
Database schema file for UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey (GPS) catalogue data in the WFCAM Science Archive. Contains SQL scripts to create the relevant tables.
gpsAstrometricInfo Contains astrometric information that will be used in linking up epochs
gpsDetection Contains the individual GPS source detections for all science frame types in GPS including pawprint stacks, deep stacks.
gpsMergeLog Contains frame set details of merged GPS MultiframeDetector images.
gpsOrphan Contains bright detections that are missing in the BestMatch table.
gpsSource Contains merged sources from detections in gpsDetection.
gpsSourceExtinction Contains match between gpsSource and any overlapping 3-D extinction maps
gpsSourceXDetectionBestMatch Links each unique source in gpsSource to each stack epoch in Multiframe (or gpsDetection).
gpsVarFrameSetInfo Contains photometric and astrometric noise fitting information for each frameSet.
gpsVariability Contains statistical analysis of GPS primary sources.
Latest Revision:12387, 2019-01-30 13:49:27 (Wed, 30 Jan 2019)