TABLE  twomass_scn

Contains the parameters in the Scan Information Table.

The following table contains brief descriptions of the parameters in the
Scan Information Table, which provides basic data for each scan in the
TWOMASS All Sky Release. The table is organized according to the broad
function and utility of the parameters: positional information,
photometric information, source detection statistics, etc.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (scan_key)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
cxfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates POS_EQ_X
cyfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates POS_EQ_Y
czfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates POS_EQ_Z
htmIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinates POS_GENERAL
scan_keyint4 the unique identification number for this scan. ID_NUMBER
hemisvarchar1 Observatory from which data were obtained: "n" = north = Mt. Hopkins, "s" = south = Cerro Tololo. OBS_CODE
datedatetime8yyyy-mm-ddThe observation reference date for this scan expressed in ISO standard format. (YYYY-MM-DD) TIME_DATE
scansmallint2 Scan number (unique within date). NUMBER
tileint4 Tile identification number. ID_NUMBER
rafloat8degreesRight ascension of scan center for equinox J2000. POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
decfloat8degreesDeclination of scan center for equinox J2000. POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN
glonreal4degreesGalactic longitude of scan center, as computed from ra and dec above. POS_GAL_LON
glatreal4degreesGalactic latitude of scan center, as computed from ra and dec above. POS_GAL_LAT
ra_1float8degreesJ2000 right ascension of the eastern corner at start of scan. POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
dec_1float8degreesJ2000 declination of the eastern corner at start of scan. POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN
ra_2float8degreesJ2000 right ascension of the western corner at start of scan. POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
dec_2float8degreesJ2000 declination of the western corner at start of scan. POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN
ra_3float8degreesJ2000 right ascension of the eastern corner at end of scan. POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
dec_3float8degreesJ2000 declination of the eastern corner at end of scan. POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN
ra_4float8degreesJ2000 right ascension of the western corner at end of scan. POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
dec_4float8degreesJ2000 declination of the western corner at end of scan. POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN
sdvarchar1 Scanning direction: "n" = north-going, "s" = south-going. POS_POS-ANG
qualsmallint2 Quality score for scan. CODE_MISC
hglsmallint2 Special flag indicating whether or not this scan has a single-frame H-band electronic glitch. CODE_MISC
cldsmallint2 Special flag indicating whether or not a cloud was found in the scan after comparison of its photometry to that of overlapping scans in the database. CODE_MISC
xphsmallint2 Special flag indicating whether or not another photometric problem, not obviously cloud related, was found in the scan after comparing its photometry to that of overlapping scans. CODE_MISC
anomsmallint2 Special flag indicating whether or not an unusual problem was found in the Atlas Images for this scan. CODE_MISC
utfloat8hrUniversal Time (UT) at beginning of scan. TIME_DATE
jdatefloat8Julian daysJulian Date at beginning of scan. TIME_DATE
airmreal4 Airmass at beginning of scan. PHOT_ATM_AIRMASS
zdreal4degreesScan's distance from the zenith at beginning of scan. POS_ZD_RES
hafloat8hrHour angle at beginning of scan. POS_POS-ANG
rhsmallint2%Relative humidity of telescope enclosure at beginning of scan. OBS_CONDITIONS
air_tempreal4degCAir temperature at beginning of scan. PHYS_TEMP_MISC
tel_tempreal4degCTelescope girdle temperature at beginning of scan. PHYS_TEMP_MISC
focussmallint2 Focus setting of telescope at beginning of scan. TEL_FOCAL-LENGTH
hrysmallint2 Flag indicating the H-band array configuration for the camera. CODE_MISC
c_stratsmallint2 Flag indicating the calibration strategy for this night's data. CODE_MISC
j_zp_apreal4magPhotometric zero-point for J-band aperture photometry. PHOT_ZP
h_zp_apreal4magPhotometric zero-point for H-band aperture photometry. PHOT_ZP
k_zp_apreal4magPhotometric zero-point for Ks-band aperture photometry. PHOT_ZP
h_zperr_apreal4magRMS-error of zero-point for H-band aperture photometry FIT_ERROR
k_zperr_apreal4magRMS-error of zero-point for Ks-band aperture photometry FIT_ERROR
j_n_snr10int4 Number of point sources at J-band with SNR>10 (instrumental mag <=15.8) NUMBER
h_n_snr10int4 Number of point sources at H-band with SNR>10 (instrumental mag <=15.1) NUMBER
k_n_snr10int4 Number of point sources at Ks-band with SNR>10 (instrumental mag <=14.3) NUMBER
n_extint4 Number of regular extended sources detected in scan. NUMBER
j_shape_avgreal4 J-band average seeing shape for scan. INST_SEEING
h_shape_avgreal4 H-band average seeing shape for scan. INST_SEEING
k_shape_avgreal4 Ks-band average seeing shape for scan. INST_SEEING
j_shape_rmsreal4 RMS-error of J-band average seeing shape. INST_SEEING
h_shape_rmsreal4 RMS-error of H-band average seeing shape. INST_SEEING
k_shape_rmsreal4 RMS-error of Ks-band average seeing shape. INST_SEEING
j_2mratreal4 J-band average 2nd image moment ratio. FIT_PARAM_VALUE
h_2mratreal4 H-band average 2nd image moment ratio. FIT_PARAM_VALUE
k_2mratreal4 Ks-band average 2nd image moment ratio. FIT_PARAM_VALUE
j_pspreal4 J-band photometric sensitivity paramater (PSP). INST_SENSITIVITY
h_pspreal4 H-band photometric sensitivity paramater (PSP). INST_SENSITIVITY
k_pspreal4 Ks-band photometric sensitivity paramater (PSP). INST_SENSITIVITY
j_pts_noisereal4 Base-10 logarithm of the mode of the noise distribution for all point source detections in the scan, where the noise is estimated from the measured J-band photometric errors and is expressed in units of mJy. INST_NOISE
h_pts_noisereal4 Base-10 logarithm of the mode of the noise distribution for all point source detections in the scan, where the noise is estimated from the measured H-band photometric errors and is expressed in units of mJy. INST_NOISE
k_pts_noisereal4 Base-10 logarithm of the mode of the noise distribution for all point source detections in the scan, where the noise is estimated from the measured Ks-band photometric errors and is expressed in units of mJy. INST_NOISE
j_msnr10real4magThe estimated J-band magnitude at which SNR=10 is achieved for this scan. SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
h_msnr10real4magThe estimated H-band magnitude at which SNR=10 is achieved for this scan. SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
k_msnr10real4magThe estimated Ks-band magnitude at which SNR=10 is achieved for this scan. SPECT_FLUX_VALUE
rel0smallint2 Flag indicating whether the scan is contained in the TWOMASS Sampler Release. CODE_MISC
rel1smallint2 Flag indicating whether the scan is contained in the TWOMASS First Incremental Data Release (IDR1). CODE_MISC
rel2smallint2 Flag indicating whether the scan is contained in the TWOMASS Second Incremental Data Release (IDR2). CODE_MISC
Total length312