UKIRT Hemisphere Survey, J,H and K bands, Data Release - UHS DR3February 2025This third UHS data release is initially proprietary and available to those affiliated astronomers who responded to the announcement of opportunity. If you are a UK, USNOB or University of Hawaii astronomer requiring access please contact wsa-support. Once logged in, accessing UHS data via the WSA is similar to accessing UKIDSS dat. There are three wavebands, J, H and K, available in UHSDR3. The main object catalogues are held in the database tables uhsDetection and uhsSource. The source table holds a band-merged subset of the attributes held in the detection catalogues and also the seaming flag, priOrSec, which can be used to generate a seamless (expunge detections in overlap regions) catalogue.
Quality control, similar to that carried out for UKIDSS, has been performed on the data. The J band quality control (1.4 arcsec seeing and depth of 19 magnitude) is the same as for DR1 and described in The UKIRT Hemisphere Survey: Definition and Full J-band Data Release - link to astro-ph paper For the K-band the seeing limit was 1.1 arcsec and a median magnitude limit of 17.6. The J and K-band data in uhsSource and uhsDetection are the same as for DR2. Detections from deprecated frames and frames not QC'ed do not appear in uhsDetection or uhsSource. A decision was made to additionally make all data available. To that end uhsDetectionAll contains detections from all main UHS survey J, H and K observations up to 2024-08-01 and includes repeat observations and other data deprecated for quality reasons. No data from the YJ observations are included in this release.
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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, wsa-support@roe.ac.uk