
Database schema file for Calibration (CAL) catalogue data in the WFCAM Science Archive. Contains SQL scripts to create the relevant tables.
calDetection Contains the individual CAL source detections for each frame.
calMergeLog Contains frame set details of merged CAL MultiframeDetector images.
calSource Contains merged sources from detections in calDetection.
calSourceXSynopticSourceBestMatch Links each unique source to the best set of possible detections.
calSynopticMergeLog Contains details of the merged MultiframeDetector images for the CAL.
calSynopticSource Contains CAL merged sources from CAL detections in calDetection.
calVarFrameSetInfo Contains fitting information for each frameSet.
calVariability Contains statistical analysis of CAL primary sources.
Latest Revision:11213, 2016-06-15 10:35:25 (Wed, 15 Jun 2016)