TABLE  PreviousStdStarInfo

Contains details of Standard Stars used to calibrate WFCAM observations.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (fieldID,objectID,versNum)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
fieldIDint4 The fieldID is a UID identifying each of the 43 standard fields that are observed as part of the calibration observations ID_FIELD
cuEventIDint4 UID of curation event giving rise to this record REFER_CODE
versNumint4 Version number of current astrometric solution ID_VERSION
startDatefloat8Julian daysMJD of the start time for this version of the calibration TIME_DATE
endDatefloat8Julian daysMJD of the end time for this version of the calibration TIME_DATE
raCentrefloat8degreesRight Ascension of field centre POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
decCentrefloat8degreesDeclination of field centre POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
fieldNamevarchar16 reference name of fieldNONE????
objectIDbigint8 id of calibration star in fieldNONE????
raStarfloat8degreesRight Ascension of star POS_EQ_RA_MAIN
decStarfloat8degreesDeclination of star POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN
htmIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinates POS_GENERAL
classStdtinyint1 type of standard: primary, secondary, variable1????
zMagreal4magZ band total magnitude of star (from external sources if primary) PHOT_INT-MAG
zMagErrreal4magZ band magnitude error of star ERROR
yMagreal4magY band total magnitude of star (from external sources if primary) PHOT_INT-MAG
yMagErrreal4magY band magnitude error of star ERROR
jMagreal4magJ band total magnitude of star (from external sources if primary) PHOT_INT-MAG
jMagErrreal4magJ band magnitude error of star ERROR
hMagreal4magH band total magnitude of star (from external sources if primary) PHOT_INT-MAG
hMagErrreal4magH band magnitude error of star ERROR
kMagreal4magK band total magnitude of star (from external sources if primary) PHOT_INT-MAG
kMagErrreal4magK band magnitude error of star ERROR
h2Magreal4magH2 band total magnitude of star (from external sources if primary) PHOT_INT-MAG
h2MagErrreal4magH2 band magnitude error of star ERROR
brgMagreal4magBrG band total magnitude of star (from external sources if primary) PHOT_INT-MAG
brgMagErrreal4magBrG band magnitude error of star ERROR
Total length149