VIEW  reliableDxsSource

Reliable, but incomplete, source catalogue derived from UKIDSS DXS

This view defines a reliable subset of all sources from the UKIDSS
Deep eXtragalactic Survey (DXS). If your application requires a seamless
selection of reliable sources in the DXS then use this view.
NB: as always, there is a trade-off between completeness and reliability.
If completeness is more important than high reliability, then make your
sample selection from dxsSource directly with appropriate predicates.
If a very clean, highly reliable selection is required, then use this
view. Selection is based on detecions in JK (e.g. single passband
detections will NOT appear in this view).

FROM   dxsSource
/*     Seamless selection of unique objects: */
WHERE  (priOrSec <= 0 OR priOrSec = frameSetID)
/*     Good quality detection in both J and K: */
AND    jppErrBits BETWEEN 0 AND 255
AND    kppErrBits BETWEEN 0 AND 255
/*     Good quality detection, OR none, in H: */
AND    hppErrBits <= 255
/*     J and K positional coincidence within 0.5 arcsec: */
AND    jXi BETWEEN -0.5 AND +0.5 AND jEta BETWEEN -0.5 AND +0.5
AND    kXi BETWEEN -0.5 AND +0.5 AND kEta BETWEEN -0.5 AND +0.5
/*     H positional tolerance within 0.5 arcsec if available: */
AND    ((hXi BETWEEN -0.5 AND +0.5 AND hEta BETWEEN -0.5 AND +0.5) OR (hXi < -0.9e9))

The details of the table defined by this view are available here.