The large format VISTA and WFCAM infrared cameras will have an unprecedented data rate. Ultimately, successful science exploitation of VISTA and WFCAM will depend on user access to the large data volumes generated by the instruments. Data volumes are far in excess of those that users can expect to hold and process on their own facilities. This leads to the concept of pipeline processing and the establishment of a centralised `science archive'. The VISTA Data Flow System (VDFS) is a systems engineered project to design and implement a pipeline and archive for WFCAM and VISTA data. The project to develop the VDFS Science Archives - the WFCAM Science Archive (hereafter WSA) and VISTA Science Archive (hereafter VSA) - is to be driven by the science requirements analysis presented here.
This document analyses the externally specified science requirements on the VDFS science archives to act as the starting point in the design process. Since the VDFS design philosophy is to develop a science archive system first for WFCAM, and then to scale the same system for VISTA, in this document the WFCAM requirements are analysed first, and then only those VISTA requirements on scope and functionality not already covered in the WFCAM analysis are considered further (differences in scale between WFCAM and VISTA are discussed extensively in AD01). Any requirements relevant only to pixel-level pipeline processing are not discussed here.
Standard, top-level analysis for complex digital systems consists of:
This science requirements analysis document (SRAD) details the basic requirements for the WSA and VSA, and represents item 1 in the above sequence. The intention is to state the top-level science requirements being placed on the science archives as a whole; analyse science usage examples of the WSA and VSA; and finally to discuss in more detail those requirements pertaining to them in order to produce a specification for their design. The approach taken in this document is to distil the external, top-level requirements and the usage examples, through analysis and implication, to an explicit statement of the science archive contents and functionality. Hence, the SRAD is structured as follows:
The WFAU VDFS science archive development homepage is at
The specified requirements are available online at Usage examples are available[5] and have been developed in collaboration with the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey[3] (UKIDSS) consortium, which constitutes the primary user community for the WSA.
Table 1 summarises the major surveys currently being undertaken with UKIRT/WFCAM. The product of the area, number of filters and typical number of visits per filter gives some idea of the relative scale of the surveys. Note that at the time of writing, the UKIDSS surveys are undergoing a review for continuation after two years of survey operations, and that a northern hemisphere analogue of the VISTA Hemisphere Survey (see the next Section) is being proposed.
Top-level requirements and usage examples are specified in AD01, which is available online at
Table 2 summarises the major public surveys being considered for implementation on VISTA, correct at the time of writing. Note that the final suite of surveys may consist of an altered set as a process of negotiation between the PIs and the ESO Public Surveys Panel is currently underway.
Note: this section is as originally prepared in Q1 2003, although some nomenclature in management documents now refers to `phases' rather than `versions'.
In the following analysis, we discuss the top-level requirements referenced in the previous Section in more detail (requirement labels refer to those used in the documents referenced). Each item has an associated Rationale, Implications which discuss the implications for the WSA design, an optional Note, and finally a concise statement of the requirement to be developed in later Sections. It is intended that the requirements cannot be changed without consultation (primarily with JAC and UKIDSS).
Science archive shall provide the maximum possible
potential for capitalizing on the UKIDSS surveys.
UKIDSS will absorb the greater fraction (75%) of
all WFCAM time on UKIRT and so is the top priority for WSA usage.
The UKIDSS programme must be the prime science
driver for the WSA. Archive development needs to be an open process, with
as much UKIDSS involvement as possible. Hence, full and up-to-date
documentation needs to be available in web-browsable form as well as
hardcopy. The tight schedule for WFCAM, the competition from CFHT WIRCam,
and the need for timely release of data for competitive and high-impact
science place a correspondingly tight schedule on delivery of the WSA.
Resource/time constraints imply a phased approach to WSA development, with
a committment to producing a basic working archive system by instrument
first light, followed by development to a fully functioning archive system
thereafter. To expedite delivery of the WSA, design should be based on
existing archive solutions and code where appropriate.
A basic working science archive (hereafter `Version 1.0') must
be in place at WFCAM first light. A fully functioning archive system (hereafter
`Version 2.0'), as defined by the requirements herein,
must be available as soon as possible
after WFCAM first light, and no later than 1 year after survey operations
begin in earnest.
Science Archive must contain and serve pipeline processed
data (processed pixels, object catalogues and housekeeping data)
from both UKIDSS and other usage (e.g. open time, commissioning time).
Even small PATT programmes (for example) may produce large amounts of data
that are problematic for the user's home institute resources. Moreover,
non-survey data will be a valuable datamining resource (see later).
WSA data accumulation must take into account non-survey usage. Database
schema design must be flexible to allow for non-survey data. Proprietary
rights need to be protectable in the WSA.
Pipeline processing and subsequent archiving cannot be undertaken for
frames taken in non-standard observing modes. For non-survey data that
are taken in standard modes, limited standardised schemas will be
set up and the data will be archived; it will not be possible to develop
individual schemas on a case-by-case basis.
Science Archive (all Versions) must contain and serve pipeline
processed data (pixels, object catalogues and housekeeping data)
from both UKIDSS and other usage (e.g. open time, commissioning time).
Science Archive must be flexible to cope with alterations to UKIDSS survey
design over time.
The UKIDSS observing allocation and programme are subject to change by the
Board on a 2 yearly rolling review.
WSA design must not preclude changes in design of the major surveys. Again,
database design must be sufficiently modular and flexible to cope with this.
Science Archive (all Versions) will match UKIDSS survey requirements as
they are
currently specified, but will be flexible enough to follow changes in survey
Science Archive design must facilitate usage from `Grid clients' and
inclusion in the Virtual Observatory (VO).
Given the legacy aspect of the UKIDSS surveys (especially the LAS and GPS)
it is expected that the WSA will form a substantial element in the `datagrid'
of the VO (indeed, WFCAM is a prime science driver in the UK's AstroGrid
WSA access tools, data product formats and transfer protocols must conform
to internationally agreed VO standards.
Version 1.0 Science Archive will conform to existing
standards and will be designed such that new standards can be easily
incorporated, but must not be delayed by waiting for new developments to
crystalize. Ultimately, the Science Archive must
conform to internationally agreed VO standards in
access tools, data product formats and transfer protocols.
Science Archive must allow, for example,
simple and complex queries, with
appropriate interfaces.
Many users will query the WSA, from the Grid-client `power user' to the
casual, non-expert interactively browsing astronomer. Both are important
from the science exploitation point of view.
Different levels of user interface will be needed for the WSA, from
interactive web forms through remote-client GUIs to Grid-enabled clients.
Version 1.0 Science Archive will allow simple (see later) queries.
Version 2.0 Science Archive will allow usages at varying levels of
complexity (as defined later).
Science Archive must be simple to use for PR purposes.
UKIDSS is the next development in the UK's Wide Field programme. High profile
science will emerge from UKIDSS, and as the first point of contact with the
data, the WSA must be designed appropriately.
Again, the WSA must be user-friendly to the casual, browsing user.
`Aesthetic' data products (e.g. pseudo-colour images) must be available,
in addition to `serious' science products.
The SDSS has good examples of entry points for PR purposes as well
as scientist access points. However, while the production of
individual images as a requirement of the WSA, the responsibility of
designing and maintaining a `gallery' website of publicity images
lies elsewhere (eg. with JAC and/or UKIDSS).
Science Archive (all Versions) must have interfaces that are open to
simple, intuitive use by the non-expert.
Science Archive must allow access to survey data before all observations
are complete, and must not be disrupted by regular ingest of new survey data.
Rapid exploitation requires immediate access. The full UKIDSS programme
will take up to 6 years or more, and users will want to undertake
preliminary analysis after months of data accumulation rather than wait
until the full survey datasets are released.
WSA design must allow for constant data ingest and regular data releases
(e.g. interim survey products). WSA must allow for updates to calibrated
quantities. WSA must allow for archiving of catalogues from `reruns' of
the processing pipeline, as well as catalogues from previous runs, over
pixel datasets in the event of bug fixes and/or enhancements of processing
The approach taken with the WFAU's SSS database is to locally mirror the
entire released dataset so that two versions are held: a static online
version, and another online (but inaccessible from the outside) version
for updates. At a release point, the update version becomes the network
online version, is copied back to mirror the latest updates, and the whole
procedure is so cycled.
Version 1.0 Science Archive must be operable in time for WFCAM first
light. Interim survey products must be released to the community on timescales
determined by WFCAM observing periods (i.e. a survey `release' will
occur as soon as possible after each observing period, and before the
end of the following period).
Science Archive must allow requests for arithmetic operations, and
options from an advanced processing toolkit, on pixel data.
Pixel data volumes will be too large for efficient transfer to users
home institute for manipulation.
WSA needs sufficient online storage for pixel data, and sufficient CPU,
temporary storage and appropriate software toolkits for pixel manipulation.
The astronomy community in general, and the VDFS pipeline processing
centre at CASU for example, are developing
pixel processing algorithms. Not all routines will need coding from scratch.
Version 2.0
Science Archive must allow requests for arithmetic operations, and
options from an advanced processing toolkit (see later), on pixel data.
There is no requirement on the Version 1.0 Science Archive to allow this
advanced functionality, since we do not anticipate any demand for this
immediately after first light.
Science Archive must be scalable to VISTA data volumes.
The WFCAM and VISTA cameras (and science programmes being pursued with them)
are similar enough that it makes sense to produce a scalable solution from
WFCAM to VISTA for cost effectiveness.
WSA developments must be open to scrutiny by, and must receive input from,
the VISTA project.
Note: VISTA first light is currently scheduled for Q4 2006.
Despite the need to expedite delivery of the WSA, development will be made
at all times with due regard to scalability to VISTA data volumes.
Science Archive must be able to merge reduced frames taken in
non-photometric conditions with other data from the same survey.
Rapid progress may require acceptance of sub-optimal observations in lieu
of better, later repeated observations.
WSA must be able to cope with sub-optimal data and their subsequent
displacement by better, repeat observations.
Science Archive (all Versions) must be able to cope with sub-optimal
survey observations, and their subsequent displacement by better, repeated
The following requirements form the baseline for the WSA; they are
an expansion of the top-level requirements above and items D
in the `Detailed Requirements'. Following T1 above, we have divided the
requirements into those that must be in place for WFCAM first light and those
that need fulfilling after a significant amount of data have accumulated.
There are several reasons for this: i) the timescale for the delivery of
WFCAM is short, so there is limited time for R&D concerning a large,
scalable archive system; ii) such a system is not required at first light
anyway since data volumes will be of limited size initially; iii) a phased
approach means that the final large hardware purchase can be delayed as
long as possible. So, we have grouped these into `Version 1.0 requirements',
and `Version 2.0 requirements'; some
requirements appear in the earlier version with limited scope,
and in the later versions with full-blown functionality. We
include some more long-term goals which may or may not be delivered,
contingent on implementation and resource constraints, and delivery of
appropriate tools/knowledge from related e-science projects (e.g. Astrogrid).
T1/T7: The `Version 1.0' working science archive must
be in place in time for WFCAM first light.
User access is to be through web forms providing fill-in boxes and
button clicks, and also via an SQL query form interface; a command-line
interface for remote users
to bypass interactive webforms will also be provided.
The summary in Section 7 gives an explicit statement of the
Version 1.0 WSA contents and functionality.
In addition to the Version 1.0 requirements:
T1: A fully functioning archive system,
as defined by the requirements (and where possible, goals) herein,
must be available as soon as possible
after WFCAM first light, and no later than 1 year after survey operations
begin in earnest.
Section 7 gives an explicit statement of the Version 2.0 WSA
contents and functionality.
T11: Science Archive response time should be
AD01 discusses the requirements on VDFS as a whole in terms of the following
broad headings: general; astrometric; photometric; tiling, stacking,
mosaicing; variable objects; object catalogues; and finally science usage
examples. For brevity, and following the VDFS design philosophy of
prototyping for WFCAM and scaling to VISTA, in what follows we simply note
where AD01 requirements are already covered without further discussion
(indeed, in some cases, requirements in AD01 are a restatement of those
previously specified for WFCAM). Not all requirements specified in AD01
are relevant to the science archive, and as such do not appear in this
analysis. Note that labels in bold face refer to requirements
and reference numbers in AD01.
The following requirements have been already discussed previously in
the context of the WSA (Section 4 and references
therein; relevant WSA requirement labels are noted in each case):
AD01 5.1 The VDFS shall process all VISTA science data...: T2
Following the analysis presented previously for WFCAM requirements:
AD01 5.4:
Finally, we note that AD01 5.16 specifies the goals for VDFS Archive
uptime, but no requirement is specified, reflecting
financial constraints and the fact that many factors that are beyond
the control of WFAU may impact archive availability (e.g. network
infrastructure downtime outwith the immediate control of WFAU).
The astrometric requirements are mainly relevant to pipeline processing
in VDFS; however any archive-end astrometric recalibration must note
the following:
AD01 7.1:
AD01 Section 8 mainly concerns pixel processing pipeline functionality.
AD01 8.3:
AD01 Section 9 specified that basic source variability should be
considered, with a set of four example scenarios. It is a
fundamental requirement on the VSA that sample searches for
variable objects, or conversely samples free from contamination
by variable objects, are to be possible.
AD01 10.1: The catalogues shall include the ...calibrations
described ...: C1, D12
AD01 10.4:
AD01 10.5
AD01 10.10:
AD01 10.12
The science examples covered in AD01 Section 11 overlap with those
already considered for WFCAM[5]
as follows (AD01 examples listed first
in each case):
AD01 11.3:
AD01 11.16:
AD01 11.17:
Finally, we note that AD01 usage examples 11.18 and 11.19 are outwith
the scope of the VDFS/VSA.
For both WFCAM and VISTA, the broad area of quality control is refered
to obliquely in the external requirements and their analysis previously.
Experience with WFCAM/UKIDSS has shown, moreover, that quality control
is a major issue (in fact, one of the most important issues) in
preparing survey releases. It is therefore vital that all aspects of the
VDFS Science Archives allow provision for open-ended and flexible quality
control procedures as required by the respective survey scientists involved
in defining and implementing the survey release products.
Without pre-empting the design presented in subsequent documents, we note
These items are expanded on in the design documentation, most notably AD02.
At its meeting on 2002 November 25, the UKIDSS Consortium discussed
the requirements and usages
along with the WSA development plan. The Consortium
suggested several changes along with some issues for discussion. The results
of these discussions were folded into this document, yielding the
following specification (in as much detail as is possible at this time)
for the WSA functionality and contents at Versions 1.0 and 2.0 (note: this
specification will be developed in later documents). The V2.0 requirements
can be considered `goals' of V1.0.
WSA Version 1.0 is deliverable at WFCAM first light.
In addition to the following, WFAU undertakes to apply UKIDSS-specified
algorithms, and import UKIDSS-supplied catalogues, to the WSA in lieu of
automatic tools for such functionality (see Version 2.0).
The V1.0 WSA will contain the following information in a relational DBMS:
The V1.0 WSA will have the following access points:
Version 2.0 is deliverable no later than one year after survey operations
begin, and will include more `database driven' products and features.
In addition to contents and functionality provided in V1.0, the
following specifies the V2.0 contents and functionality.
The V2.0 WSA will additionally contain:
In addition to the simple access tools provided in V1.0, one (or more)
advanced GUI(s) will be provided that have the following functionality:
Additionally, the web-based access tools in V1.0 will be supplemented with a
`web service' interface (eg. a non-interactive access tool employing XML
format data transfered using Simple Object Access Protocol) to provide,
where appropriate, non-interactive access to pixel and catalogue data.
Archive response time is to be
Later versions will be developed in tandem with further development for
the VISTA Science Archive (see below).
Owing to a slip in the delivery of WFCAM and subsequent start of survey
operations, the originally planned archive versions
(Section 7) were recast in the most recent externally
review VDFS resource/planning document[6]. Some of the
functionality described previously in specific archive versions was
moved forward while some was implemented ahead of schedule. The resulting
recast overall VDFS Science Archive versioning is as follows:
As part of on-going review of user requirements for the VISTA phase of
the VDFS Science Archive project, those PIs proposing ``public surveys''
with VISTA were contacted recently to get further input on archive
usage modes that may not be covered already in the existing WFCAM system.
Generally speaking, the community seems to view the existing WSA as
being able to cover most (or in some cases, all) of their baseline
requirements in terms of archive contents and functionality. The main
extension required for VISTA from WFCAM science programmes is an
increased emphasis in time-domain applications, with more synoptic
surveys being proposed for VISTA. Otherwise, at the time of writing,
the following suggestions for additional contents/functionalities
have been received from the respective PIs:
Clearly, some of the above (notably for the VVV) goes far beyond what can
be reasonably expected of a science archive - some of the required
functionality is already provided in multifarious client-side astronomy
applications and it is wholly sensible to rely on those when small
data sets are concerned. It is of course reasonable to require the archive
to provide data in appropriate formats to enable manipulation in those
same client-side applications, however.
ADnn : Applicable Document No. nn
Issue: 3.0, 5/07/2005
Issue: 1.0, Sept. 2006
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Science Archive must have some capability for the remote user to carry out
data exploration and interaction in real time.
The UKIDSS programme contains many instances (e.g. see the specific usage
examples) where the remote user will want to manipulate and visualise large
amounts of data quickly (i.e. without transfering the large dataset
to their own machine).
Remote client GUI tools (at the most basic level, web browsers)
will need to be exploitable for the WSA to enable
such interactive data exploration and manipulation. `Real time' interaction
has implications for WSA response time when trawling Tbyte-sized datasets.
Clearly, 1000
Of course, for queries on indexed quantities (position, image class,
brightness and other commonly used attributes), WSA response time will be
fast but ultimately limited by factors beyond the control of WFAU (eg. user network connectivity).
Version 2.0 Science Archive must have some capability for the remote
user to carry out data exploration and interaction in real time, where
`real time' is understood to mean a timescale of 100
Science archive contents and functions (minimum)
Contains calibrated object catalogues resulting from the pipeline, for
both UKIDSS and open-time observations
These are obvious, basic science archive functions.
Implications: Database schemas must be set up for various tables
of object catalogues. Catalogue ingest software and procedures will be
required. Software will be required for `post-processing'
type operations, for example, merging routines and recalibration routines.
Science Archive (all Versions) must contain calibrated object
catalogues resulting from the pipeline, for both UKIDSS and
open-time observations
Ingests and stores pipeline output frames for later online processing,
generates compressed pixel images on the fly
for rapid web-based access, carries out immediate cross-referencing
with existing UKIDSS
survey data and produces consolidated UKIDSS catalogue in a given field
Again, basic science archive functionality.
Implicattions: Database schemas must be designed
to track between object catalogue tables and pixel data files. Pixel
manipulation software will be required.
Science Archive (all Versions) must ingest and store pipeline output frames,
allow rapid web-based access to images, and produce merged UKIDSS
catalogues in a given field.
Is able to recalibrate a given field or fields in the event of revised
calibration information (specifically, photometric and astrometric), and
allow database queries on the recalibrated quantities
Rationale: Changes in calibration information are frequently encountered
in survey operations, and the science archive itself may lead to such changes.
Implications: Database schema must allow provision for recalibration -
e.g. stores positions as pixel co-ordinates plus and astrometric solution
(consisting of specified model and coefficients); stores photometry as flux
measures plus calibration data. Calibrated quantities will also be
required to be stored in tables, since inverting calibration models to
translate queries in calibrated units to uncalibrated ones will
be difficult in general. The archive must be able to replace
calibrated quantities when new ones become available. Calibration
version control within the archive is required.
Science Archive must be designed from the start to enable
astrometric and photometric recalibration.
Is able to cross-calibrate photometric information using areas
of overlap between processed frames, where available.
Rationale: This is not a sensible function of the pipeline, which is
required only to produce results on a night-by-night basis. The science
archive will have all photometric information and calibrations for all
frames, and is where cross-calibration should happen.
Implications: Calibration tools will be required to homogenise
photometry over surveyed areas using overlap information and photometric
Version 2.0 Science Archive must be able to cross-calibrate
using areas of overlap between processed frames, where available
(no requirement on Version 1.0 Science Archive to cross-calibrate).
Allows public access to subsets of survey data on a variety of
different search criteria (specified below)
Rationale: Basic science archive functionality.
Implications: For versatility, SQL-like querying is required, even if
this is transparent to the user (e.g. simple access via web-form interface).
Science Archive (all Versions) must be designed to allow public access to
subsets of survey data on a variety of different search criteria (specified
Allows rapid on-line cross-referencing of search results with other
Rationale: consistent with T1, this requirement is expanded on later.
Implications: The Science Archive must undertake to store
commonly used catalogues locally for combination queries in a
queryable database.
Science Archive (all Versions) must have available commonly used
catalogues (see later) stored locally. Version 2.0
Science Archive may additionally hold SDSS (and other survey) pixel data
for joint querying (see later).
Allows generation of finder charts via a web form
Rationale: Simple to provide and useful when observing at a site remote
from the UK.
Implications: Software will be required for generation of pixel and/or
ellipse plot finder charts. A web form will be required as the user
Science Archive (all Versions) must allow generation of finder charts via a
web form.
Holds housekeeping information for all archived data.
Rationale: It is essential to propagate all available data description
(e.g. FITS header data) through to the Science Archive, to enable users to
query those data
Implications: The Science Archive must be able
to track between object catalogue records, image
data files and the housekeeping data. For example, to protect proprietary
data rights the Science Archive will need to validate queries against
the source of any particular image subset (e.g. UKIDSS, PATT time, etc.)
Science Archive (all Versions) must hold housekeeping information for
all archived data.
Archived data must be accessible only by validated users
Rationale: The WSA will contain data resulting from
internationally competitive science proposals.
Proprietary rights of the UKIDSS consortium and open-time
PIs/CoIs must not be
compromised by data being freely available through the online archive.
Implications: The Science Archive must have security systems
in place that prevent unfettered access by opportunistic users, but at the
same time must not become so protected that access by valid users is
hampered (e.g. by constantly asking for usernames/passwords). Security
systems must be able to cope with various proprietary periods, and
allow unfettered access after appropriate time intervals. All of this
in turn implies user registration with username/password
login and/or `digital certification'.
Any user (not just proprietors) should be able to derive information
on what is in the archive without being given access to those data.
Science Archive data
(all Versions) must be accessible only by validated users; archive
content information should be available without restrictions.
Archived data must be uncorruptable by Science Archive users.
Rationale: Scientific exploitation will be compromised if data
are corrupted.
Implications: Constant data ingest, recalibration of
photometry/astrometry, and functionality enhancements
imply a `living' archive that is subject to change. This opens up the
possibility of accidental corruption, especially by local archive
managers with read/write access to filesystems. Archive design must
minimise the possibility of accidental corruption, and also insure
against data loss and minimise reconstruction times by invoking an
appropriate backup policy.
Science Archive (all Versions) must be uncorruptable by Science Archive
Science Archive must allow data protection on the basis of proprietary
data (per frame)
Rationale: Proprietary periods will be different for different
observations (survey/non-survey).
Implications: Security
systems must be able to cope with various proprietary periods, and
allow unfettered access after appropriate time intervals.
Science Archive (all Versions) must allow data protection on the basis of
proprietary data (per frame)
Science Archive must be quickly recoverable in the event of corruption
by hardware/software faults etc.
Rationale: Clear need to ensure against data loss.
Implications: Science Archive will require backup on
removable media and/or 100% redundant storage with data striping
(i.e. fault tolerant hardware/software).
Science Archive (all Versions) must be quickly recoverable in the event
of corruption by hardware or software faults etc.
Detailed requirements
Version 1.0 requirements
T2: Science Archive must contain and serve
pipeline processed data (pixels, object catalogues and housekeeping data)
from both UKIDSS and other usage (e.g. open time, commissioning time).
T3: Science Archive will match UKIDSS survey requirements as they are
currently specified, but will be flexible enough to follow changes in survey
T4: Science Archive will conform to any existing `Virtual Observatory'
standards and will be designed such that new standards can be easily
incorporated, but must not be delayed by waiting for new developments to
T5: Science Archive will allow simple (see below) queries.
T6: Science Archive must have an interface that is open to
simple, intuitive use by the non-expert.
Despite the need to expedite delivery of the WSA, development will be made
at all times with due regard to scalability to VISTA data volumes.
T10: Science Archive must be able to cope with sub-optimal
observations, and their subsequent displacement by better, repeated
C1: Science Archive must contain calibrated object
catalogues resulting from the pipeline, for both UKIDSS and
open-time observations
C2: Science Archive must ingest and store pipeline output frames,
allow rapid web-based access to images, and produce merged UKIDSS
catalogues in a given field.
C3: Science Archive must be designed from the start to enable
astrometric and photometric recalibration.
C5: Science Archive must be designed to allow public access to
subsets of survey data on a variety of different search criteria (specified
C6: Science Archive must have available commonly used catalogues
(see later) stored locally.
C7: Science Archive must allow generation of finder charts via a
web form.
C8: Science Archive must hold housekeeping information for
all archived data.
D1: Science archive must allow searching individual (or all) UKIDSS surveys
on the following criteria (or combination of them):
D3: Science Archive must allow similar queries to be repeated for all
objects in a user-supplied source catalogue.
D4: Science Archive must allow combinations of queries on UKIDSS data and
the following other source catalogues:
D6: Science Archive must have a simple interface for very quick searching on
a given object name or position.
D8: Science Archive must return pixel images, confidence maps and
catalogue data in gzipped FITS format, and must allow users to specify
the output format of returned data as follows:
D9: Science Archive must be able to return pixel data in any available
passband, over a contiguous field up to one `tile' (
D11: Science Archive must be able to generate and return stacked images
given a user-selected list of input images and the standard stacking
algorithm in the CASU basic pipeline.
D12: Science Archive must be able to generate and return merged
multi-colour, multi-parameter catalogues with the best available
photometric and astrometric calibrations.
D13: Science Archive must support federation with the source
catalogues specified in D4 above
D14: Science Archive must be able to generate and return meaningful optical/IR
colours for all objects in the overlap with the existing SDSS data
where counterpart detections occur in the SDSS object catalogue.
D16: Science Archive must support the returning of only a subset of the entire
possible array of object parameters.
D19: Science Archive must be able to produce a finder chart of size up to
10 arcmin for any region
within which survey data exist, returning ellipse detection plot and/or a
single colour pixel plot, as specified by the user.
D20: Science Archive must allow access to best or duplicate data for objects
in overlapping survey data.
D21: Science Archive must allow general access to all housekeeping data -
e.g. for a given survey area, what is currently available, how good it is,
D22: Science Archive must store uncalibrated quantities, calibrated
quantities and the calibration model/coefficients. Archive output must
therefore include (in headers)
D23: Science Archive must allow a summary of data available to be generated
for a given search region.
A1: Science Archive must be accessible only by validated users.
A2: Science Archive must be uncorruptable by Science Archive
A3: Science Archive must allow data protection on the basis of
proprietary data (per frame).
A4: Science Archive must be quickly recoverable in the event
of corruption by hardware/software faults etc.
Version 2.0 requirements
T4: Science Archive must eventually
conform to internationally agreed VO standards in
access tools, data product formats and transfer protocols.
T5: Science Archive will allow usages at varying levels of complexity (as
defined later).
Interim survey products must be released to the community on timescales
determined by WFCAM observing periods (i.e. a survey `release' will
occur as soon as possible after each observing period, and before the
end of the following period).
T8: Science Archive must allow requests for arithmetic operations, and
options from an advanced processing toolkit (see later), on pixel data.
T9: WSA solution must be scalable to VISTA data volumes.
T11: Science Archive must have some capability for the remote user to
carry out data exploration and interaction in real time: the Science Archive
response time should be 100
C4: Science Archive must be able to cross-calibrate photometric
information using areas of overlap between processed frames, where available.
C6: Science Archive must have the final SDSS catalogues
(and, if possible, images) stored
locally, in addition to the catalogues specified for the Version 1.0 Science
D1: Science Archive must allow searching individual (or all) UKIDSS surveys
on the following criteria (or combination of them):
D2: Science Archive must allow searching within open-time programme data
using the same criteria as D1 (where possible), returning whatever data are
D4: Science Archive must allow combinations of queries on UKIDSS data and
the following other source catalogues:
D5: Science Archive must allow arithmetic functions to be used in setting
up complex queries (e.g. for a colour index not stored in survey catalogue
D6: Science Archive must have a remote GUI
application for formulating queries (e.g. an interface analogous to the
SDSS Java-based query tool).
D7: Science Archive access GUI must allow plotting of returned parameters,
in selected (X,Y) pairs or histograms, and also provide basic fitting
D10: Science Archive must be able to generate (on-the-fly) and return
larger (than D9) areas from survey data traversing survey tile boundaries,
blocked down as specified by the user, in formats specified in D8.
D11: Science Archive must be able to generate and return stacked images
using user-specified (see later) stacking algorithm options.
D12: Science Archive must be able to generate and return merged
multi-colour, multi-parameter catalogues with the best
(or previous as specified by the user) photometric and astrometric
D13: Science Archive must support federation with the source
catalogues specified in D4 above
D14: Science Archive must be able to generate and return meaningful optical/IR
colours for all objects in the overlap with the SDSS, whether or not
detected in the SDSS data (i.e. it must be possible to place an aperture
in and measure the flux from SDSS image data given the position of an IR
source detection).
D15: Science Archive must support ANDing of one query with another, where
both have already been executed.
D17: Science Archive must allow trial-and-error searches (e.g. return
the number of source hits rather than the output results), for any valid
D18: Science Archive must allow repetition of queries using previous versions
of astrometric and photometric calibrations.
D19: Science Archive must be able to produce a finder chart for any region
within which survey data exist, returning a
colour pixel plot, as specified by the user, generated from available
single-passband images of the same field.
D20: Science Archive must allow access to best or duplicate data for objects
in overlapping survey data, and must contain proper motion measures for
objects where multi-epoch position measurements exist.
C6: Science Archive will, insofar as external developments allow, be
integrated into the `Virtual Observatory' (VO) as a general solution to rapid,
online cross-referencing with any published astronomical catalogues that
are also contained within the VO.
D1: Science Archive may recast web services as `Grid services' (a
Grid-based solution to user access) in collaboration with AstroGrid.
D4/13: Science Archive may allow combinatorial queries with catalogues
anywhere on the `data-Grid', i.e. may allow database federation across
the grid.
D7: Science Archive will aspire to the mantra `ship the results, not the
data', i.e. may allow remote procedure calls to advanced manipulation
tools and may allow user upload of analysis codes.
D10/11: Science Archive may ultimately support advanced visualisation
tools, e.g. large area, panoramic pseudo-colour images with panning
in real time; three-dimensional catalogue parameter plotting and
General Requirements (AD01 Section 5)
Archive requirements already covered by those for the WSA
AD01 5.2 The release, and use ...shall take account of any proprietary
periods ...: T2
AD01 5.3 The data output by the VDFS science archive ...shall be
...compliant with the Virtual Observatory ...: T4, D8
AD01 5.5a For reduced data, summary information ...shall be
written ...: C8
AD01 5.7 The VDFS shall provide means of tracking survey ...
progress ...: D21
AD01 5.8 The VDFS shall provide ``summary statistics'' ...: C8, D21
AD01 5.9 There shall be ``query-driven'' access to the VDFS Archive
...: T5 and additional details as follows: a:T6; b:D1; c:D5; d:D1;
e:D3; f:D4 (but note additional external surveys); g:D16
AD01 5.11 The VDFS Archive shall have capability ...for
arithmetic image processing: T8, D11
AD01 5.12 The VDFS Archive shall comprise both a ``living'' internal
database ...and a small number of data releases ...: T7, A3
AD01 5.15a The archive shall be capable of limiting access ...: A1
AD01 5.15b Access shall allow for any proprietary periods: A3
AD01 5.15c shall be impossible for Archive users to corrupt
the data or overload ...: A2
AD01 5.17 The goals for VDFS Archive response time ...: T11
Archive requirements not already covered
The VDFS shall be able to ...archive data at a peak rate of
1000 GB/day for 10 days, and a sustained mean rate of 650 GB/day
...long term ...
Rationale: Archive ingest must keep pace with the data flow rate
upstream in the system.
Implications: Network connection with the processing centre and
archive ingest must have sufficient bandwidth to keep pace with these
Note: These figures specified in AD01 are `worst-case' since they
allow for retransfer/reingest
of reprocessed data, and do not include reduction factors for
lossless compression. Experience with WFCAM indicates that 4-byte
integer IR data compressess by a factor of up to 4 x
The Science Archive (all Versions) must be capable of transfer/ingest
of pixel data at a peak rate of 1TB/day (uncompressed)
and ingest of catalogue and
image metadata at a peak rate of around 20 GB/day
AD01 5.6:
The VDFS shall function correctly in the event of ...non-operational
or missing detectors ...
Rationale: Given the number of detectors in the tiled focal plane,
there is an increased chance of one or more detector failures but a
continuation of operations in spite of this.
Implications: no archive ingest, curation or user interface
application can assume presence of all detectors, all of the time.
No Science Archive application (ingest, curation or user interface in
any version) may be dependent on all detectors being present all of the
AD01 5.9h:
Query returns shall be able to included a user-selected random sampled
percentage ...
Rationale: General sample selection (rare object searches for example)
may require an iterative usage mode where the user refines the
completeness/contamination trade-off in a query to obtain a viable sample
with which to work.
Implications: The Science Archive must provide a flexible
querying facility that includes this feature.
Note: Given a uniformly distributed attribute that is not
correlated with any science attribute, for example a database unique ID
key, this is straightforward in SQL.
The Science Archive (all versions) should provide a query facility capable
of returning a user-selectable percentage sampling for a given selection
to aid in optimising sample completeness/contamination at query time.
AD01 5.10:
When selecting object by colour, it shall be possible to select using
a cut on time-lag between observations in different filters.
Rationale: To avoid contamination by photometric variables.
Implications: The Science Archive must have a data model that
tracks the required metadata, and a flexible querying facility that
enables sample selection predicated on any image metadata attributes.
Note: The WSA Questions and Answers page at
demonstrates how to do this employing the WSA data model with an
appropriate SQL query.
Science Archive query selection (all versions) shall facilitate predicates
on metadata attributes as well as catalogue attributes (e.g. maximum
observation date difference between filters when querying on source colours).
AD01 5.13:
Once released, each data release shall remain indefinitely available, and
the image and catalogue data shall not be modified.
Rationale: Continued access to old versions is required for
cross-checking results.
Implications: storage requirements must be estimated for the data
volumes likely to be needed. If large amounts of reprocessing are deemed
necessary, then it could be that all pixel processing versions cannot be
retained; similarly, it may not be possible to retain all released
database products. The pragmatic policy should be to discard the oldest
versions if storage space needs to be recovered.
Science Archive (all versions) shall retain each catalogue database
product and pixel processed dataset indefinitely, insofar as storage
restrictions allow.
AD01 5.14:
To facilitate follow-up spectroscopy, it shall be possible for a user
to upload a list of target positions and reference star search radius,
then the Archive shall return the update target position (based on the
latest astrometric solution) and a list of reference stars within the
search radius.
Rationale: Fibre spectroscopy in particular requires targets and
fiducials on a single, precise and uniform astrometric system.
Note: This is more of a specific usage example than a general
The Science Archive shall provide updated astrometric information to the
user in an easy and flexible manner.
AD01 5.15d:
Releases will require prior authorisation by the VISTA PI to ensure
they are agreed by the necessary supervisory bodies.
Rationale: To ensure controlled release of data at appropriate
times and to appropriate user communities.
Each Science Archive release shall be authorised by the VISTA PI.
Astrometric Requirements (AD01 Section 6)
Absolute astrometric accuracy is required to be better than 0.3 arcsec;
differential astrometric accuracy is required to be better than 0.1 arcsec
within a tile and better than 0.03 arcsec within the area of sky covered
by a single detector.
Photometric Requirements (AD01 Section 7)
Absolute photometric accuracy 0.02
First-pass photometric calibration with respect to
2MASS is provided in the nightly processing pipeline. It is likely
that for the filters in common with 2MASS (JHK) and in fields
free from heavy extinction,the
nightly pipeline will produce the photometric accuracy required
(indeed, experience operating the VDFS with WFCAM data has shown
this to be the case). However, for other filters, for fields
with moderate to high extinction, and for the purposes of
approaching the goal of absolute JHKs photometric precision of 1
Any archive end photometric recalibration procedure must deliver
absolute photometric precision of 2
Tiling, Stacking, Mosaicing Requirements (AD01 Section 8)
Archive requirements already covered by those for the WSA
Archive requirements not already covered
The image stacking shall provide a choice of options for pixel
interpolation, including ...
We note that the list of options (a to e) specified here may be
required to be implemented at the archive end, provided the
requisite toolkit codes are available for a given option.
Variable Objects (AD01 Section 9)
Object Catalogues (AD01 Section 10)
Archive requirements already covered by those for the WSA
AD01 10.2: The catalogued object parameters shall include ...
the list as specified ...: C1
AD01 10.3: There shall be the following options multiple bands ...: C1, C2, D12 (for b)
Archive requirements not already covered
It shall be possible to identify solar system objects ...
Rationale: Fast moving objects appear at different positions
in non-contemporaneously observed passbands, potentially giving rise
to unpaired objects in merged source lists that can be mistaken for
very rare (and highly sought after) objects of extreme colour.
Fast moving solar system objects must be detected and flagged as
such in final source catalogues to prevent them from contaminating
user-selected samples of, for example, extreme colour.
Known asteroids which appear in the final VDFS catalogues shall be flagged
as such
Rationale: Again, to prevent confusion when selecting samples of
rare objects
Known asteroids which appear in the final VDFS catalogues shall be flagged
VDFS shall provide a simple completeness estimate for each tile ...
Rationale: To aid completeness estimates and corrections when
analysing the statistics of selected samples. We note also the goal
AD01 10.11.
VDFS shall provide a simple completeness estimate for each tile
VDFS shall be able to generate basic variability data by choosing
a time spacing a series of frames ...into `epochs'
...and then reduce the level of one catalogue per
Rationale: Such archive-end functionality will be useful for the VVV
and VMC Surveys (Section 3.2). We note also the goal
AD01 10.13.
VDFS shall be able to generate variability data from grouped and
stacked `epoch' imaging data via source catalogue extraction
from those epoch stacks.
Science Examples (AD01 Section 11)
Select objects in VISTA Deep survey at J-band using Petrosian magnitudes
Rationale: Similar to several WSA usage modes, but with the
additional requirement of provision of a completeness map, e.g. estimated
detection probability at a given magnitude limit averaged in 1 arcmin pixels
across the survey area.
The VSA shall have some means of provision of estimated
detection probability as a function of magnitue.
Provide luminosity function for Galactic cluster ...:
Rationale: Again, the provision of data for the compution of an
empirical LF is similar to several existing WSA usage modes, but the
provision of a completeness function is not.
The VSA shall have some means of provision of estimated completeness
as a function of magnitue.
...i) take a list of LSB galaxies detected in a visible survey ...
ii) Detection in NIR. ...:
Rationale: AD01 notes that such a specialist application may
require upload of user code to the archive to analyse pixel data.
The VSA shall have a facility for upload of user-supplied pixel
analysis code.
Version 1.0
and also image data (pixels with confidence maps; default stacks for the
deep surveys; and difference images for the GPS K band)
in flat files, along with a large reserve (scratch) workspace for use
during querying. The V1.0 WSA will also contain online documentation and
`cookbook' style worked examples to aid users.
`Remote server' functionality for web-based browsing tools
(e.g. SkyCAT/GAIA/Aladin) will be provided for some of the above
image/catalogue servers, along with a command line interface for remote
user non-interactive web access. Archive response time for catalogue
queries will be rapid for indexed quantities as follows: position,
magnitude, colour, and image class.
and additionally the same searching functions on a user-specified ASCII
(space separated) of centres (sexagesimal or decimal degrees) and
search radii (i.e. a batch mode search). This interface will also produce
ellipse plots for use as finder charts. For an example of such an
interface, see WFAU's SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey access page,
particularly the `Get a CATALOGUE' interface.
combinatorial queries with the 2MASS, SSS, SDSS-DR1 and USNO-B catalogues
will be provided for. For an example of such an SQL interface, see WFAU's
6dF access interface at URL
For an example of such an interface, see WFAU's SSS page (URL above),
particularly the `Get an IMAGE' facility.
Version 2.0
Later Versions
Additional requirements from VISTA Public Surveys
CASU : Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit
CDS : Stellar Data Centre (Strasbourg, France)
CFHT : Canada France Hawaii Telescope
FITS : Flexible Image Transport System
GPS : Galactic Plane Survey (UKIDSS)
JAC : Joint Astronomy Centre
LAS : Large Area Survey (UKIDSS)
SDSS : Sloan Digitial Sky Survey
SQL : Structured Query Language
SSS : SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey
UKIDSS : UKIRT Deep Infrared Sky Survey
VDFS : VISTA Data Flow System
VISTA: Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy
WFAU : Wide Field Astronomy Unit (Edinburgh)
WFCAM : Wide-field infrared camera for the UK Infrared Telescope
WIRCam : Wide-field infrared camera for the CFHT
VO : Virutal Observatory
VOTable : XML format developed for astronomical data for the VO
VSA : VISTA Science Archive
WSA : WFCAM Science Archive
XML : eXtensible Markup Language
2MASS : 2 Micron All-Sky Survey
AD01 UK VISTA User Requirements VDF-SPE-IOA-00009-0001
AD02 VDFS Science Archive Database Design VDF-WFA-VSA-007
Date Section(s) Affected
Description of Change/Change Request Reference/Remarks Draft 1 Nov 2005 All New document based on old WSA SRAD Draft 2 Sep 2006 3,5,6,7 In preparation of UK VDFS FDR Issue 1 Sep 2006 Final sections Completion for UK VDFS FDR
The following people should be notified by email whenever a new
version of this document has been issued:
WFAU: P Williams, N Hambly
CASU: M Irwin, J Lewis
QMUL: J Emerson
ATC: M. Stewart
JAC: A. Adamson
UKIDSS: S Warren, A Lawrence
About this document ...
Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999,
Ross Moore,
Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.
latex2html -html_version 3.2,math,table -no_math -toc_depth 5 -notransparent -white -split 0 VDF-WFA-VSA-002-I1
Nigel Hambly