TABLE  u14bua18SourceXwiseScosPhotoz

Cross-neighbours between u14bua18 and wiseScosPhotoz.

All WISExSCOSPZ..wiseScosPhotoz sources within 10.0 arcsec of each source from
U14BUA18 data are recorded in this cross-neighbour table. The table
u14bua18Source was joined to the wiseScosPhotoz table to create these
cross-neighbours. Use this table for any cross-querying of U14BUA18
data with sources from WISExSCOSPZ.

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
masterObjIDbigint8 The unique ID in u14bua18Source (=sourceID) ID_MAIN
slaveObjIDbigint8 The unique ID of the neighbour in WISExSCOSPZ..wiseScosPhotoz (=wiseID) ID_CATALOG
distanceMinsreal4arcminutesAngular separation between neighbours POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL
Total length20