Getting/compiling/using imcopy
The cfitsio program imcopy can be used to uncompress RICE compressed
FITS images.
- 1) Download imcopy from
that the file has saved correctly i.e. in plain text as some browsers will insert HTML tags.
It might be easier to just cut/paste the page into a file.
- 2) If you have starlink try to compile imcopy against your local copy of
gcc -I/star/include -L/star/lib -lm imcopy.c -lcfitsio -o imcopy
- 3) If that works move the imcopy executable to wherever you'd like
it to be.
- 4) If you don't have starlink or step 2 didn't work. Download the latest
stable version of CFITSIO for your computer here:
The tar file should include imcopy.c
- 5) Extract
tar xvfz cfitsioXXXX.tar.gz (XXXX = version of cfitsio)
- 6) Compile and install into your chosen directory, replace $INSTALLDIR with
the name of your preferred directory.
cd cfitsio
./configure --prefix=$INSTALLDIR
make install
- 7) Compile
gcc -I$INSTALLDIR/include -L$INSTALLDIR/lib -lm imcopy.c -lcfitsio -o imcopy
- 8) Move the imcopy executable to wherever you want it to be.
- 9) Usage is
imcopy inFileName outFileName
e.g. to uncompress the RICE compressed file wsa_st.fit
imcopy wsa_st.fit wsa_out.fit
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