VIEW  lasFrameSets

View of all frame sets defined for the UKIDSS LAS

This view is simply a union of all frame set / multiframe combinations
from the LAS merge log. This provides a direct link between a given frame
set and it's constituent multiframes and detector frames in a single
queryable object. View allFrameSets provides a view of all archived sets.

SELECT frameSetID,ymfID AS multiframeID,yeNum AS extNum
FROM lasMergeLog
WHERE deprecated=0
SELECT frameSetID,j_1mfID AS multiframeID,j_1eNum AS extNum
FROM lasMergeLog
WHERE deprecated=0
SELECT frameSetID,j_2mfID AS multiframeID,j_2eNum AS extNum
FROM lasMergeLog
WHERE deprecated=0
SELECT frameSetID,hmfID AS multiframeID,heNum AS extNum
FROM lasMergeLog
WHERE deprecated=0
SELECT frameSetID,kmfID AS multiframeID,keNum AS extNum
FROM lasMergeLog
WHERE deprecated=0

The details of the table defined by this view are available here.