TABLE  RequiredNeighbours

Details programmes/survey tables that have default joins within the WSA.

This table contains the matrix of programmes/external survey tables that
have default neighbour joins within the WSA.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (programmeID,tableID,surveyID,extTableID,extProgID)
  • (programmeID,tableID) references ProgrammeTable(programmeID,tableID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
programmeIDint4 the unique programme ID ID_SURVEY
tableIDint4 the unique identifier for the programme table ID_SURVEY
surveyIDint4 the unique identifier for the survey ID_SURVEY
extTableIDint4 the unique table ID ID_MAIN
joinCriterionreal4arcminutesthe join criterion (search radius for matches) ??
neighbourTablevarchar256 the name of the neighbour join table ID_TABLE
extProgIDint4 the unique programme ID for second table if there are multiple programmes in the neighbour survey-99999999ID_SURVEY
Total length280