TABLE  MapFrameStatus

Contains details of the processing status for each matched-aperture product frame

In general, frames stored within the archive can have multiple matched-apertured product
remeasurements performed on them for different purposes

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (catalogueID)
  • (multiframeID) references Multiframe(multiframeID)
  • (mapID) references RequiredMatchedApertureProduct(mapID)n

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
programmeIDint4 WSA assigned programme UID-99999999ID_SURVEY
multiframeIDbigint8 the UID of the relevant multiframe-99999999ID_FRAME
mapIDint4 UID of matched-aperture product-99999999meta_id
cuEventIDint4 UID of curation event giving rise to this record-99999999REFER_CODE
ppErrBitsStatusint4 Bit flag to denote whether detection quality flagging has been done on this multiframe for this programme and this map product.0 
catNamevarchar256 the filename of the associated catalogue MEF, eg. server:/path/filename_list.fitsNONEID_CATALOG
versionNumsmallint2 Version number of the catalogue-9999 
deprecatedtinyint1 Code for a current (=0) or deprecated (!=0)0CODE_MISC
bitProcessingFlagint4 a bit-wise processing flag bit 0 catalogue extraction, bit 1 table culled, bit 2 headers updated-99999999 
filteredImageNamevarchar256 the filename of the associated filtered image name, eg. server:/path/filename_st_tl_two.fitNONE 
catalogueIDbigint8 Unique identifier for catalogue-99999999meta_id;meta_main
isIngestedtinyint1 Has the catalogue been ingested Y=1/N=00 
Total length552