (SE: FLUX_APER9) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_9}
6 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux9 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS default aperture flux 9 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_9}
6 × rcore (see glossary entry for aperFlux1)
aperFlux9err UKIDSSDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 9 real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux9err calDetection WSACalib Error in aperture flux 9 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_9_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux9err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 9 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_9_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux9err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in aperture flux 9 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_9_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux9err udsDetection WSA Error in aperture flux 9 (SE: FLUXERR_APER9) {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_9_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperFlux9err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in aperture flux 9 {catalogue TType keyword: Aper_flux_9_err} real 4 ADU   ERROR
aperMag1 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 1 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag1 calDetection WSACalib Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 1 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag1 ptsDetection WSATransit Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 1 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag1 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 1 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag10 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection WSA Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 10 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag10 calDetection WSACalib Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 10 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag10 ptsDetection WSATransit Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 10 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag10 udsDetection WSA Calibrated aperture magnitude 10 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag10 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 10 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag10err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 10 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag10err calDetection WSACalib Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 10 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag10err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 10 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag10err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 10 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag11 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection WSA Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 11 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag11 calDetection WSACalib Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 11 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag11 ptsDetection WSATransit Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 11 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag11 udsDetection WSA Calibrated aperture magnitude 11 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag11 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 11 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag11err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 11 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag11err calDetection WSACalib Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 11 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag11err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 11 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag11err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 11 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag12 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection WSA Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 12 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag12 calDetection WSACalib Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 12 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag12 ptsDetection WSATransit Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 12 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag12 udsDetection WSA Calibrated aperture magnitude 12 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag12 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 12 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag12err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 12 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag12err calDetection WSACalib Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 12 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag12err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 12 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag12err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 12 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag13 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection WSA Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 13 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag13 calDetection WSACalib Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 13 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag13 ptsDetection WSATransit Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 13 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag13 udsDetection WSA Calibrated aperture magnitude 13 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag13 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 13 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag13err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 13 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag13err calDetection WSACalib Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 13 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag13err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 13 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag13err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 13 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag1err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 1 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag1err calDetection WSACalib Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 1 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag1err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 1 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag1err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 1 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag2 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 2 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag2 calDetection WSACalib Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 2 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag2 ptsDetection WSATransit Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 2 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag2 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 2 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag2err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 2 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag2err calDetection WSACalib Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 2 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag2err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 2 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag2err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 2 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag3 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 3 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag3 calDetection WSACalib Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 3 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag3 dxsOrphan, gcsOrphan, gpsOrphan, lasOrphan, udsOrphan WSA Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 3 real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag3 ptsDetection WSATransit Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 3 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag3 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 3 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag3err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 3 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag3err calDetection WSACalib Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 3 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag3err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 3 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag3err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 3 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag4 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 4 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag4 calDetection WSACalib Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 4 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag4 ptsDetection WSATransit Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 4 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag4 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 4 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag4err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 4 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag4err calDetection WSACalib Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 4 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag4err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 4 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag4err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 4 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag5 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 5 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag5 calDetection WSACalib Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 5 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag5 ptsDetection WSATransit Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 5 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag5 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 5 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag5err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 5 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag5err calDetection WSACalib Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 5 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag5err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 5 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag5err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 5 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag6 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 6 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag6 calDetection WSACalib Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 6 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag6 ptsDetection WSATransit Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 6 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag6 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 6 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag6err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 6 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag6err calDetection WSACalib Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 6 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag6err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 6 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag6err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 6 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag7 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 7 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag7 calDetection WSACalib Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 7 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag7 ptsDetection WSATransit Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 7 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag7 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 7 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag7err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 7 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag7err calDetection WSACalib Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 7 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag7err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 7 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag7err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 7 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag8 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection WSA Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 8 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag8 calDetection WSACalib Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 8 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag8 ptsDetection WSATransit Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 8 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag8 udsDetection WSA Calibrated aperture magnitude 8 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag8 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 8 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag8err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 8 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag8err calDetection WSACalib Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 8 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag8err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 8 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag8err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 8 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag9 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection WSA Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 9 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag9 calDetection WSACalib Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 9 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag9 ptsDetection WSATransit Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 9 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag9 udsDetection WSA Calibrated aperture magnitude 9 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag9 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Calibrated and corrected aperture magnitude 9 real 4 mag   PHOT_INT-MAG
aperMag9err dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection, UKIDSSDetection, udsDetection WSA Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 9 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag9err calDetection WSACalib Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 9 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag9err ptsDetection WSATransit Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 9 real 4 mag   ERROR
aperMag9err uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS Error in calibrated aperture magnitude 9 real 4 mag   ERROR
apertureX Multiframe WSA Aperture X axis coordinate {image primary HDU keyword: APER_X} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
apertureX Multiframe WSACalib Aperture X axis coordinate {image primary HDU keyword: APER_X} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
apertureX Multiframe WSATransit Aperture X axis coordinate {image primary HDU keyword: APER_X} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
apertureX Multiframe WSAUHS Aperture X axis coordinate {image primary HDU keyword: APER_X} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
apertureY Multiframe WSA Aperture Y axis coordinate {image primary HDU keyword: APER_Y} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
apertureY Multiframe WSACalib Aperture Y axis coordinate {image primary HDU keyword: APER_Y} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
apertureY Multiframe WSATransit Aperture Y axis coordinate {image primary HDU keyword: APER_Y} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
apertureY Multiframe WSAUHS Aperture Y axis coordinate {image primary HDU keyword: APER_Y} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
apFillF Detection PS1DR2 Aperture fill factor. real 4   -999  
apFlux Detection PS1DR2 Flux in seeing-dependent aperture. real 4 Janskys -999  
apFluxErr Detection PS1DR2 Error on flux in seeing-dependent aperture. real 4 Janskys -999  
apRadius Detection PS1DR2 Aperture radius. real 4 arcsec -999  
aProf1 UKIDSSDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 1 (can be non-integer for deblends) real 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf1 calDetection WSACalib No. of pixels above rethreshold 1 (can be non-integer for deblends) {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_1_profile} real 4 pixels   NUMBER
Number of pixels above a series of threshold levels relative to local sky. Levels are set at T, 2T, 4T, 8T … 128T where T is the threshold. These can be thought of as a sort of poor man's radial profile. Note that for now deblended, ie. overlapping images, only the first areal profile is computed and the rest are set to -1 flagging the difficulty of computing accurate profiles.
For blended images this parameter is used to flag the start of the sequence of the deblended components by setting the first in the sequence to 0.
aProf1 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, lasDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 1 (can be non-integer for deblends) {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_1_profile} real 4 pixels   NUMBER
Number of pixels above a series of threshold levels relative to local sky. Levels are set at T, 2T, 4T, 8T … 128T where T is the threshold. These can be thought of as a sort of poor man's radial profile. Note that for now deblended, ie. overlapping images, only the first areal profile is computed and the rest are set to -1 flagging the difficulty of computing accurate profiles.
For blended images this parameter is used to flag the start of the sequence of the deblended components by setting the first in the sequence to 0.
aProf1 gpsDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 1 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_1_profile} int 4 pixels   NUMBER
Number of pixels above a series of threshold levels relative to local sky. Levels are set at T, 2T, 4T, 8T … 128T where T is the threshold. These can be thought of as a sort of poor man's radial profile. Note that for now deblended, ie. overlapping images, only the first areal profile is computed and the rest are set to -1 flagging the difficulty of computing accurate profiles.
For blended images this parameter is used to flag the start of the sequence of the deblended components by setting the first in the sequence to 0.
aProf1 ptsDetection WSATransit No. of pixels above rethreshold 1 (can be non-integer for deblends) {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_1_profile} real 4 pixels   NUMBER
Number of pixels above a series of threshold levels relative to local sky. Levels are set at T, 2T, 4T, 8T … 128T where T is the threshold. These can be thought of as a sort of poor man's radial profile. Note that for now deblended, ie. overlapping images, only the first areal profile is computed and the rest are set to -1 flagging the difficulty of computing accurate profiles.
For blended images this parameter is used to flag the start of the sequence of the deblended components by setting the first in the sequence to 0.
aProf1 udsDetection WSA Isophotal area at level 0 (analysis threshold) (SE: ISO0) {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_1_profile} real 4 pixel²   NUMBER
SExtractor calculates areal profiles at thresholds spaced by a constant factor between the detection threshold and the peak brightness of the object.
aProf1 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS No. of pixels above rethreshold 1 (can be non-integer for deblends) {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_1_profile} real 4 pixels   NUMBER
Number of pixels above a series of threshold levels relative to local sky. Levels are set at T, 2T, 4T, 8T … 128T where T is the threshold. These can be thought of as a sort of poor man's radial profile. Note that for now deblended, ie. overlapping images, only the first areal profile is computed and the rest are set to -1 flagging the difficulty of computing accurate profiles.
For blended images this parameter is used to flag the start of the sequence of the deblended components by setting the first in the sequence to 0.
aProf2 UKIDSSDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 2 int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf2 calDetection WSACalib No. of pixels above rethreshold 2 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_2_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf2 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 2 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_2_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf2 ptsDetection WSATransit No. of pixels above rethreshold 2 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_2_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf2 udsDetection WSA Isophotal area at level 1 above analysis threshold (SE: ISO1) {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_2_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixel²   NUMBER
aProf2 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS No. of pixels above rethreshold 2 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_2_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf3 UKIDSSDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 3 int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf3 calDetection WSACalib No. of pixels above rethreshold 3 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_3_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf3 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 3 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_3_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf3 ptsDetection WSATransit No. of pixels above rethreshold 3 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_3_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf3 udsDetection WSA Isophotal area at level 2 above analysis threshold (SE: ISO2) {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_3_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixel²   NUMBER
aProf3 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS No. of pixels above rethreshold 3 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_3_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf4 UKIDSSDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 4 int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf4 calDetection WSACalib No. of pixels above rethreshold 4 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_4_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf4 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 4 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_4_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf4 ptsDetection WSATransit No. of pixels above rethreshold 4 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_4_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf4 udsDetection WSA Isophotal area at level 3 above analysis threshold (SE: ISO3) {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_4_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixel²   NUMBER
aProf4 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS No. of pixels above rethreshold 4 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_4_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf5 UKIDSSDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 5 int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf5 calDetection WSACalib No. of pixels above rethreshold 5 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_5_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf5 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 5 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_5_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf5 ptsDetection WSATransit No. of pixels above rethreshold 5 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_5_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf5 udsDetection WSA Isophotal area at level 4 above analysis threshold (SE: ISO4) {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_5_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixel²   NUMBER
aProf5 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS No. of pixels above rethreshold 5 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_5_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf6 UKIDSSDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 6 int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf6 calDetection WSACalib No. of pixels above rethreshold 6 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_6_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf6 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 6 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_6_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf6 ptsDetection WSATransit No. of pixels above rethreshold 6 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_6_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf6 udsDetection WSA Isophotal area at level 5 above analysis threshold (SE: ISO5) {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_6_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixel²   NUMBER
aProf6 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS No. of pixels above rethreshold 6 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_6_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf7 UKIDSSDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 7 int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf7 calDetection WSACalib No. of pixels above rethreshold 7 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_7_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf7 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 7 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_7_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf7 ptsDetection WSATransit No. of pixels above rethreshold 7 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_7_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf7 udsDetection WSA Isophotal area at level 6 above analysis threshold (SE: ISO6) {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_7_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixel²   NUMBER
aProf7 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS No. of pixels above rethreshold 7 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_7_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf8 UKIDSSDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 8 int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf8 calDetection WSACalib No. of pixels above rethreshold 8 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_8_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf8 dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gpsDetection, lasDetection WSA No. of pixels above rethreshold 8 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_8_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf8 ptsDetection WSATransit No. of pixels above rethreshold 8 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_8_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
aProf8 udsDetection WSA Isophotal area at level 7 above analysis threshold (SE: ISO7) {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_8_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixel²   NUMBER
aProf8 uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS No. of pixels above rethreshold 8 {catalogue TType keyword: Areal_8_profile}
(see glossary entry for aProf1)
int 4 pixels   NUMBER
archiveName RequiredMatchedApertureProduct WSA Archive of main programme.. varchar 16      
archiveName RequiredMatchedApertureProduct WSAUHS Archive of main programme.. varchar 16      
astigAmpl Multiframe WSA Astigmatism: amplitude {image primary HDU keyword: AAMP} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
astigAmpl Multiframe WSACalib Astigmatism: amplitude {image primary HDU keyword: AAMP} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
astigAmpl Multiframe WSATransit Astigmatism: amplitude {image primary HDU keyword: AAMP} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
astigAmpl Multiframe WSAUHS Astigmatism: amplitude {image primary HDU keyword: AAMP} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
astigPhi Multiframe WSA Astigmatism: angle {image primary HDU keyword: APHI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
astigPhi Multiframe WSACalib Astigmatism: angle {image primary HDU keyword: APHI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
astigPhi Multiframe WSATransit Astigmatism: angle {image primary HDU keyword: APHI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
astigPhi Multiframe WSAUHS Astigmatism: angle {image primary HDU keyword: APHI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
astrometric_chi2_al gaia_source GAIADR2 Along-Scan chi-square value real 4     stat.fit.chi2
astrometric_chi2_al gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Along-Scan chi-square value real 4     stat.fit.chi2
astrometric_delta_q gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Hipparcos/Gaia data discrepancy (Hipparcos subset of TGAS only) real 4     stat.value
astrometric_excess_noise gaia_source GAIADR2 Excess noise of the source float 8 milliarcsec   stat.value
astrometric_excess_noise gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Excess noise of the source real 4 milliarcsec   stat.value
astrometric_excess_noise gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Excess noise of the source float 8 milliarcsec   stat.value
astrometric_excess_noise_sig gaia_source GAIADR2 Significance of the excess noise float 8     stat.value
astrometric_excess_noise_sig gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Significance of the excess noise real 4     stat.value
astrometric_excess_noise_sig gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Significance of the excess noise float 8     stat.value
astrometric_gof_al gaia_source GAIADR2 Goodness of fit statistic of model wrt Along-Scan observations real 4     stat.fit.goodness
astrometric_gof_al gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Goodness of fit statistic of model wrt Along-Scan observations real 4     stat.fit.goodness
astrometric_matched_observations gaia_source GAIADR2 Matched FoV transits used in the AGIS solution smallint 2     meta.number
astrometric_matched_transits gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Matched FoV transits used in the AGIS solution smallint 2     meta.number
astrometric_n_bad_obs_ac gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Number of bad observations in the Across-Scan direction int 4     meta.number
astrometric_n_bad_obs_al gaia_source GAIADR2 Number of bad observations in the Along-Scan direction int 4     meta.number
astrometric_n_bad_obs_al gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Number of bad observations in the Along-Scan direction smallint 2     meta.number
astrometric_n_bad_obs_al gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Number of bad observations in the Along-Scan direction int 4     meta.number
astrometric_n_good_obs_ac gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Number of good observations in the Across-Scan direction int 4     meta.number
astrometric_n_good_obs_al gaia_source GAIADR2 Number of good observations in the Along-Scan direction int 4     meta.number
astrometric_n_good_obs_al gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Number of good observations in the Along-Scan direction smallint 2     meta.number
astrometric_n_good_obs_al gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Number of good observations in the Along-Scan direction int 4     meta.number
astrometric_n_obs_ac gaia_source GAIADR2 Total number of observations in the Across-Scan direction int 4     meta.number
astrometric_n_obs_ac gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Total number of observations in the Across-Scan direction smallint 2     meta.number
astrometric_n_obs_ac gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Total number of observations in the Across-Scan direction int 4     meta.number
astrometric_n_obs_al gaia_source GAIADR2 Total number of observations in the Along-Scan direction int 4     meta.number
astrometric_n_obs_al gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Total number of observations in the Along-Scan direction smallint 2     meta.number
astrometric_n_obs_al gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Total number of observations in the Along-Scan direction int 4     meta.number
astrometric_params_solved gaia_source GAIADR2 Which parameters have been solved for? tinyint 1     meta.number
astrometric_params_solved gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Which parameters have been solved for? tinyint 1     meta.number
astrometric_primary_flag gaia_source GAIADR2 Primary or secondary tinyint 1     meta.code.status
astrometric_primary_flag gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Primary or secondary tinyint 1     meta.code.status
astrometric_primary_flag gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Primary or secondary bit 1     meta.code
astrometric_priors_used aux_qso_icrf2_match GAIADR1 Type of prior used in the astrometric solution int 4     meta.number
astrometric_priors_used gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Type of prior used in the astrometric solution int 4      
astrometric_pseudo_colour gaia_source GAIADR2 Astrometrically determined pseudocolour of the source real 4 micron^-1   em.wavenumber
astrometric_pseudo_colour_error gaia_source GAIADR2 STandard error of the pseudocolour of the source real 4 micron^-1   em.wavenumber
astrometric_relegation_factor gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Relegation factor real 4     arith.factor
astrometric_sigma_5d_max gaia_source GAIADR2 The longest semi-major axis of the 5d error ellipsoid real 4 mas   pos.errorEllipse;stat.max
astrometric_sigma_5d_max gaia_source GAIAEDR3 The longest semi-major axis of the 5d error ellipsoid real 4 mas   pos.errorEllipse;stat.max
astrometric_weight_ac gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Mean astrometric weight of the source Across-Scan real 4     stat.weight;stat.mean
astrometric_weight_al gaia_source GAIADR2 Mean astrometric weight of the source Along-Scan real 4 mas^-2   stat.weight;stat.mean
astrometric_weight_al gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Mean astrometric weight of the source Along-Scan real 4     stat.weight;stat.mean
autoGuiderFreq Multiframe WSA Autoguider: Frequency {image primary HDU keyword: AGFREQ} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
autoGuiderFreq Multiframe WSACalib Autoguider: Frequency {image primary HDU keyword: AGFREQ} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
autoGuiderFreq Multiframe WSATransit Autoguider: Frequency {image primary HDU keyword: AGFREQ} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
autoGuiderFreq Multiframe WSAUHS Autoguider: Frequency {image primary HDU keyword: AGFREQ} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
aux_epc igsl_source GAIADR1 Flag indicating presence in Ecliptic Poles Catalogue (0 = no; 1 = yes) bit 1     meta.id;meta.dataset
aux_gsc23 igsl_source GAIADR1 Flag indicating presence in GSC2.3 (0 = no; 1 = yes) bit 1     meta.id;meta.dataset
aux_hip igsl_source GAIADR1 Flag indicating presence in Hipparcos (0 = no; 1 = yes) bit 1     meta.id;meta.dataset
aux_lqrf igsl_source GAIADR1 Flag indicating presence in LQRF (0 = no; 1 = yes) bit 1     meta.id;meta.dataset
aux_ogle igsl_source GAIADR1 Flag indicating presence in OGLE (0 = no; 1 = yes) bit 1     meta.id;meta.dataset
aux_ppmxl igsl_source GAIADR1 Flag indicating presence in PPMXL (0 = no; 1 = yes) bit 1     meta.id;meta.dataset
aux_sdss igsl_source GAIADR1 Flag indicating presence in SDSS (0 = no; 1 = yes) bit 1     meta.id;meta.dataset
aux_tmass igsl_source GAIADR1 Flag indicating presence in 2MASS PSC (0 = no; 1 = yes) bit 1     meta.id;meta.dataset
aux_tycho igsl_source GAIADR1 Flag indicating presence in Tycho (0 = no; 1 = yes) bit 1     meta.id;meta.dataset
aux_ucac igsl_source GAIADR1 Flag indicating presence in UCAC (0 = no; 1 = yes) bit 1     meta.id;meta.dataset
avSaturLevel MultiframeDetector WSA Average saturation level in frame {catalogue extension keyword:  SATURATE} real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
An estimate directly from saturated images on the frame at what level image saturation occurs, including sky. This varies from detector to detector depending on the relative gains applied to bring them to a uniform flatfield response etc.
avSaturLevel MultiframeDetector WSACalib Average saturation level in frame {catalogue extension keyword:  SATURATE} real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
An estimate directly from saturated images on the frame at what level image saturation occurs, including sky. This varies from detector to detector depending on the relative gains applied to bring them to a uniform flatfield response etc.
avSaturLevel MultiframeDetector WSATransit Average saturation level in frame {catalogue extension keyword:  SATURATE} real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
An estimate directly from saturated images on the frame at what level image saturation occurs, including sky. This varies from detector to detector depending on the relative gains applied to bring them to a uniform flatfield response etc.
avSaturLevel MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Average saturation level in frame {catalogue extension keyword:  SATURATE} real 4   -0.9999995e9 ??
An estimate directly from saturated images on the frame at what level image saturation occurs, including sky. This varies from detector to detector depending on the relative gains applied to bring them to a uniform flatfield response etc.
avSetupID MapProvenance WSA the UID of the averaging system int 4      
avSetupID MapProvenance WSAUHS the UID of the averaging system int 4      
avStellarEll MultiframeDetector WSA Average stellar ellipticity (1-b/a) {catalogue extension keyword:  ELLIPTIC}
Should not average much above 0.15 for "normal" frames
real 4   -0.9999995e9 src.ellipticity
avStellarEll MultiframeDetector WSACalib Average stellar ellipticity (1-b/a) {catalogue extension keyword:  ELLIPTIC}
Should not average much above 0.15 for "normal" frames
real 4   -0.9999995e9 src.ellipticity
avStellarEll MultiframeDetector WSATransit Average stellar ellipticity (1-b/a) {catalogue extension keyword:  ELLIPTIC}
Should not average much above 0.15 for "normal" frames
real 4   -0.9999995e9 src.ellipticity
avStellarEll MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Average stellar ellipticity (1-b/a) {catalogue extension keyword:  ELLIPTIC}
Should not average much above 0.15 for "normal" frames
real 4   -0.9999995e9 src.ellipticity
axis1Length MultiframeDetector WSA length of data axis 1 (X-axis size) {image extension keyword: (Z)NAXIS1} int 4     meta.number
axis1Length MultiframeDetector WSACalib length of data axis 1 (X-axis size) {image extension keyword: (Z)NAXIS1} int 4     meta.number
axis1Length MultiframeDetector WSATransit length of data axis 1 (X-axis size) {image extension keyword: (Z)NAXIS1} int 4     meta.number
axis1Length MultiframeDetector WSAUHS length of data axis 1 (X-axis size) {image extension keyword: (Z)NAXIS1} int 4     meta.number
axis2Length MultiframeDetector WSA length of data axis 2 (Y-axis size) {image extension keyword: (Z)NAXIS2} int 4     meta.number
axis2Length MultiframeDetector WSACalib length of data axis 2 (Y-axis size) {image extension keyword: (Z)NAXIS2} int 4     meta.number
axis2Length MultiframeDetector WSATransit length of data axis 2 (Y-axis size) {image extension keyword: (Z)NAXIS2} int 4     meta.number
axis2Length MultiframeDetector WSAUHS length of data axis 2 (Y-axis size) {image extension keyword: (Z)NAXIS2} int 4     meta.number
aY calSource WSACalib The galactic extinction correction in the Y band for extragalactic objects real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
aY lasExtendedSource, lasPointSource, lasSource, lasYJHKsource, reliableLasPointSource WSA The galactic extinction correction in the Y band for extragalactic objects real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
aZ calSource WSACalib The galactic extinction correction in the Z band for extragalactic objects real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK
