TABLE  wserv1000MapAverageWeights

Contains weights for each input frame for WSERV1000 averaged catalogues.

Weight for each input OB frame for set of combinations

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (apertureID, combicatID,catalogueID)
  • (apertureID,combicatID) references wserv1000MapRemeasAverRaw(apertureID,catalogueID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
apertureIDbigint8 UID of this aperture as assigned by MAP selection, see RequiredMatchedApertureProduct meta_id;meta_main
combicatIDbigint8 Unique identifier for combined average catalogue-99999999meta_id;meta_main
catalogueIDbigint8 Unique identifier for input catalogue-99999999meta_id
weightreal4 Normalised (conf=100 in a pawprint=1) weight of offset 1-9.999995e8 
Total length28