TABLE  phot_variable_time_series_g_fov_statistical_parameters

Statistical parameters of field-of-view time series photometry

Statistical parameters of field-of-view time series, only including
observations with rejected_by_variability_processing = false as found
in table phot_variable_time_series_g_fov. Note that only sources
are included that have phot_variable_flag = "VARIABLE" in the
gaia_source table.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (solution_id,source_id)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
solution_idbigint8 Solution identifier;meta.version
source_idbigint8 Unique source identifier;meta.main
num_observations_processedint4 Number of processed G-band observations for variability analysis meta.number
mean_obs_timefloat8daysMean observation time (with respect to T0) of G-band time series time.epoch;stat.mean
minimumfloat8magMinimum magnitude of the G-band time series phot.mag;stat.min
maximumfloat8magMaximum magnitude of the G-band time series phot.mag;stat.max
meanfloat8magMean magnitude of the G-band time series phot.mag;stat.mean
medianfloat8magMedian magnitude of the G-band time series phot.mag;stat.median
rangefloat8magDifference between the highest and lowest magnitude of the G-band time series phot.mag;arith.diff
std_devfloat8magSquare root of the unweighted variance of the G-band time series values phot.mag;stat.stdev
skewnessfloat8 Standardized unweighted skewness of the G-band time series values stat.value
kurtosisfloat8 Standardized unweighted kurtosis of the G-band time series values stat.value
time_durationfloat8daysTime duration of the G-band time series time.duration
median_absolute_deviationfloat8magMedian Absolute Deviation of the G-band time series values phot.mag;stat.value
abbefloat8 Abbe value of the G-band time series values stat.value
iqrfloat8magInter-quartile range of the G-band time series values phot.mag;stat.value
Total length124