This document discusses the current plans for the integration of the WFCAM Science Archive (WSA) and VISTA Science Archive (VSA) into the developing international Virtual Observatory (VO). It does not cover any possible VO-enabling of the data processing side of the VISTA Data Flow System (VDFS).
The VO has yet to reach a state of maturity, and its current status is still characterized more by competing prototypes than by a stable set of internationally agreed standards. In light of that, this document can present no more than current thinking on how to VO-enable the WSA and VSA, since any detailed planning would inevitably become outdated before it came to be implemented.
This document does, however, show how the structures are in place - in terms of the close collaboration between the VDFS-funded science archive development team and VO development and operations staff funded from other sources - to ensure that the WSA and VSA will be integrated into the VO in the manner described in the VDFS Science Archive Science Requirements Analysis Document (SRAD; see AD01). Much of the work required to achieve that will be undertaken by staff funded from outwith the VDFS, but, for completeness, their future work is discussed here, since focussing solely on the VDFS-funded portion of this endeavour would result in a misleading view of a necessarily collaborative activity.
Large digital sky surveys, like those underway with WFCAM and planned for VISTA, provide some of the strongest science drivers for the development of the VO. Such surveys will yield, by design, data which can form the basis for a wide range of scientific analyses, and which, therefore, will be used in conjunction with a large number of other datasets. While the WSA and VSA database design (AD02) features the integration of certain key external datasets into the VDFS science archives, these cannot comprise an exhaustive list of the data which astronomers will want to use in conjunction with the WSA and VSA. It follows that the WSA and VSA must be made interoperable with external datasets geographically distributed around the world, and the VO aims to provide the infrastructure by which that becomes possible.
Conversely, the WSA and VSA have been designed and developed with the VO in mind from the outset. While the working VO that exists when the final VISTA data enter the VSA will bear little resemblance, at a detailed level, to that envisaged by the authors writing the first WSA design documents, the basic concepts behind the VO are likely to remain fairly constant, and science archive development within the VDFS has been planned and undertaken in a manner that ensures consistency with the relevant aspects of the VO, as it changes from being a set of concepts and aspirations to working software deployed throughout the astronomical community.
This document outlines the current thinking by the VDFS project on the shape that the VO will take on the timescale of WSA and VSA development and on how these science archives will be integrated into the VO. The contents of its remaining sections are as follows:
The Virtual Observatory may be defined [7] as ``a system that allows users to interrogate multiple data centres in a seamless and transparent way, which provides new powerful analysis and visualisation tools within that system, and which gives data centres a standard framework for publishing and delivering services using their data''. The achievement of this goal requires the definition of, and adherence to, a number of interoperability standards, which will be supported world-wide, reflecting the international character of the astronomical community and the global distribution of the resources which must be federated into the VO.
The standards agency for the VO is the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA [8]). It coordinates VO developments worldwide and its members are national and regional VO projects: in mid-September 2006 the IVOA has 16 members, representing Armenia, Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Russia, Spain, the UK, the US, and Europe. The UK is (through PPARC) a member of Euro-VO [11], which coordinates the development of a Virtual Observatory for Europe, and involves the ESO, ESA and funding agencies for astronomy in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain, as well as the UK.
The IVOA members differ greatly in size and focus, but all have signed up to a common ``road map'' for VO development and all contribute, to varying degrees, to the definition of standards, through an open process reminiscent of that by which the World Wide Web Consortium [9] oversees the development of the standards which underpin the WWW. In the IVOA scheme, a standard starts off as a Working Draft, before becoming a Proposed Recommendation, if endorsed by the relevant IVOA Working Group, and, finally, a Recommendation, once it has been approved by the IVOA Executive. The IVOA Executive, in turn, may propose that IVOA Recommendations are considered for adoption as IAU Standards, through IAU Commission 5, reflecting the paramount role that the IAU [12] plays in professional astronomy.
While all the IVOA members adhere to a set of common standards, there can be differences in how they implement them. Of most direct relevance to the WSA and VSA is the implementation by AstroGrid [10], which is the UK's VO development programme. The first two phases of AstroGrid development were funded by PPARC through its e-Science programme, and the AstroGrid consortium is currently seeking a third phase of funding from PPARC to support operation of a working UK Virtual Observatory running software development during the first two phases of the project. The core of the AstroGrid consortium is a group of major UK astronomical data centres - in Cambridge, Edinburgh, Leicester and at Jodrell Bank, MSSL and RAL - and this core has been supplemented by institutions (QUB, Exeter, Leeds, Portsmouth) providing particular expertise to different phases of the AstroGrid project. AstroGrid is also a member (formally through the Universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh and Leicester) of the VOTECH [13] project, which was the first Euro-VO activity to be funded and which is conducting a series design studies for a European VO.
WFAU is playing a leading role in the development of the VO. Andy Lawrence is the Project Leader of AstroGrid and the Lead Investigator for VOTECH, while Bob Mann leads VOTECH's Data Exploration Design Study (DS6), and, by late 2006, there will be five research staff working within WFAU on VO-related topics. These five research staff are funded through three different sources: Kona Andrews is supported by AstroGrid and is a core member of its development team; John Taylor is a researcher for the VOTECH DS6 team; Mark Holliman is jointly supported by VOTECH and WFAU's PPARC Rolling Grant, as a web developer and systems adminstrator; Brian Walshe will join the VOTECH DS6 team on 1 October 2006, to research data mining in the VO; and Lorenzo Rimoldini will join WFAU on 1 November 2006 as a data mining applications scientist on the Rolling Grant. While none of these staff are directly funded by the VDFS, all are - to varying degrees - contributing to the integration of the WSA and VSA into the VO. The most direct contributions are from the two staff who receive funding from the WFAU Rolling Grant: Mark Holliman leads the deployment of VO services running against WFAU's science archives, while Lorenzo Rimoldini will be developing data analysis services to help users exploit to the full the data in those science archives.
This VO development team interacts closely with the other members of WFAU staff who are responsible for the development and operation of the Unit's science archives. WFAU's science archive and VO teams each hold a weekly meeting, but many members of the Unit usually attend both meetings, which helps to ensure that the two sides of WFAU's work remain integrated. This close interaction between the science archive and VO teams within WFAU has already ensured that the requirements of the WSA and VSA influence the design priorities within AstroGrid and VOTECH, and that the WSA and VSA receive early deployments of stable AstroGrid software: this is discussed in greater detail in Section 5 below.
As outlined above, the development of the VO proceeds through parallel tracks of standards definition and implementation, and here we briefly summarise the status of each activity at the time of writing (in mid-September 2006).
There are currently fourteen technical specifications within the IVOA standards process (see [14]): six Recommendations; three Proposed Recommendations; and five Working Drafts.
The first Recommendation defines the IVOA document process itself.
Next comes the specification for VOTable[15], which is an XML format
for tabular datasets. The VOTable format has been designed with the structures of
FITS[16] tables in mind: each VOTable contains a header section comprising
metadata records, followed by one or more tables containing data values. The
specification provides three ways in which the data can be included within the
VOTable document. The simplest method sees the data stored in a pure XML representation
in which the table of data values is constructed in a manner very similar to an HTML
table, with <
The third Recommendation covers Resource Metadata[18]
in the VO. A resource in this context is anything within the VO that can be uniquely identified,
and, most importantly, this includes datasets and application software. The resource
metadata standard lies at the heart of one of the key components of the VO, which is
the registry: if the VO is to provide users with access to resources distributed
across the Internet, they need a means of finding those which are of interest to
them and that is done by querying a registry, which stores resource metadata entries
for every resource accessible through the VO. The resource metadata standard illustrates
one of the key principles of VO development, which is the re-use of well-established
existing standards from outwith astronomy where possible. Many of the basic metadata
entries - e.g. those recording the Title, Publisher and Creator of a resource -
are drawn from the Dublin Core [19] metadata element set, which is a controlled
vocabulary of terms, originating within the digital library community, but which has
become a de facto standard across a much wider range of disciplines. Where
Dublin Core elements do not exist, the resource metadata specification defines
additional elements - e.g. for spatial and spectral coverage - so that the full
metadata record for a resource stored in the registry should provide all the
information that a user needs to decide whether it is of interest.
The final three Recommendations all relate to Unified Content Descriptors
(UCDs), which are a controlled vocabulary of semantic types designed to aid the
interoperability of data sources in the VO. The need for UCDs arises from the way
that the VO is being built as a federation of existing data resources most of which
were constructed originally as single, standalone archives, with no expectation that
they would be queried in tandem with other archives. As a result, there is no standard
set of column names used in these archives. So, the Right Ascension column may be
called ``RA'' in one database, ``RA_J2000'' in a second and ``Alpha'' in a third. This
level of variation may not confuse an astronomer, but it is a problem for the sort of
computer-mediated interoperability envisaged for the VO. UCDs solve this problem by
enabling archive curators to assign to a column in their database a label which
essentially says, in the above example, ``This column is Right Ascension'',
so that
users and their software agents understand what kind of quantity is stored in a
particular database column, irrespective of the name which has been assigned to
that column. Many data centres now include UCDs as part of the metadata describing
columns in tabular datasets returned in response to query. This is readily implemented
for VOTable output, since ucd is one of the attributes allowed to be present in
the <
Two of the three Proposed Recommendations define quantities which form part
of the VO's conceptual infrastructure: the IVOA Identifiers standards specifies
a way for assigning globally unique identifiers to resources in the VO, while the
Space-Time Coordinate Metadata for the Virtual Observatory specification
provides a standard representation for metadata relating to space and time. The
third Proposed Recommendation, VOEvent, defines a standard information
packet corresponding to transient celestial events. It is primarily intended to
facilitate real-time follow-up of events like gamma ray bursts and novæbursts,
and so is of little relevance to the WSA and VSA, since both these science archives
ingest data too long after they are taken for the triggering of follow-up observations
of transient phenomena to be possible.
The five current Working Drafts cover a number of the most important aspects
of the VO, and, in most cases, the fact that they have not progressed beyond the
Working Draft stage indicates the difficulty that there has been in achieving
consensus across the VO community as to their contents. The two prime examples of
this are the Working Drafts on Astronomical Data Query Language
(ADQL[20]) and the SkyNode Interface [21]. As noted above, most
of the archives which are being federated through the VO were developed separately,
so an important part of the VO is the creation of a standard method of querying
them (both singly and jointly) and returning results from those queries. An early
prototype implementing such functionality was the SkyQuery.Net [22] system
developed at Johns Hopkins University. This provided a portal within which users could run
queries (written in SkyQL, an extension to SQL) against a number of distributed
datasets. SkyQuery.Net was an important demonstrator of some of the central ideas
behind the VO, as well as a very early example of the use of web service technologies
in astronomy, but it made heavy use of particular proprietary
Microsoft technologies - notably
having all data loaded into SQLServer databases and using the .Net framework for
the web service layer - which made it inappropriate as a final solution for the
VO community, where open source technologies are favoured, to aid interoperability.
It was necessary, therefore, to seek to generalise the SkyQuery.Net system into
something that could be used more widely in the VO, and this was started with the
initiation of the SkyNode interface, which defines a standard set of services which
a data centre must provide for each of its data resources, and ADQL, which was a
modification of SkyQL and was intended as a first attempt at a standard query language
for the VO. Both of these specifications are about to undergo a major overhaul at the
time of writing and neither has been widely adopted within the VO community to date.
One of the Working Drafts which has been more widely adopted is the
Simple Image Access protocol (SIAP[23]). As its name suggests, this
provides a simple mechanism by which data centres can publish image archives. At the
heart of SIAP is a two-stage process: a user submits to the image archive a query
in the form of a rectangular area of sky, and receives in return a VOTable which
contains URLs for a set of images contained in the archive in that area of sky; and
then the user can then use URLs from that list to retrieve the images of interest.
Several variants on SIAP exist, corresponding to different ways of defining the
set of images whose URLs are returned to the user: the image archive may offer
a cut-out service, which will return an image (either pre-existing or created
on-the-fly) covering the full rectangular region specified in the query; or the archive
may return a list of any image(s) it stores which cover the query region, and this
could cover either a sky survey archive with a single or a few images in each region
of sky or a telescope archive, which might have many hundreds of pointings in some
areas and none in others.
The Working Draft on the IVOA Single-Sign-On Profile is the first
step towards developing a security infrastructure for the international VO,
through specifying an approved mechanism for authenticating users issuing calls
to VO services: the issue of security in the VO will be discussed in greater
detail in Section 5. The final Working Draft covers VOResource, which
is a specific XML encoding for the metadata elements specified in the Resource
Metadata Recommendation.
The parallel tracks of standards definition and prototype implementation do not
run in perfect synchronisation within the VO, nor can they, since, for example,
AstroGrid is committed to delivering a working VO system for the UK astronomical
community on a timescale which is inconsistent with seeing specifications describing
all aspects of the VO pass through the IVOA standards procedure. It is inevitable,
therefore, that in many places what AstroGrid implements runs ahead of the IVOA
standards, and, in some cases, it lags behind, since AstroGrid has not implemented
some standards currently in Working Draft or Proposed Recommendation
form, since it wants to see them changed significantly before being accepted as
What follows is a brief description of AstroGrid at the time of writing. The first
thing to note - and to be borne in mind when reading the extracts from the SRAD
in Section 4 - is that AstroGrid is built using web services. Since it was funded
through the e-Science programme, there was considerable pressure on AstroGrid to
adopt Grid technologies (e.g. Globus Toolkit 2 and the like) during its early
stages of development. However, after some testing, it was clear that the majority
of Grid software was not sufficiently robust at that stage to be usable for a
production system, so AstroGrid decided to use only web services, which are a much
more well-established technology, with a wide user base in the commercial IT sector,
as well as in academia. This proved to be a very prescient decision, since, with
the advent of the Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF[24]), the Grid
community has moved into much closer alignment with the commercial use of web
As discussed in Section 3.3.1, the Registry is one of the key components of the VO,
and AstroGrid deploys two classes of IVOA-compliant registry, namely Publishing
Registries and Harvesting Registries. Data centres (or even individual
VO users, if in possession of an appropriate AuthorityID, as described in the
Proposed Recommendation on IVOA Identifiers) can use a publishing registry
to register resources (e.g. datasets or application software) under their control.
If appropriately configured, the contents of such registries can be copied into
a harvesting registry, so that a network of such harvesting registries comprises
a repository of all registered resources, with the possibility for fault-tolerance
through redundancy. Most of the data resources currently published within AstroGrid
are databases containing catalogues of source attributes, like the WSA and VSA. These
may be queried using the DataSet Access (DSA) component, which accepts queries
in a particular version of ADQL.
At an early stage in AstroGrid's development it became clear that the project would
have to wrap - and offer users a simple means of wrapping - many existing command
line tools to expose them as web services. In practice what this means is providing
for each service the WSDL[25] contract which describes what operations it
performs in terms of what messages it will exchange with other services and how to
call each operation. As AstroGrid staff started to wrap legacy command line codes
as web services, it became clear that this process of WSDL-generation was very
repetitive, and, also, that the WSDL contract itself did not specify all the information
about the service that might be required later. So, AstroGrid developed the Common Execution Architecture (CEA), which is both a restriction on what can be
expressed in WSDL (so that all services in AstroGrid are described by one
of a small set of CEA WSDL documents) and an extension to it, by adding functionality
which makes it possible to run the CEA-wrapped application code asynchronously (in
contrast to standard web service systems, which are built on synchronous calls). One
of the motivations for adding in the capability for asynchronous operations is that
many tasks which users will want to run in the VO may be very time-consuming, so,
in the standard, synchronous web service model, they could be timed-out and fail.
The likely prevalence of these long-running jobs within the VO implies that users
will want to be able to use the VO non-interactively, by launching a workflow which
links together a number of operations and automatically executes them in turn, rather
than requiring the user to set off each manually. To that end, AstroGrid has developed
a Job Execution System (JES), which takes as input a workflow file, specifying
a number of tasks in terms of calls to CEA services with particular inputs and outputs,
and which turns the input workflow into a transcript which logs information as each
constituent step in the workflow is executed. The information logged includes the
names and locations of intermediate data files, which means that complex workflows
which crash part-way through do not need to be re-run from the start. Many of the steps
in a workflow will require the reading from, or writing to, temporary data files, and
AstroGrid has implemented a distributed file storage system, called MySpace,
to aid that process. MySpace is composed of two parts: the FileStore component
corresponds to a physical unit of disk space; and the FileManager component looks
after the movement of files between FileStores. The user views her holdings in MySpace
as a single logical collection, even though they may be distributed across a number
of FileStores in different parts of the country, thereby simplifying her task in
managing her files within AstroGrid.
Users interact with the AstroGrid web services in two ways. Firstly, via a browser-based
Portal, which is now deprecated, or, secondly, using the WorkBench,
which is a Java client-side tool. Underpinning the Workbench is the Astro
Runtime [26], which calls AstroGrid web services on the user's behalf, as well
as providing a range of user-support tools, such as a query builder (which uses
registry information to help users create ADQL queries to run against particular
data resources exposed via the DSA), a job monitor (for tracking the status of jobs
submitted through JES) and a MySpace browser. A particular bonus is that the user
only has to log into the Workbench once to be authenticated with any service requiring
credentials. These user credentials are managed by the Community component. Each
user is a member of a community and when a user logs into AstroGrid, supplying a
username, password and the name of the community in which they are registered, that
community's server is queried to check that the user with that username and that
password really is a member of that community. This authentication is, in itself,
provides a very basic level of security (in that ensures that only registered users
are using the system) but it forms the basis of more thorough system, which supplements
authentication with authorization, to respect proprietary data access rights.
In this Section we gather together in one place all the requirements from
the SRAD which have a bearing on the VO-enabling of the VDFS science archives.
They are taken from Sections 4, 5 and 6 of AD01 and read as follows:
In this Section we discuss how the VO-related requirements of Section 4 are
being met, but before we do that, we note a few principles guiding the
VO-enabling of the VDFS Science Archives.
Firstly, it is not within the remit - or the funding capabilities - of
the VDFS to develop VO software: the VDFS and AstroGrid projects are closely
related, but the distinction between them must be respected and neither can
be allowed to stray into the realm of the other. This point has been highlighted
by oversight committees and must be borne in mind by readers of this document.
Secondly, the VDFS team will not risk a negative impact on operation of its
science archives caused by immature VO software. This means that VDFS staff must
err on the side of caution when deploying AstroGrid software and will only
deploy those components which they believe to be verified to be stable and
functioning properly. This cautious approach may mean that the VDFS science
archives do not, at any given time, have deployed against them all available
VO software, but the VDFS archiving team will be pro-active in engagement
with AstroGrid and will seek to be early adopters of mature AstroGrid software.
The six requirements listed in Section 4 can be considered in two groups,
covering science archive functionality (T4, T5) and security (A1, A2, A3). We
discuss these two groups in turn:
T4 requires that the VDFS-v1 (WFCAM) conforms to "existing VO standards" and,
more specifically that VDFS-v2 (WFCAM) conforms to "internationally agreed VO
standards in access tools, data product formats and transfer protocols". The current
status of conformance with the extant IVOA standards listed in Section 3.3.1 is as
T5 is essentially a specialisation of T4 concerned with query interfaces. As noted above,
the AstroGrid DSA component - which will allow complex queries
in the sense of T5, through use of ADQL - will be deployed against the WSA as soon as
it is verified that it
can support the authentication and authorization needed to implement the proprietary
access restrictions on the WSA. It is anticipated that this will occur within the next
few months, in which case the VSA should feature access via DSA from the outset.
A1 requires that archived data must be accessible only by validated users, while A3
commits the VDFS to enforcing proprietary rights on a per-frame basis. As noted above,
the delay in the deployment of a security infrastructure for AstroGrid has caused a
corresponding delay in the meeting of this requirement as it relates to VO access.
Taken together, A1 and A3 require the presence of authentication and authorization
functionality in AstroGrid. As described in Section 3.3.2, authentication is
performed through the Community component in AstroGrid, while authorization is not
yet implemented in any AstroGrid component. Since access to proprietary data had
to be possible from the launch of the WSA, it was necessary to develop a temporary
security infrastructure to make up for the lack of such a component in AstroGrid.
This was delivered in the form of a username/password combination which users must supply
before being granted access to the query webpages for proprietary WSA data. The list
of valid users to be assigned a username/password pair was generated from data supplied
by representatives within each UKIDSS institution and was implemented as a database table.
Once authentication is provided by AstroGrid, and UKIDSS members are signed up to their
local Community, this existing database table can be converted into an access control
list providing authorization.
A2 demands that archive data be uncorruptable by users. This requires the DSA components
deployed against the VDFS science archives to allow only read-only access to these
databases. This is currently the normal behaviour in the DSA, but a version of that
component which allows users to write to temporary tables in a database is under
develoment, and it is important that this version should not be deployed against the
VDFS science archives themselves, even if it is used to provide users of the archive
will temporary databases which can be used in conjunction with those science archives.
VDFS-v3 (WFCAM) envisages a significant enhancement in the data analysis functionality
offered as part of the WSA, and much of this will be offered within the context of the
VO. As mentioned in Section 3.2, WFAU are about to make two new appointments, to a position
within the VOTECH dedicated to researching VO data mining, and to a "data mining applications
scientist" post, which will cover the development of data analysis algorithms to be run on
the WSA and VSA. It is through these two new positions that the second piece of new
funtionality listed in Section 7 of the SRAD will be delivered, namely "server-based
data analysis tools, e.g. cluster analysis, PCA, etc". These tools will be implemented
as CEA web services, so that they can be called as part of an AstroGrid workflow. The third
new piece of functionality - "a system to allow uploadable user-specified analysis
algorithms" - has been the subject of a study performed by WFAU in cojunction with staff
from the Digital Curation Centre (DCC[27]), which concluded that there is a series of
measures which can be taken to ensure the integrity of a database which allows the upload
of user-specified analysis algorithms. Some of these measures are specific to particular
languages in which the algorithms may be coded - e.g. making use of the sandboxing
provided by the Java Virtual Machine - while others (e.g. assigning restricted rights
to particular users and groups) can be implemented at operating systen level or within
the database management system itself. The most sophisticated option is to use "proof
-carrying code" which brings with it a verifiable statement of its resource usage, but
this may prove difficult to apply to the WSA and VSA as it would currently require users to
annotate with special tags source code written in a restricted subset of Java, and users
are unlikely to take the trouble to learn the restrictions to the language or the annotations
required unless they really have to do that to make use of the WSA and VSA. The final piece
of new functionality envisaged for VDFS-v3 (WFCAM) is the recasting of "existing web
services as grid services, in order to allow queries and analysis using shared managed
resources with other data centres". As mentioned in Section 3.3.2, the distinction
between web and grid services has largely disappeared with the adoption of WSRF by the
Grid community. The VDFS science archives will continue to use AstroGrid services, and
to the extent that they start to use WSRF, this requirement will be satisfied.
This document has described the VO-enabling of the WSA and VSA. At present the WSA implements
those VO standards which have wide acceptance and meet the requirements of WSA users, and the
close interaction between WFAU's science archive and VO development teams ensures that the
WSA and VSA continue to be early adopters for AstroGrid software components, once they are
ADnn : Applicable Document No. nn
Issue: 1.0, September 2006
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Science Archive design must facilitate usage from `Grid clients' and
inclusion in the Virtual Observatory (VO).
Given the legacy aspect of the UKIDSS surveys (especially the LAS and GPS)
it is expected that the WSA will form a substantial element in the `datagrid'
of the VO (indeed, WFCAM is a prime science driver in the UK's AstroGrid
WSA access tools, data product formats and transfer protocols must conform
to internationally agreed VO standards.
Version 1.0 Science Archive will conform to existing
standards and will be designed such that new standards can be easily
incorporated, but must not be delayed by waiting for new developments to
crystalize. Ultimately, the Science Archive must
conform to internationally agreed VO standards in
access tools, data product formats and transfer protocols.
Science Archive must allow, for example,
simple and complex queries, with
appropriate interfaces.
Many users will query the WSA, from the Grid-client `power user' to the
casual, non-expert interactively browsing astronomer. Both are important
from the science exploitation point of view.
Different levels of user interface will be needed for the WSA, from
interactive web forms through remote-client GUIs to Grid-enabled clients.
Version 1.0 Science Archive will allow simple (see later) queries.
Version 2.0 Science Archive will allow usages at varying levels of
complexity (as defined later).
Archived data must be accessible only by validated users
Rationale: The WSA will contain data resulting from
internationally competitive science proposals.
Proprietary rights of the UKIDSS consortium and open-time
PIs/CoIs must not be
compromised by data being freely available through the online archive.
Implications: The Science Archive must have security systems
in place that prevent unfettered access by opportunistic users, but at the
same time must not become so protected that access by valid users is
hampered (e.g. by constantly asking for usernames/passwords). Security
systems must be able to cope with various proprietary periods, and
allow unfettered access after appropriate time intervals. All of this
in turn implies user registration with username/password
login and/or `digital certification'.
Any user (not just proprietors) should be able to derive information
on what is in the archive without being given access to those data.
Science Archive data
(all Versions) must be accessible only by validated users; archive
content information should be available without restrictions.
Archived data must be uncorruptable by Science Archive users.
Rationale: Scientific exploitation will be compromised if data
are corrupted.
Implications: Constant data ingest, recalibration of
photometry/astrometry, and functionality enhancements
imply a `living' archive that is subject to change. This opens up the
possibility of accidental corruption, especially by local archive
managers with read/write access to filesystems. Archive design must
minimise the possibility of accidental corruption, and also insure
against data loss and minimise reconstruction times by invoking an
appropriate backup policy.
Science Archive (all Versions) must be uncorruptable by Science Archive
Science Archive must allow data protection on the basis of proprietary
data (per frame)
Rationale: Proprietary periods will be different for different
observations (survey/non-survey).
Implications: Security
systems must be able to cope with various proprietary periods, and
allow unfettered access after appropriate time intervals.
Science Archive (all Versions) must allow data protection on the basis of
proprietary data (per frame)
Science Archive Functionality
Science Archive Security
Future plans
Summary and Conclusions
CASU : Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit
FITS : Flexible Image Transport System
GPS : Galactic Plane Survey (UKIDSS)
JAC : Joint Astronomy Centre
LAS : Large Area Survey (UKIDSS)
SQL : Structured Query Language
UKIDSS : UKIRT Deep Infrared Sky Survey
VDFS : VISTA Data Flow System
VISTA: Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy
WFAU : Wide Field Astronomy Unit (Edinburgh)
WFCAM : Wide-field infrared camera for the UK Infrared Telescope
VO : Virutal Observatory
VOTable : XML format developed for astronomical data for the VO
VSA : VISTA Science Archive
WSA : WFCAM Science Archive
XML : eXtensible Markup Language
AD01 Science Archive Science Requirements Analysis VDF-WFA-VSA-002-I1 Issue: 1.0 Sept 2006 AD02 Science Archive Database Design VDF-WFA-VSA-007
Date Section(s) Affected
Description of Change/Change Request Reference/Remarks Draft 1 Nov 2005 All New document based on old WSA SRAD Draft 2 Sep 2006 3,5,6,7 In preparation of UK VDFS FDR 1.0 Sep 2006 Minor tweaks by NCH Finalised for VDFS UK FDR
The following people should be notified by email whenever a new
version of this document has been issued:
WFAU: P Williams, N Hambly
CASU: M Irwin, J Lewis
QMUL: J Emerson
ATC: M. Stewart
JAC: A. Adamson
UKIDSS: S Warren, A Lawrence
About this document ...
Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999,
Ross Moore,
Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.
latex2html -html_version 3.2,math,table -no_math -toc_depth 5 -notransparent -white -split 0 VDF-WFA-VSA-010-I1
Nigel Hambly